MAQ - Jaapan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MAQ - Jaapan

Jaapan on mu riik, sest päike tõuseb sealt
Japan is my country, because the sun rises from there
Varsti säran jälle kõrgel taevas ma
Soon I will shine again in the high sky
Ajad olid teised, nüüd need paremad
Times were different, now they are better
Isegi kui olen maas, siis tõusen jälle üless ma
Even if I'm down, I'll get up again
Jaapan on mu riik, sest päike tõuseb sealt
Japan is my country, because the sun rises from there
Varsti säran jälle kõrgel taevas ma
Soon I will shine again in the high sky
Tegin palju vigu, teinud rohkem sa
I've made many mistakes, you've made more
Ma ei teadnud, mis sa tahtsid, teadsin vaid mis tunnen ma
I didn't know what you wanted, I only knew what I felt
Talle meeldib, kui ma räägin rangelt
She likes it when I speak sternly
Esmalt tõusis üless ja siis langes
First she got up, and then she fell
Kasukas mul seljas lumivalge,
I have a snow-white fur coat on
Grafiiti tüüpi kujutised tantsivad mu randmel
Graphite-type images dance on my wrist
Nagu vasak parem, ikka veel sust parem ma
Like left, right, I'm still better than you
Seis vastupidi oli varem, nüüd ma leidsin parema
The situation was reversed before, now I found a better one
Ta kohta ütleks küll McLaren, kuid sa Fordi vanem kraam
She's like a McLaren, but you're an old Ford
Ta esituled säravad, pagass on üsna ruumikas
Her headlights shine, the trunk is quite spacious
Seis vastupidi oli, kuid nüüd parem ma
The situation was reversed, but now I'm better
Ta McLaren, kuid sa Fordi vanem kraam
She's a McLaren, but you're an old Ford
Jah, sa Fordi vanem kraam
Yeah, you're an old Ford
Kui need oleks olnud minu vead, siis ütleks sorry yeah
If those had been my mistakes, I would say sorry, yeah
Jaapan on mu riik, sest päike tõuseb sealt
Japan is my country, because the sun rises from there
Varsti säran jälle kõrgel taevas ma
Soon I will shine again in the high sky
Ajad olid teised, nüüd need paremad
Times were different, now they are better
Isegi kui olen maas, siis tõusen jälle üless ma
Even if I'm down, I'll get up again
Jaapan on mu riik, sest päike tõuseb sealt
Japan is my country, because the sun rises from there
Varsti säran jälle kõrgel taevas ma
Soon I will shine again in the high sky
Tegin palju vigu, teinud rohkem sa
I've made many mistakes, you've made more
Ma ei teadnud, mis sa tahtsid, teadsin vaid mis tunnen ma
I didn't know what you wanted, I only knew what I felt
Päike tõuseb varakult ja mina tõusen ka
The sun rises early and I rise too
Õhtul sain veits vadratud ma võõra naisega
In the evening I got a little drunk with a strange woman
Jõin vist liiga palju ma, sest ärgates sain aru, et ma pole oma toas
I must have drank too much, because when I woke up I realized I wasn't in my room
Nagu palun anna minu särk, ma lahkuma pean
Like please give me my shirt, I have to leave
Näita mulle kätte suund ja sammud koju sean
Show me the way and I'll make my way home
Ei no tõesti mul veab, sa oled nagu teised, sest nii palju neid tean
No, really, I'm lucky, you're like the others, because I know so many of them
Sind ma tean, neid ma tean
I know you, I know them
Aina auku mind vead, nüüd mul ringi käib pea
You keep leading me into holes, now my head is spinning
Kuid ma tahan et sa teaks
But I want you to know
Jaapan on mu riik, sest päike tõuseb sealt
Japan is my country, because the sun rises from there
Varsti säran jälle kõrgel taevas ma
Soon I will shine again in the high sky
Ajad olid teised, nüüd need paremad
Times were different, now they are better
Isegi kui olen maas, siis tõusen jälle üless ma
Even if I'm down, I'll get up again
Jaapan on mu riik, sest päike tõuseb sealt
Japan is my country, because the sun rises from there
Varsti säran jälle kõrgel taevas ma
Soon I will shine again in the high sky
Tegin palju vigu, teinud rohkem sa
I've made many mistakes, you've made more
Ma ei teadnud, mis sa tahtsid, teadsin vaid mis tunnen ma
I didn't know what you wanted, I only knew what I felt

Writer(s): Markus Palm

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