MC HotDog - 他們覺得 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MC HotDog - 他們覺得

What They Think
所有 冷嘲 熱諷 都隨他說
Let them scoff and jeer, I don't care
有種 信念 在我心中
A fire of belief burns within me
他們覺得 我沒有資格 我失格 我試著
They think I'm unqualified, a failure, I try to
But they just don't take me seriously
是的是的 我不懂 適可而止
Yeah, yeah, I don't know when to stop
我嘗試著 寫出屌的歌詞
I'm trying to write dope lyrics
給你們樂子 有我的場子你們熱死
Give you some fun, make my shows scorching hot
Hot Hot 麥克風在測試
Hot Hot, testing the microphone
而這次 這次不會再放鴿子
And this time, this time I won't bail
我是 押韻的開始 所謂 饒舌的差使
I am the beginning of rhyme, the so-called rap errand
你就 跟著節奏打著拍子 在此我先賣個關子
Just follow the rhythm, clap your hands, I'll keep you guessing for now
他噓我就噓我吧 繼續開我汽水吧
Let him boo me, let him pop open my soda
我招牌讓他砸 我讓他罵
Let him smash my sign, let him curse
我壓根兒不會怕 我樂於當那個箭靶
I'm not afraid, I'm happy to be the target
他說我有夠欠打 紅了開始現 他露餡啦
He says I'm asking for a beating, showing off when I'm famous, he's exposed
你聽我唱現場 我就像是鍾馗 怎麼 會可能怕鬼
Listen to me live, I'm like Zhong Kui, how can I be afraid of ghosts?
他除了罵我還能罵誰 他還不夠大尾
Who else can he scold besides me? He's not big enough
抓鬼大隊 押韻就像魔術師大衛
Ghostbusters, rhyming like magician David Blaine
熱愛美酒和辣妹 你想要罵我可別插隊
Love fine wine and hot girls, if you want to curse me, get in line
他們覺得 他們覺得 他們覺得
They think, they think, they think
我的腿是瘸的 嘴巴唱些有的沒的
My leg is lame, my mouth spouts nonsense
我是憑感覺的 Yeah! who cares?
I go by feeling, Yeah! who cares?
他們覺得 fuck that 那你們覺得
They think, fuck that, what do you think?
他們覺得 他們覺得 他們覺得
They think, they think, they think
我的腿是瘸的 嘴巴唱些有的沒的
My leg is lame, my mouth spouts nonsense
我是憑感覺的 Yeah! who cares?
I go by feeling, Yeah! who cares?
他們覺得 fuck that 那你們覺得
They think, fuck that, what do you think?
他們覺得 我不成氣候 誰的音樂讓你聽了心有悸動
They think I'm hopeless, whose music makes your heart pound?
在舞池裡想要起鬨 應該不是力宏
Makes you want to raise hell on the dance floor, it's probably not Leehom
只要音樂ㄧ下 我變成了乩童
As soon as the music drops, I become a possessed shaman
我雞同鴨講太強 其他人都躦到了地洞
My rapping is so strong, everyone else hides in their holes
金曲最佳專輯 有多少人還在質疑
Golden Melody Best Album, how many still question it?
實際上 我對hip hop的心 就像慈濟一樣
Actually, my heart for hip hop is like Tzu Chi
你仔細聽 仔細想 沒有人押韻比我們更強
Listen closely, think carefully, no one rhymes better than us
詞像裝上了彈簧 別假裝在冠冕堂皇
Lyrics like a loaded spring, don't pretend to be noble
你別試著抵抗 那只會讓自己更爽
Don't try to resist, it'll only make you feel better
我的歌就像赤裸羔羊 讓你的心更癢
My songs are like naked lambs, making your heart itch
他們覺得 我們不懂分寸
They think we don't know our limits
我們製造紛爭 鶴唳風聲
We create chaos, cause alarm
我們自由隨性 就像是那風箏
We are free and unrestrained, just like a kite
U can′t stop the flow
U can't stop the flow
是我的誰都拿不走 把我嘴巴縫起來了 我還有頭
It's mine, no one can take it away, sew my mouth shut, I still have my head
把我頭和手都拿走 我還有我的朋友
Take my head and hands, I still have my friends
越來越多的熱狗 越來越多的饒舌歌手
More and more Hotdogs, more and more rappers
他們覺得 他們覺得 他們覺得
They think, they think, they think
我的腿是瘸的 嘴巴唱些有的沒的
My leg is lame, my mouth spouts nonsense
我是憑感覺的 Yeah! who cares?
