MC HotDog - 讓我Rap - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MC HotDog - 讓我Rap

Let Me Rap
You don't have enough talent but you want to be a singer
Anyway, as long as you promote and publicize it, you can sell platinum records
Singing live with lip-syncing and a lot of dancers
I'm like this, I really can't stand it
You think oooh, aah, oooh is R&B
The love of the little man was twisted by you
Laughing falsely when accepting media interviews
啊哈... 咿哼... fuck that!!
Ahh... ohh... fuck that!!
這年頭 只要臉蛋好看就可以當歌星
Nowadays, as long as your face is good-looking, you can become a singer
It doesn't matter if you can sing or not
We will use the omnipotent money to create you
The publicity fee is casually thrown away, it's tens of millions of New Taiwan dollars
What's wrong with Taiwan's music
So-called diversified market is just commercial operation
You won a Golden Melody Award, what does that make you
I'd rather listen to Buddhist scriptures than your music
Songs with no content can be used as the main feature
This level is even worse than 20 years ago
Still saying that trendy music has become international
Let's open our eyes and watch the music world die
徐懷鈺 fuck 蔡依林 suck 這樣的音樂muthafuckin' bullshit
Vivian Hsu fuck Jolin Tsai sucks, your music is muthafuckin' bullshit
With your image, how many more years can you be popular
金光黨做這種音樂 在騙錢
Swindlers make such music to cheat money
就讓我來rap 揭開你的瘡疤
Let me rap and reveal your scar
就讓我來rap 你把聽眾當白痴啊
Let me rap, you treat your listeners like idiots
就讓我來rap 哈哈... 有錢屌就大
Let me rap, haha... money makes you powerful
就讓我來rap 來看樂壇悶死吧
Let me rap, come on, let's see the music world die
就讓我來rap 揭開你的瘡疤
Let me rap and reveal your scar
就讓我來rap 你把聽眾當白痴啊
Let me rap, you treat your listeners like idiots
就讓我來rap 哈哈... 有錢屌就大
Let me rap, haha... money makes you powerful
就讓我來rap 來看樂壇悶死吧
Let me rap, come on, let's see the music world die
Newcomers one two three four five, everyone competes for grades
但是唱出來的歌 卻都千篇一律
But the songs they sing, all the same
How come you sing and sing but you can't sing anything
我聽不到 來自周圍真實的聲音
I can't hear the true voice from around
To promote the song, you have to sacrifice yourself
任人作弄又痴又跪又哭 像個小丑
Being played with, as silly as a clown
任人擺佈 像是被操縱的木偶
Being manipulated, like a puppet
Do you feel it, or can't you say it
Leave this game to yourself
這個樂壇砸錢就好比 扔雞蛋
The music world is like throwing eggs
我不爽 台灣樂壇只有一個字
I'm not happy, Taiwan's music world is only one word, sucks
這就是 為什麼我拿著麥克風 站在這個舞台
That's why I'm holding a microphone, standing on this stage
A crazy dog is going to release an album
You want to be electrocuted, I'm afraid there's no time
Hip-Hop就是我的刀 饒舌就是我的劍
Hip-Hop is my knife, rap is my sword
I'm running wild with the power of underground
Since the number of sweet songs can't be stopped
麥克風就是我的水果刀 我剷除芭樂種子
The microphone is my fruit knife, I'll remove the seeds of sweetness
If you are also a part of Hiphop
Let me see you raise your right hand and give me the middle finger
就讓我來rap 揭開你的瘡疤
Let me rap and reveal your scar
就讓我來rap 你把聽眾當白痴啊
Let me rap, you treat your listeners like idiots
就讓我來rap 哈哈... 有錢屌就大
Let me rap, haha... money makes you powerful
就讓我來rap 來看樂壇悶死吧
Let me rap, come on, let's see the music world die
就讓我來rap 帶領你桌站
Let me rap and bring you up
就讓我來rap 歌詞就是原子彈
Let me rap, my lyrics are atomic bombs
就讓我來rap 你敢不敢來玩
Let me rap, do you dare to play
就讓我來rap 自己回家想想看
Let me rap, go home and think about it by yourself
There are media reporters everywhere, chasing after him with cameras
They don't do anything but ask some stupid questions
Digging into people's privacy and uncovering secrets is what they enjoy most
Then push the blame onto satisfying the public's voyeurism
簡直狗屁 這是什麼道理
That's bullshit, what kind of logic is that
根本不負責任 到底誰該反省
It's completely irresponsible, who should reflect on it
You have your own criticism, principles, and personality
But the media can shut you down at any time with a single command
Modern News Bureau is making a big fuss out of nothing
A bunch of incompetent officials with low IQ
滿街盜版cd 沒有關係啦
Pirated CDs all over the streets, oh, it's okay
Sing "f*ck you teacher" a few more times, banned
I don't know what you're doing this for
你說 為了維護社會善良的風氣
You said, to maintain the good morals of the society
Muthafucka... 好偉大的使命
Muthafucka... what a great mission
但是我MC HotDog根本懶得屌你
But I, MC HotDog, don't give a shit about you
就讓我來rap 揭開你的瘡疤
Let me rap and reveal your scar
就讓我來rap 你把聽眾當白痴啊
Let me rap, you treat your listeners like idiots
就讓我來rap 哈哈... 有錢屌就大
Let me rap, haha... money makes you powerful
就讓我來rap 來看樂壇悶死吧
Let me rap, come on, let's see the music world die
就讓我來rap 揭開你的瘡疤
Let me rap and reveal your scar
就讓我來rap 你把聽眾當白痴啊
Let me rap, you treat your listeners like idiots
就讓我來rap 哈哈... 有錢屌就大
Let me rap, haha... money makes you powerful
就讓我來rap 來看樂壇悶死吧
Let me rap, come on, let's see the music world die

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