They are great devotees of God. They are like the sun and moon, shining brightly in the sky. They are like the sages and saints, who have realized the truth. They are pure and eternal, and they enjoy the bliss of divine love
- (my dear)
Verse 10
NI mEnu nAma vaibhavambulanu nI parAkrama dhairyamula shAnta mAnasamu nIvulanu vacana satyamunu, raghuvara nIyeDa sadbhaktiyu janincakanu durmatamulanu kalla jEsinaTTi nImadi neringi santasambunanu guNa bhajanA-nanda kirtanamu jEyu vAr-
I know your name and your glory. I know your strength and your courage. You are the embodiment of peace. Your words are true. You are the supreme devotee of Lord Rama. You have conquered evil thoughts. You are my guide and my protector. You are the embodiment of love and devotion
- (my soulmate)
You know the secrets of the Bhagavata, the Ramayana, and the Gita. You know the essence of the Vedas, the Shastras, and the Puranas. You know the hidden meanings of the scriptures. You know the hearts of all beings. You experience the joy of music and dance. You live a long and happy life
- (my everything)