I go by feeling, Yeah! who cares?
他們覺得 fuck that 那你們覺得
They think, fuck that, what do you think?
他們覺得 他們覺得 他們覺得
They think, they think, they think
我的腿是瘸的 嘴巴唱些有的沒的
My leg is lame, my mouth spouts nonsense
我是憑感覺的 Yeah! who cares?
I go by feeling, Yeah! who cares?
他們覺得 fuck that 那你們覺得
They think, fuck that, what do you think?
這是我的開場白 我才不管排場還有廠牌
This is my opening statement, I don't care about the scene or the label
金曲獎算啥 滾石先擋點瑯來
Golden Melody Awards are nothing, Rolling Stone, block some bad luck first
我沒有變 我還是在茶街叼牌
I haven't changed, I'm still playing cards in the tea street
我沒有變 我大老二還是在玩一張兩塊
I haven't changed, I'm still playing Big Two for two bucks a card
紙是包不住火 就像他們抓不住我
Paper can't wrap fire, just like they can't catch me
此處不留爺的話 自會有留爺處喔
If this place doesn't welcome me, there will be a place for me
內有惡犬出沒 我挺身而出 不怕出錯
Beware of the dog, I step forward, not afraid of mistakes
如果我開始擺爛呼龍 你大可以把我丟到了窟窿
If I start slacking off, you can throw me in the pit
潮流屬於 冠希 熱狗屬於 冠軍
Trends belong to Edison, Hotdog belongs to the champion
瞧你聽的多麼專心 歌詞像一箭穿心
Look how attentively you listen, the lyrics pierce your heart like an arrow
街頭都餓了 所以 專輯就像是餐廳
The streets are hungry, so the album is like a restaurant
不習慣戴銀穿金 我習慣穿上了素T
Not used to wearing silver and gold, I'm used to wearing plain T-shirts
手舉高 讓他們全部都看到
Hands up, let them all see
如果跌破眼鏡了 就閉嘴 shut ur mouth
If their glasses are shattered, shut your mouth
就把手舉高 讓他們全部都看到
Just raise your hands, let them all see
就算他們瞎了 他們瞎了 也感受的到
Even if they're blind, they're blind, they can still feel it
他們覺得 他們覺得 他們覺得
They think, they think, they think
我的腿是瘸的 嘴巴唱些有的沒的
My leg is lame, my mouth spouts nonsense
我是憑感覺的 Yeah! who cares?
I go by feeling, Yeah! who cares?
他們覺得 fuck that 那你們覺得
They think, fuck that, what do you think?
他們覺得 他們覺得 他們覺得
They think, they think, they think
我的腿是瘸的 嘴巴唱些有的沒的
My leg is lame, my mouth spouts nonsense
我是憑感覺的 Yeah! who cares?
I go by feeling, Yeah! who cares?
他們覺得 fuck that 那你們覺得呢
They think, fuck that, what do you think?
所有 冷嘲 熱諷 都隨他說
Let them scoff and jeer, I don't care
有種 信念 在我心中
A fire of belief burns within me
所有 冷嘲 熱諷 都隨他說
Let them scoff and jeer, I don't care
有種 信念 在我心中
A fire of belief burns within me
他們覺得 他們覺得 他們覺得
They think, they think, they think
我的腿是瘸的 嘴巴唱些有的沒的
My leg is lame, my mouth spouts nonsense
我是憑感覺的 Yeah! who cares?
I go by feeling, Yeah! who cares?
他們覺得 fuck that 那你們覺得
They think, fuck that, what do you think?
他們覺得 他們覺得 他們覺得
They think, they think, they think
我的腿是瘸的 嘴巴唱些有的沒的
My leg is lame, my mouth spouts nonsense
我是憑感覺的 Yeah! who cares?
I go by feeling, Yeah! who cares?
他們覺得 fuck that 那你們覺得呢
They think, fuck that, what do you think?

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