MC HotDog - 畢業 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais MC HotDog - 畢業

每天一來到學校就好想睡覺 一堆奇怪的理論老師教的我不知道
Every day I come to school and just want to sleep, a bunch of strange theories, teachers teach me I don't know
記得以前 我常常夢見自己在考試 醒來的時候 我果然在考試
Remember before, I often dreamed of myself in an exam, when I woke up, I was indeed in an exam
老師 在黑板寫著必考的公式 我望著 窗邊一個個經過的馬子
Teacher is writing must-test formulas on the blackboard, I stare at the girls passing by the window one by one
極品 讚!! 我豎起大拇指 幻想 馬子馬子 請你給我一點面子
Stunning, yeah!! I give a thumbs up, fantasizing, girl, girl, please give me some face
下課鈴聲響起 我急忙衝出去 我要找到極品馬子的集散地
The bell for the end of class rings, I rush out, I want to find a gathering place for top-notch girls
不管走到哪裡都是粉紅色的Hello Kitty 真是掃興 熱情都被澆熄
No matter where I go, it's all pink Hello Kitty, it's such a bummer, my passion is doused
晚上回到宿舍 室友又在'起秋' 狗男女 在房間一定又在幹 什麼
When I get back to the dorm at night, my roommate is hitting on girls again, a man and a woman, they must be doing something in the room
已經習慣 真想3P一起玩 但是我也只能在房間 手排 自排
I'm used to it, I really want to have a threesome with them, but I can only play with myself in the room
看電視 一晃眼 就是午夜三點半 東京情色派 憂目瞳是我的最愛
I watch TV, and in the blink of an eye, it's 3:30 am, Tokyo Erotica, Melancholy Eyes is my favorite
躺在床上 想起電視0204的女孩 明天早上一定又起不來
Lying on the bed, thinking of the girl from 0204 on TV, I definitely won't be able to get up tomorrow morning
怎麼每個男生都想要交女朋友 每個女生 討論哪裡打折要去搶購
Why do all boys want to have girlfriends, and all girls discuss where to go shopping for discounts?
獎學金 像是一場遙不可及的夢 醒來的時候 小抄還是要做
Scholarship, it's like a distant dream, when I wake up, I still have to do cheat sheets
明天期末考 今晚舞照跳 就算被當掉 沒什麼大不了
Tomorrow's final exam, tonight I'll dance anyway, even if I fail, it's no big deal
明天期末考 今晚馬照泡 就算被當掉 沒什麼大不了
Tomorrow's final exam, tonight I'll still chase girls, even if I fail, it's no big deal
忘不了在學校發生的一切 馬上就要畢業進入現實的社會
I can't forget everything that happened in school, I'll be graduating soon and entering society
四年的時間彷彿一轉眼 不會忘記 所有親愛的同學
Four years have passed in the blink of an eye, I won't forget all my dear classmates
一踏進教室 打招呼都來不及 怎麼同學才剛見面就要開始比
As soon as I stepped into the classroom, I didn't even have time to say hello, how come my classmates start competing as soon as they meet?
不管是衣服 髮型手錶還是手機 到底是在上學還是上那超級比一比
Whether it's clothes, hairstyles, watches or mobile phones, are we in school or in a competition?
Prada Gucci DKNY買不起 我也只能戴個帽子 身穿著二手衣
I can't afford Prada, Gucci, DKNY, I can only wear a hat and a secondhand shirt
脫掉帽子 看到自己糟透的髮型 只有腳上的愛迪達還算可以
Taking off my hat, I see my terrible hairstyle, only the Adidas on my feet are still okay
還記得 當初青澀的模樣 現在已經是 父母眼中的大爛帳
I still remember my youthful appearance, but now I'm a big disappointment in my parents' eyes
有天夜裡睡不著 我看著鏡子裡的自己 我問我自己 這算不算是成長
One sleepless night, I looked at myself in the mirror, I asked myself, is this growth?
太多的回憶在學校發生 數也數不完 就像媽媽臉上的皺紋
Too many memories have happened in school, too many to count, like the wrinkles on my mother's face
真想再來一次 如果有這個可能 但我知道 這將是我最後的青春
I really want to do it all again if it's possible, but I know this will be my last youth
一隻青春小鳥從我頭上飛過 漫步在校園我感覺無比輕鬆
A youthful bird flew over my head, walking around campus, I feel so relaxed
心想 以後可能再也不會有這種日子過 捨不得 學校生活
Thinking that I may never have such days again, I'm reluctant to leave my school life
和你擁抱的時候 我溼了雙眼 可不可以不要拿走我桌上的這個青春酒杯
When I hugged you, my eyes were wet, can you please not take away this glass of 青春酒杯 from my desk?
又甜 又美 有點苦澀的氣味 乎乾啦 和回憶乾杯
So sweet, so beautiful, with a slightly bitter smell, bottoms up, cheers to memories
人生如戲 我要演的甘願 戲如人生 天下無不散的筵席 到底誰是請客的主人
Life is like a play, I'm willing to act, plays are like life, all good things must come to an end, who is the host of the feast?
誰都曾經有過漂亮的青春紋身 只是有一天終究它會變成皺紋
Everyone has had beautiful青春纹身, it's just that one day it will eventually become wrinkles
每個人的人生 際遇都不相同 誰不想 有很多成就
Everyone's life is different, who doesn't want to have many achievements?
今宵多珍重 以後一路順風 真心祝福你 我的朋友
Cherish tonight, I wish you all the best in the future, I sincerely bless you, my friend
明天要畢業 今晚要喝醉 敬你這一杯 同學們催落
Tomorrow I'll graduate, tonight I'll get drunk, a toast to you, my classmates, cheers
明天要畢業 今晚要喝醉 敬你這一杯 同學們催落
Tomorrow I'll graduate, tonight I'll get drunk, a toast to you, my classmates, cheers
忘不了在學校發生的一切 馬上就要畢業進入現實的社會
I can't forget everything that happened in school, I'll be graduating soon and entering society
四年的時間彷彿一轉眼 不會忘記 所有親愛的同學
Four years have passed in the blink of an eye, I won't forget all my dear classmates
明天要畢業 今晚要喝醉 敬你這一杯 同學們催落
Tomorrow I'll graduate, tonight I'll get drunk, a toast to you, my classmates, cheers
明天要畢業 今晚要喝醉 敬你這一杯 同學們催落
Tomorrow I'll graduate, tonight I'll get drunk, a toast to you, my classmates, cheers
明天要畢業 今晚要喝醉 敬你這一杯 同學們催落
Tomorrow I'll graduate, tonight I'll get drunk, a toast to you, my classmates, cheers
明天要畢業 今晚要喝醉 敬你這一杯 同學們催落...
Tomorrow I'll graduate, tonight I'll get drunk, a toast to you, my classmates, cheers...

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