M & G - Zi-Mi De Unde Ești - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction M & G - Zi-Mi De Unde Ești

Zi-Mi De Unde Ești
Where Are You From
As vrea sa ma asculti
I'd like you to listen to me
Daca nu te superi iti propun
If you don't mind, I propose
Sa te cunosc mai bine si sa ma cunosti
To get to know you better and you to get to know me
N-ai sa regreti nimic chiar daca sunt de jos.
You won't regret anything even though I'm from the bottom.
Zi'mi de unde esti. sau nici nu stii sa vorbesti.
Tell me where you're from. or you don't even know how to speak.
Zi'mi de unde vine asa femeie ca tine.
Tell me where such a woman like you comes from.
Spune'mi cum te cheama inc'o data te rog.
Tell me your name one more time please.
Ce trebuie sa fac sa vii cu mine'n dormitor...
What do I have to do to get you to come to the bedroom with me...
Zi'mi de unde esti. sau nici nu stii sa vorbesti.
Tell me where you're from. or you don't even know how to speak.
Zi'mi de unde vine asa femeie ca tine.
Tell me where such a woman like you comes from.
Spune'mi cum te cheama inc'o data te rog.
Tell me your name one more time please.
Ce trebuie sa fac sa vii cu mine'n dormitor...
What do I have to do to get you to come to the bedroom with me...
Nu stiu de unde te cunosc paca te'am mai vazut odat'...
I don't know where I know you from, maybe I've seen you before...
Am ceva pt tine. sa stii ca esti grozava.
I have something for you. you should know you're awesome.
Nu ma intereseaza daca'mi spui ca esti ocupata.
I don't care if you tell me you're busy.
Din cate femei am intalnit esti cea mai adevarata.
Of all the women I've met, you're the most real.
Ai niste sani imensi. de'am innebunit dupa ei
You have huge breasts. I've gone crazy for them
Toata lumea se opreste stop.
Everyone stops stop.
Arati bine de tot.
You look really good.
Eleganta bine'mbracata. stilata. coafata
Elegant well-dressed. stylish. hair styled
Fardata. cea mai sexi fata.
Made-up. the sexiest girl.
Simt o placere sa privesc chipul tau.
I feel a pleasure to look at your face.
E bine k nu esti timida esti pe placul meu.
It's good that you're not shy, you're my type.
90-60-90 si aproape 1, 80
90-60-90 and almost 1, 80
Stim amandoi despre ce e vorba deci.
We both know what this is about so.
Fese bombate. frumos modelate. miscari ondulate.
Buttocks bombed. beautifully modeled. undulating movements.
Buzele rujate
Lipsticked lips
Perfect conturate
Perfectly outlined
Sunt de cea mai buna calitate
They are of the best quality
Hai spune'mi unde stai
Come on tell me where you live
Numarul de telefon vreau sa mi'l dai.
I want you to give me your phone number.
Esti cea mai dulce fata tine minte daca nu stiai.
You're the sweetest girl, remember if you didn't know.
Iti ofer tot nu stau pe ganduri.
I offer you everything I don't think twice.
Te invit la mine acasa sa fim singuri.:
I invite you to my house to be alone.:
Ooo ce trebuie sa fac
Ooo what should I do
Vreau sa te satisfac
I want to satisfy you
Mai dat peste cap
Turned upside down
Ce trebuie sa fac
What should I do
Vreau sa te satisfac
I want to satisfy you
Mai dat peste cap.
Turned upside down.
Zi'mi de unde esti. sau nici nu'mi vrei sa vorbesti.
Tell me where you're from. or you don't even want to talk to me.
Zi'mi de unde vine asa femeie ca tine.
Tell me where such a woman like you comes from.
Spune'mi cum te cheama inc'o data te rog.
Tell me your name one more time please.
Ce trebuie sa fac sa vii cu mine'n dormitor...
What do I have to do to get you to come to the bedroom with me...
Zi'mi de unde esti. sau nici nu'mi vrei sa vorbesti.
Tell me where you're from. or you don't even want to talk to me.
Zi'mi de unde vine asa femeie ca tine.
Tell me where such a woman like you comes from.
Spune'mi cum te cheama inc'o data te rog.
Tell me your name one more time please.
Ce trebuie sa fac sa vii cu mine'n dormitor.
What do I have to do to get you to come to the bedroom with me.
Te'am filat
I've been watching you
Ma faci sa'mi pierd controlul.
You make me lose control.
Ma exprim direct.
I express myself directly.
Ca sa nu'ti iei zboru'
So you don't fly away
O arzi prin lumea mondena mai mereu.
You're always burning through the mundane world.
Dependenta de distractii si plina de tupeu.
Addicted to fun and full of nerve.
Dar imi place pielea ta mai ales trupul tau.
But I like your skin especially your body.
Pungile cu silicon arata bine-rau.
The bags with silicone look really good.
Pt mine esti modelul feminin preferat
For me you are the preferred female model
O experta adevarata se gaseste mai rar.
A real expert is rare.
Originala, total senzuala
Original, totally sensual
Esti o dama de lux, extraordinara
You are a luxury lady, extraordinary
Faci litoralul in fiecare vara
You do the coast every summer
Sa se uite dupa tine cand stai la plaja goala
To look after you when you're lying naked on the beach
Ai un fund rotund,
You have a round ass,
Iti sta bine dansand,
You look good dancing,
Misca-te cum simti, asta-i regula din club
Move how you feel, that's the rule in the club
Pe tine nimeni nu te poate intrece
No one can beat you
Din partea mea si-a tuturor ai nota 10.
From me and everyone you have a 10.
Ce trebuie sa fac
What should I do
Vreau sa te satisfac
I want to satisfy you
Mai dat peste cap.
Turned upside down.
Ce trebuie sa fac
What should I do
Vreau sa te satisfac
I want to satisfy you
Mai dat peste cap.
Turned upside down.
Zi'mi de unde esti. sau nici nu stii sa vorbesti.
Tell me where you're from. or you don't even know how to speak.
Zi'mi de unde vine asa femeie ca tine.
Tell me where such a woman like you comes from.
Spune'mi cum te cheama inc'o data te rog.
Tell me your name one more time please.
Ce trebuie sa fac sa vii cu mine'n dormitor...
What do I have to do to get you to come to the bedroom with me...
Zi'mi de unde esti. sau nici nu stii sa vorbesti.
Tell me where you're from. or you don't even know how to speak.
Zi'mi de unde vine asa femeie ca tine.
Tell me where such a woman like you comes from.
Spune'mi cum te cheama inc'o data te rog.
Tell me your name one more time please.
Ce trebuie sa fac sa vii cu mine'n dormitor...
What do I have to do to get you to come to the bedroom with me...
Ce trebuie sa fac
What should I do
Vreau sa te satisfac
I want to satisfy you
Mai dat peste cap.
Turned upside down.
Ce trebuie sa fac
What should I do
Vreau sa te satisfac
I want to satisfy you
Mai dat peste cap.
Turned upside down.
Zi'mi de unde esti...
Tell me where you're from...
Zi'mi de unde esti...
Tell me where you're from...
Zi'mi de unde esti...
Tell me where you're from...
Zi'mi de unde esti...
Tell me where you're from...
Zi'mi de unde esti...
Tell me where you're from...
Zi'mi de unde esti...
Tell me where you're from...
Zi'mi de unde esti...
Tell me where you're from...
Zi'mi de unde esti...
Tell me where you're from...
Zi'mi de unde esti...
Tell me where you're from...

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