MC HotDog feat. Zhang Zhen Yue - 離開 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MC HotDog feat. Zhang Zhen Yue - 離開

我忘了怎麼溝通 甚至忘了怎麼寫字
I forgot how to communicate, and even how to write
I can't explain without being able to type
我對著電腦 而晝夜開始顛倒
Facing the computer, day and night start to reverse
我活在視窗裡 彷彿永遠不會變老
I live in the window, as if never growing old
我不需要治裝 只是屁股偶爾會長痔瘡
I don't need a wardrobe, it's just that my butt occasionally gets hemorrhoids
The mouse is my wings
在虛擬的世界裡 我戴上面具
In the virtual world, I wear a mask
在數不盡的日夜裡 我像是編劇
During countless days and nights, I was like a screenwriter
在Real World 我用真名說假的話
In the real world, I tell lies with my real name
Another World 我用假名說真的話
In another world, I tell the truth with a fake name
有點疑惑 我也開始變得有點掙扎
A little confused, I also started a little struggle
在我的兩個世界裡 分不清真假
In my two worlds, I can't tell the truth from the fake
我對著鍵盤敲打 你也是這樣嗎
I type on the keyboard, are you the same?
我故作瀟灑 你也寂寞嗎
I act cool, are you lonely too?
Is it our fault to condemn this world together?
既然已經離不開了 那就一起罵(罵)
Since we can't leave, let's (scold) together
I never know what will happen tomorrow
What will the result be and how to face it
I'm a mortal, I'm not strong, I have no energy
Occasionally I shed inexplicable tears at night
Living in a crowded city but lost in the crowd
Where is my great goal?
My pride and confidence are no longer visible
Who will guide my path ahead?
找到真實的自己 這過程或許有點痛
Finding the real self, this process may be a little painful
這節奏太緊繃 沒過門 有點重
The rhythm is too tight, not passing the door, a little heavy
我的臉 有點臭 我的頭 開始空
My face is a little stinky, my head is starting to empty
I've been sitting at the computer until nine o'clock in the morning
太多的部落格 太多的密碼
Too many blogs, too many passwords
太多的信箱 養了隻草泥馬
Too many mailboxes, raised a grass mud horse
When did my world become so complicated?
報新聞的來源都是 網友說的話
The source of news reporting is what netizens say
但我離不開它 離不開八卦
But I can't leave it, can't leave the gossip
像個小呆瓜 還以為自己頭腦發達
Like a little fool, I thought I was smart
我只是想找個人 陪我說說話
I just want to find someone to talk to me
它是我出口的門 陪我看世界有多大
It's my exit door, accompanying me to see how big the world is
太多的過客 太多的陌生人
Too many passers-by, too many strangers
太多的部落客 我愛上陌生人
Too many bloggers, I fell in love with strangers
Or maybe I'm more sincere to them than to my family
已經離不開了 當我打開了這個門
Can't leave anymore when I open this door
Maybe I should see through everything in the world
The feeling is not clear, I care too much about myself
As the sun's light slowly creeps into the messy room
Found out I was like an ignorant little hooligan
Wandering at the end, I want to fly away quickly
Fly over to where I want to be
When I look up, I know God will not abandon me
Give me courage to understand pain and beauty
沒有人要聊天 大家都在玩手機
No one wants to chat, everyone is playing with their phones
你錯字連篇 當你手上握著筆
You make a lot of typos when you hold a pen in your hand
不需要言語 只需要app
No words are needed, just apps
無聊的鄉民 擠爆了PTT
Boring villagers, packed PTT
在虛擬的世界 或許認真就輸了
In the virtual world, maybe if you take it seriously, you lose
我說FUCK PTT 鄉民們全都哭了
I said FUCK PTT, all the villagers cried
萬人響應 無人到場 又如何
Ten thousand people responded, no one showed up, so what?
只會在網路上放話 我聽你胡扯
Just talk nonsense online, I'll listen to your nonsense
你哭啊 你哭啊 沒有電腦要怎麼活
You cry, you cry, how can you live without a computer?
Put your hands up 哈哈 全部都有電腦手
Put your hands up haha, all have computer hands
在真實的世界你說 Life is a struggle
In the real world you say life is a struggle
在虛擬的世界 一切都像是一場秀
In the virtual world, everything is like a show
就連上帝也為它瘋狂 誰都一樣
Even God is crazy about it, everyone is the same
In my dictionary there is never giving up surfing the Internet
我怎麼忘記了 離不開這框框
How could I forget, can't leave this box
我的生活晃蕩 每天上
My life is swinging, every day
離開我的城市 離開我的世界
Leave my city, leave my world
離開我的面具 離開我的懦弱
Leave my mask, leave my cowardice
離開我的自己 離開我的害怕
Leave my own self, leave my fear
Leave the tears and I don't care
離開我的城市 離開我的世界
Leave my city, leave my world
離開我的面具 離開我的懦弱
Leave my mask, leave my cowardice
離開我的自己 離開我的害怕
Leave my own self, leave my fear
Leave the tears and I don't care
每天重複著 開機 關機 待機
Repeat every day, turn on, turn off, standby
It doesn't matter if it crashes
再按一下 開機 關機 待機
Press again, turn on, turn off, standby
It doesn't matter if it crashes
我始終在 開機 關機 待機
I'm always on, off, standby
It doesn't matter if it crashes
我離不開 開機 關機 待機
I can't leave on, off, standby

Writer(s): 张震岳

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