Dicen que el dolor no olvida Por supuesto debo decirtelo aunque lo detesto
They say the pain does not forget Of course I must tell you this even though I detest it
Las peleas nos cambiaron
The fights changed us
Mereces algo mejor que esto, porque,
You deserve better than this, because,
Yo ya no soy con quien pasas los buenos ratos
I'm no longer the one you spend good times with
Analizas mis datos y digo ponte en mis zapatos
Analyze my data and I say put yourself in my shoes
Ademas, de tantos problemas creo que no te animas
Besides, after so many problems I don't think you'll cheer up
Debo de poner sonrisas en tu rostro no lagrimas
I have to put smiles on your face not tears
Busca alguien con el que no pases momentos tristes
Find someone with whom you don't spend sad times
Que no sea celoso y discuta por como te vistes
Who is not jealous and argues about how you dress
Jamas, me olvides y busca alguien que sea capaz
Never forget me and find someone who is capable
De no hacer panchos en tu casa y caerle bien a tus papas
Of not making messes in your house and getting along with your parents
Ojala y lo halles
I hope you find him
Que sea alguien sin problemas en las calles
May he be someone without problems in the streets
Que tenga todo el dinero para comprar tus detalles
Who has all the money to buy you presents
Diviertete con el con el como conmigo lo hacias antes
Have fun with him like you used to with me before
Dile que te ame y que recuerde las fechas importantes
Tell him to love you and remember the important dates
Que te toque con mis manos
Let him touch you with my hands
Te de mi calor en frios
Give you my warmth in the cold
Que te lleve a la luna con un beso como los mios
Take you to the moon with a kiss like mine
Pienso que termino lo de los dos
I think it's over between the two of us
Tu dime que opinas,
You tell me what you think,
Fuimos parte esencial en el amor
We were an essential part of love
Dicen que el dolor no olvida No quiero que me digas adios
They say the pain does not forget I don't want you to say goodbye to me
Pero creo que no hay remedio
But I guess there's no cure
Tantos problemas por tantas cosas que no sucedio
So many problems over so many things that didn't happen
Enserio, me llena de problemas este medio
Seriously, this environment fills me with problems
Discutimos por problemas de hace como un mes y medio
We argue about problems from a month and a half ago
Sonreiste, lloraste yo lo pude ver
You smiled, you cried I could see it
Que hare el mañana si no esta el amor de ayer
What will I do tomorrow if the love of yesterday is gone
Trate de ser tu chofer
I tried to be your driver
Me alimente con tu ser
I fed off your being
Me siento un hombre desde que te hize mujer
I've felt like a man since I made you a woman
Alegraste mis dias con solo decirme hola
You brightened my days just by saying hello
Nunca supe nadar
I never knew how to swim
Y siento que hay viene una ola
And I feel a wave coming
De tantos recuerdos y uno de ellos esta rola
Of so many memories and one of them is this song
Extrañare las mañanas de cuando tu casa esta sola
I'll miss the mornings when your house is empty
Tuvimos pasion
We had passion
Mucho mas de una ocasion
More than once
Un romance en buen funcion
A romance in good working order
Que se quedo sin opcion
That ran out of options
Nuestros cuerpos conocieron bien la fusion
Our bodies knew the fusion well
Pero tuvimos un problema
But we had a problem
Y fue no tener solucion
And it was that there was no solution
(Porque sabia que enamorarme era pecado, ahora sufrire por no tenerte a mi lado, sentimientos olvidados y el corazon destrozado y un recuerdo de que eres lo mejor que me ha pasado)
(Because I knew that falling in love was a sin, now I will suffer for not having you by my side, forgotten feelings and a broken heart and a memory that you are the best thing that ever happened to me)
Pienso que termino lo de los dos
I think it's over between the two of us
Tu dime que opinas,
You tell me what you think,
Fuimos parte esencial en el amor
We were an essential part of love
Dicen que el dolor no olvida.
They say the pain does not forget.
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