MC HotDog - 老子有錢 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MC HotDog - 老子有錢

I am Rich
老子有錢 當大爺 有標價錢的都不算貴
I am Rich Like a King With Money Everything is Affordable
忍氣吞聲 點點點 還不是為了那錢錢錢
I hold my tongue to earn cents
老子有錢 當大爺 有錢大家都不喊累
I am Rich Like a King With Money Everyone's Forget to Complain
她露事業線 OH 點點點 還不是為了那個
She shows her cleavage You know why
一起喝香檳 玩親親 走到哪裡我都算是貴賓
Let's have champagne and kiss wherever I am I am a VIP
雖然我長的像郭桂彬 但講到錢 我只輸給郭台銘
I look like Mike Tyson But when it comes to money I'm behind only Terry Gou
我是ATM前的Superman 數錢數到我打哈欠
I am Superman in front of the ATM I'm so rich I can even yawn
銀行看到我來 他們會說Damn
The bank will say Damn! when I show up
我的英文名子叫做Richman 我的小發財你快點跟我來
My English name is Richman my little fortune follow me
你怎麼還在省錢大作戰 頭號戰犯 你還 慢慢來
Why are you still saving money It's you who has lost the battle You are slow
財神爺走了 你哭著說 Bye Bye 成名在望 有人還在晃
When God of Fortune leaves you You bid Bye Bye Fame is in sight But someone is still idling
整天晃來晃去 就像是在觀光 我以旁觀者的立場講 老子有錢 就是比你嗆
You are daydreaming like a tourist I say with the eyes of a bystander I am Rich I am more awesome than you
老子有錢 當大爺 有標價錢的都不算貴
I am Rich Like a King With Money Everything is Affordable
忍氣吞聲 點點點 還不是為了那錢錢錢
I hold my tongue to earn cents
老子有錢 當大爺 有錢大家都不喊累
I am Rich Like a King With Money Everyone's Forget to Complain
她露事業線 OH 點點點 還不是為了那個
She shows her cleavage You know why
有錢不是罪 我到底錯在哪 只是最正的馬子 都是我在把
Being rich is not a crime What did I do wrong All the pretty ladies are mine
帝寶太遜了 我要你來我家 在家裡也能迷路 我真的很瞎
Da'an District is lame Come to my place You can get lost in my house I'm really cool
錢的味道 最香 我從來不噴香水 香香
Money smells the best I never use perfume
為了幾個臭錢 你還在嫌錢臭 沒錢是夢魘 嫌錢不夠用
Do you still think that money stinks You are a loser You should not complain
能力越多 責任越多 搞了半天 還是比誰錢最多 我是錢拿肥 外號錢多多
The more capable you are The more responsible you are It's all about who has more money I am a money grabber with the nickname Money Dude
以前我也和你一樣 兩手空空
I've been like you empty-handed
Easy come Easy go 錢花光了 再賺就有
Easy come Easy go When you run out of money Just earn more
就努力拼 努力做 有錢不會只是在做夢
Work hard There is nothing wrong with dreaming of being rich
老子有錢 當大爺 有標價錢的都不算貴
I am Rich Like a King With Money Everything is Affordable
忍氣吞聲 點點點 還不是為了那 錢錢錢
I hold my tongue to earn cents
老子有錢 當大爺 有錢大家都不喊累
I am Rich Like a King With Money Everyone's Forget to Complain
她露事業線 OH 點點點 還不是為了那個
She shows her cleavage You know why Money
被你打敗 你別再打怪 條條道路通羅馬 一直被你打開
You lost Stop acting tough All roads lead to Rome You just keep opening them
宅男也可能變豪宅男 別再抱怨了 錢有多難賺 The one & Only!Cash Only!
Nerds can become rich Stop whining How hard is it to make money The one & Only! Cash Only!
發財的念頭 他五雷轟頂 開著我的發財車去攻頂
The idea of making money strikes me like thunder I drive my money-making car to go to the top
如雨下 像是多美的風景 亮晶晶 都是Money
Money falls like rain It's like the most beautiful scenery It's bright and shiny All money
管他新台幣 人民幣 還是美金
Who cares about New Taiwan Dollars RMB or US Dollars
買一台火箭我送你上彗星 只要你說 富貴如浮雲
I'll buy you a rocket and send you to a comet If you say Fortune is like floating clouds
別再假 別再裝 看到大把大把鈔票 你也會慌 鈔票一張張 好像有長翅膀
Don't be fake Don't pretend You'd be scared too when you see a lot of money Bills have wings
老子有錢 當大爺 有標價錢的都不算貴
I am Rich Like a King With Money Everything is Affordable
忍氣吞聲 點點點 還不是為了那 錢錢錢
I hold my tongue to earn cents
老子有錢 當大爺 有錢大家都不喊累
I am Rich Like a King With Money Everyone's Forget to Complain
她露事業線 OH 點點點 還不是為了那個
She shows her cleavage You know why Money
老子有錢 錢~錢~錢~ 老子有錢 錢~錢~錢
I am Rich Money Money Money I am Rich Money Money Money
老子有錢 錢~錢~錢~ 老子有錢 錢~錢 因為 老子有錢!
I am Rich Money Money Money I am Rich Money Money Because I am Rich!

Writer(s): 姚中仁

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