MC HotDog - 韓流來襲 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais MC HotDog - 韓流來襲

Korean Wave strikes
到了台灣的時候 我問我自己 有沒有Hip-Hop出人家的口
When I arrived in Taiwan, I asked myself if there was any Hip-Hop that could get people talking.
答案是沒有 為什麼 可是打開電視的時候有看到Hip-Hop蠻多
The answer was no, but why is it that when I turn on the TV, I see so much Hip-Hop?
看起來是那個很像 中國 可是聽起來是那個 嗯ㄚ哈薩呦
It looks like something Chinese, but it sounds like something that goes “uh-huh-ha-sa-yo”.
奇怪!! 為什麼韓國音樂你會買 還不是一樣是那個聽不懂的
That's weird!! Why would you buy Korean music? It's just like, you don’t understand the lyrics anyways, It's crap!
我最近動不動就感冒流鼻涕 因為三不五時就有韓流來襲
I've recently been catching colds and runny noses all the time because the Korean Wave keeps hitting nonstop.
台灣人真是傻的可以 韓國歌手在台灣 賺錢真是太容易
Taiwanese people are really foolish; Korean singers can easily make money in Taiwan.
偶像歌手必備 笑容 燦爛無比 還必須 要有鄰家男孩的親和力
All idol singers must-have a smile that can brighten the world and also have the friendliness of a boy next door.
日本現在也在流行什麼R& B 我只有一句話
Japan is now popularizing R&B. I only have one thing to say.
操你媽個B 操你媽個B 操你媽個B FUCK CLON AND H.O.T
Screw you MOTHER F&*%ER. Screw you MOTHER F&*%ER. Screw you MOTHER F&*%ER. FUCK CLON AND H.O.T.
Yuki A-Mei CoCo Lee Suck Suck Suck... Suck My Dick
Yuki, A-Mei, CoCo Lee, Suck, Suck, Suck... Suck My Dick.
Screw you MOTHER F&*%ER. Screw you MOTHER F&*%ER. FUCK CLON AND H.O.T.
Yuki A-Mei CoCo Lee Suck Suck Suck... Suck My Dick
Yuki, A-Mei, CoCo Lee, Suck, Suck, Suck... Suck My Dick.
粉飾太平 沉溺情愛 世上的不公平一點也看不出來
Whitewashing the peace, indulging in love, the injustice in the world is not apparent at all.
所謂 偉大愛情 根本是無病呻吟 叫我這掛饒舌歌手是同仇敵愾
So-called great love is simply moaning without illness. This makes us, the rap singers, sworn enemies.
聽你唱歌讓我情不自禁腳癢的想踹 我看你 就跟你看我是一樣賭爛
Listening to you sing makes my feet itch to kick you. I'll bet you hate the way I look at you.
華麗的造型下 沒有一點裡子 聽眾一窩蜂的跟前 沒有半點堅持
Underneath the glamorous appearance, there is no substance. The audience blindly follows, without any persistence.
照單全收的盲從 就像是在吃屎 難道你 甘心傻傻地當孫子
Blindly following everything is like, eating shit. Are you willing to be a fool and a slave?
宇多田 隨便唱就賣個五百萬 我不爽 跟我一起罵:五千萬的訐
Utada can sell five million copies by just singing casually; I'm not happy. Let's curse together: Five million f**ks.
F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k...
台灣歌手怎麼唱都是在那邊愛來愛去 所以我在這裡一定要說真實的事情
Taiwanese singers always sing about love and affection, so I must tell the truth here.
現在的偶像歌手長的帥長的美麗 就等於可以上台去
Nowadays, idol singers only need to be handsome or beautiful to perform on stage.
什麼都不用會 但要保持笑嘻嘻 沒事幹時還要傻笑裝白癡
They don't need to know anything, but they must keep smiling. They even have to act silly and stupid when there's nothing to do.
有時眼淚最好一兩滴 博取觀眾同情 那就是他們生存的道理
Sometimes, it's best to shed a few tears to win the sympathy of the audience. That is the reason for their existence.
在電視上看到只是表面 你在裝傻 還是你沒有發現
What you see on TV is just the surface. Are you being silly, or have you not noticed?
愛來愛去 實在太假 凍抹掉 所以現在要跳出來罵
Love and affection are too fake; it makes me sick, so I'm going to come out and curse.
我問你要罵什麼? 罵芭樂 你們沒有別的選擇 在這個環境 長大
What do you want to curse? Curse the bubblegum pop. You have no other choice in this environment.
每天吃芭樂 一定有一天你吃不下
If you eat bubblegum pop every day, there will come a day when you can't swallow it.
你的排泄物 一定要拉 本來是從屁股 可是歌手是從嘴巴 shit from the mouth...
You have to poo out your waste. Normally, it comes out of your butt, but for singers, it comes out of their mouths; shit from the mouth...
Screw you MOTHER F&*%ER. Screw you MOTHER F&*%ER. FUCK CLON AND H.O.T.
Yuki A-Mei CoCo Lee Suck Suck Suck... Suck My Dick
Yuki, A-Mei, CoCo Lee, Suck, Suck, Suck... Suck My Dick.
Screw you MOTHER F&*%ER. Screw you MOTHER F&*%ER. FUCK CLON AND H.O.T.
Yuki A-Mei CoCo Lee Suck Suck Suck... Suck My Dick
Yuki, A-Mei, CoCo Lee, Suck, Suck, Suck... Suck My Dick.

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