MC HotDog - 厭世吉娃娃 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MC HotDog - 厭世吉娃娃

Welcome to the real world, Bro!
Welcome to the real world, Bro!
吉娃娃 吉娃娃 我是吉娃娃 我討厭爸爸 我討厭媽媽 更討厭這個世界啊
Chihuahua Chihuahua I'm a Chihuahua I hate my father I hate my mother I hate this world even more
有什麼好怕 就往死裡打 天空都是黑色的烏鴉 你想哭就哭吧 想笑就笑吧 生命找得到方法
What's there to be afraid of Just beat me to death The sky is full of black crows If you want to cry, cry If you want to laugh, laugh Life can find a way
我就是這麼 我就是這麼厭世 我早就已經死了 我是活死人
I'm so-so useless I'm so cynical I've been dead I'm a living dead
我就是這麼 我就是這麼厭世 活得像個死人
I'm so-so useless I'm so cynical I live like a dead person
The walking dead, The walking dead. 討厭的東西太多 那只好討厭世界
The walking dead, The walking dead. There are too many things to hate So I'll just hate the world
The walking dead, The walking dead. 行屍走肉 每個人都掛著厭世臉
The walking dead, The walking dead. The walking dead Everyone has a face of cynicism
我是活死人 你也不用管我人死活 我幹的活會死人 你又不是 第一天認識我
I'm a living dead You don't have to care whether I live or die The work I do will kill people You're not the first person who knows me
狗咬狗 人吃人 撐死你也撐死我 每天來點負能量 最厭世的人是我
Dog eat dog Man eat man You'll die of exhaustion and so will I A little bit of negative energy every day I'm the most cynical person
有爛就要擺 我頭搖又尾擺 讓你們等得太久 那個廢物現在又回來
If there is something broken, I'll put it out I'll shake my head and tail I've kept you waiting too long That waste is back again
要夢想幹嘛 就要活得像條鹹魚 一堆玻璃心 在討論哪邊牛肉比較便宜
What do you want to dream of Just live like a useless person A bunch of weak people are discussing where the beef is cheaper
別再灌我心靈雞湯 真男人勵志 負的能量爆棚 如去敦南麗緻
Don't give me any more crap about soul soup Bluff Real men's motivation Negative energy bursts It's better to go to Dunnan Lizhi
負負才能得正 我們活在厭世代 越看越厭世 快點關掉那個電視台
Negative times negative can only be positive We live in the cynical generation The more you look the more cynical you get Turn off that TV station quickly
我就是這麼 我就是這麼厭世 不知羞恥 運氣這麼背 我早就已經死了
I'm so-so useless I'm so cynical I'm shameless I'm so unlucky I've been dead
活著像活死人 沒辦法救治 請你救救救救我的厭世
I'm a living dead that can't be saved Please save me, save my cynicism
The walking dead, The walking dead. 討厭的東西太多 那只好討厭世界
The walking dead, The walking dead. There are too many things to hate So I'll just hate the world
The walking dead, The walking dead. 行屍走肉 每個人都掛著厭世臉
The walking dead, The walking dead. The walking dead Everyone has a face of cynicism
挑你毛病 好療癒 像是紅衣小女孩在抓著交替
I love nitpicking You must be very healed Like a red-clothed girl who catches an alternating
要小心 到處都是我們這種活死人 快點逃命
Be careful There are living dead like us everywhere Run for your life
別再低頭玩手機 勇者無懼的人最後脖子疼 我就是神 經病
Don't keep your head down playing with your mobile phone The brave and fearless will end up with a sore neck I'm a neurotic
這麼積極幹嘛 我才懶得幹大事 有這麼想幹的話 送你去善導寺
Why are you so positive I'm too lazy to do anything big If you want to do it that way, I'll send you to Shan Dao Temple
別一直在我耳邊 murmur 這位哥哥 就算我再怎麼厭世 我依然 skr
Don't keep mumbling in my ear My brother Even though I'm cynical I'm still skr
厭世的人心中其實大無畏 每天都是水逆 在水底憋氣像是魔術師大衛
The cynical people are actually fearless in their hearts Every day is a retrograde in water and I hold my breath like a magician David
老天爺要玩你 奉陪到底玩到累 我就是奧底 不見棺材就不掉淚
If God wants to play with you, go with him until you're tired I'm not a virgin I won't cry until I see the coffin
我就是這麼 我就是這麼厭世 不知羞恥 運氣這麼背 我早就已經死了
I'm so-so useless I'm so cynical I'm shameless I'm so unlucky I've been dead
活著像活死人 沒辦法救治 請你救救救救我的厭世
I'm a living dead that can't be saved Please save me, save my cynicism
The walking dead, The walking dead. 討厭的東西太多 那只好討厭世界
The walking dead, The walking dead. There are too many things to hate So I'll just hate the world
The walking dead, The walking dead. 行屍走肉 每個人都掛著厭世臉
The walking dead, The walking dead. The walking dead Everyone has a face of cynicism
吉娃娃 吉娃娃 我是吉娃娃 我討厭爸爸 我討厭媽媽 更討厭這個世界啊
Chihuahua Chihuahua I'm a Chihuahua I hate my father I hate my mother I hate this world even more
有什麼好怕 就往死裡打 天空都是黑色的烏鴉 你想哭就哭吧 想笑就笑吧 生命找得到方法c
What's there to be afraid of Just beat me to death The sky is full of black crows If you want to cry, cry If you want to laugh, laugh Life can find a way
我就是這麼 我就是這麼厭世 我早就已經死了 我是活死人
I'm so-so useless I'm so cynical I've been dead I'm a living dead
我就是這麼 我就是這麼厭世 活得像個死人
I'm so-so useless I'm so cynical I live like a dead person
The walking dead, The walking dead. 討厭的東西太多 那只好討厭世界
The walking dead, The walking dead. There are too many things to hate So I'll just hate the world
The walking dead, The walking dead. 行屍走肉 每個人都掛著厭世臉
The walking dead, The walking dead. The walking dead Everyone has a face of cynicism
我討厭爸爸 我討厭媽媽 更討厭這個世界啊
I hate my father I hate my mother I hate this world even more

Writer(s): Mc Hotdog熱狗

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