My brain My brain I ask myself I ask myself My brain My brain I ask myself
我的頭腦漸漸開始麻掉 可能喝了酒又吃了太多的藥
My head is starting to feel numb Maybe I drank too much and took too many pills
反正捅了樓子還有唱片公司來罩 老夫子 別再自命清高
In any case, the record company will cover for me if I get into trouble, Old Master, don't be so self-righteous
到底什麼東西才能讓你快樂的不得了 嘿 我也不知道 反正我有我的生存之道
What exactly can make you so happy? Hey, I don't know, but I have my own way of surviving
每天煩死人的問題 加諸於我莫須有的罪名 誰又真的不在乎
Everyday, annoying problems are heaped upon me, groundless accusations. Who really doesn't care?
謝謝你 幫我挖墳墓 讓我跳下去 鬧下去 繼續反省 耗下去 玩下去
Thank you for helping me dig my grave. Let me jump in, carry on making a scene, keep on reflecting, wasting away, messing around
製造驚奇 我不會製造浪漫 羅曼蒂克只會讓我覺得賭爛
I create surprises, not romance. I find Romanticism nauseating
和你一樣 我只是個沒情調的阿三 怎麼辦 生活藍調沒有想像中的那麼簡簡單單
Just like you, I'm just a simpleton who doesn't understand romance. What can I do? The blues of life aren't as simple as they seem
最近比較煩 比較煩 所以蘇永康跑去吃快樂 完蛋
Lately I've been more annoyed, more annoyed, so Su Yongkang went to get high. Finished
為什麼 一堆煩死人的問題 我腦子裡 想也想不清楚 是誰對我下妖術
Why, so many annoying problems, I can't figure it out. Who has cast a spell on me?
為什麼 一堆莫須有的罪名 我問自己 你有你的審判簿 我有我的風骨
Why, so many groundless accusations. I ask myself, you have your judgment book, I have my own backbone
為什麼 一堆煩死人的問題 我腦子裡 想也想不清楚 是誰對我下妖術
Why, so many annoying problems, I can't figure it out. Who has cast a spell on me?
為什麼 一堆莫須有的罪名 我問自己 你有你的審判簿 我有我的風骨
Why, so many groundless accusations. I ask myself, you have your judgment book, I have my own backbone
計時倒數 我還剩下多少時間 可是煩死人的問題每天環繞在我身邊
Countdown, how much time do I have left? But annoying problems surround me every day
我變我變我變變變 為什麼生活不是在打超人拳 也不是天蠶變
I transform, I transform, I transform, why isn't life like Superman, or the fantasy of the butterfly?
太多事情我要去面對 好累 如何 解決 妥協 可悲 自我 催眠
I have too many things to face. How can I resolve, compromise, be pathetic, hypnotize myself?
一隻羊 兩隻羊 三隻羊 幾隻羊 天亮了 狼也來了 我還在想我到底是怎麼了
One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, how many sheep? Dawn has broken, the wolves have come, and I'm still wondering what's wrong with me
為了追求快樂 身體像空殼 元神出竅魂不守舍 媽媽說我是坨垃圾
In pursuing happiness, my body feels like an empty shell, my soul has left my body, my mother says I'm a piece of trash
要到哪兒 去看精神科 誰是我的垃圾 桶 你到底懂不懂
Where should I go to see a psychiatrist? Who is my trash can? Do you understand?
又認為我是一隻訐詨龍在呼嚨 賣傻裝瘋 還要持續多久
And they think I'm a smooth-talking troublemaker, pretending to be foolish and crazy. How much longer must this go on?
為什麼 一堆煩死人的問題 我腦子裡 想也想不清楚 是誰對我下妖術
Why, so many annoying problems, I can't figure it out. Who has cast a spell on me?
為什麼 一堆莫須有的罪名 我問自己 你有你的審判簿 我有我的風骨
Why, so many groundless accusations. I ask myself, you have your judgment book, I have my own backbone
為什麼 一堆煩死人的問題 我腦子裡 想也想不清楚 是誰對我下妖術
Why, so many annoying problems, I can't figure it out. Who has cast a spell on me?
為什麼 一堆莫須有的罪名 我問自己 你有你的審判簿 我有我的風骨
Why, so many groundless accusations. I ask myself, you have your judgment book, I have my own backbone
水喔水喔 大家一起唱 明天會更好 老夫子放輕鬆 大夥兒一起拍張照
Water, water, let's all sing together, tomorrow will be better. Old Master, relax. Let's all take a picture together
你說好不好 無巧不巧 擠出一點微笑 我難搞 那你屌三小
What do you think? Coincidentally, I squeezed out a smile. I'm difficult to deal with, but why are you acting tough?
I use silence to hide my extreme irritability. It's inexplicable, so many question marks. What day of the week is it? How happy are we, who's trapped and struggling?
這個圈套 給我煩死人的解藥 給我解藥
This trap, give me the antidote for annoying problems, give me the antidote
我的腦袋空空如也 口袋空空如也 我唱的口沫橫飛是在對你吐口水 還是吐苦水
My head is empty, my pockets are empty, I'm singing nonsense, am I spitting on you or vomiting bitterness?
莫須有的罪名想要把我定罪 只是我還懶得去妥協
The groundless accusations want to convict me, but I'm not ready to compromise
這些 那些 煩死人的一切 這個世界怎麼看都是個Bull Shit
These, those, all the annoying things, this world is just a bunch of bullshit
你想要飛 你想要追 可是煩死人的壓力現在要你再來一杯
You want to fly, you want to chase, but annoying pressures now want you to have another drink
為什麼 一堆煩死人的問題 我腦子裡 想也想不清楚 是誰對我下妖術
Why, so many annoying problems, I can't figure it out. Who has cast a spell on me?
為什麼 一堆莫須有的罪名 我問自己 你有你的審判簿 我有我的風骨
Why, so many groundless accusations. I ask myself, you have your judgment book, I have my own backbone
為什麼 一堆煩死人的問題 我腦子裡 想也想不清楚 是誰對我下妖術
Why, so many annoying problems, I can't figure it out. Who has cast a spell on me?
為什麼 一堆莫須有的罪名 我問自己 你有你的審判簿 我有我的風骨
Why, so many groundless accusations. I ask myself, you have your judgment book, I have my own backbone
為什麼 一堆煩死人的問題 我腦子裡 想也想不清楚 是誰對我下妖術
Why, so many annoying problems, I can't figure it out. Who has cast a spell on me?
為什麼 一堆莫須有的罪名 我問自己 你有你的審判簿 我有我的風骨
Why, so many groundless accusations. I ask myself, you have your judgment book, I have my own backbone
為什麼 一堆煩死人的問題 我腦子裡 想也想不清楚 是誰對我下妖術
Why, so many annoying problems, I can't figure it out. Who has cast a spell on me?
為什麼 一堆莫須有的罪名 我問自己 你有你的審判簿 我有我的風骨
Why, so many groundless accusations. I ask myself, you have your judgment book, I have my own backbone
我腦子裡 我腦子裡 我問自己 我問自己 我腦子裡 我腦子裡 我問自己
My brain My brain I ask myself I ask myself My brain My brain I ask myself
我腦子裡 我腦子裡 我問自己 我問自己 我腦子裡 我腦子裡 我問自己
My brain My brain I ask myself I ask myself My brain My brain I ask myself
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