MC Meza - Intro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais MC Meza - Intro

Mil caminos una verdad
A thousand paths, one truth
Para aquellos que caminan en la senda de justicia
For those who walk in the path of justice
Obrando bien aunque nos den el mal
Doing well even though we are given evil
Este camino no lo cambio por nada
I wouldn't change this path for anything
Tuvieron que pasar muchos años
Many years had to pass
Muchas lagrimas derramadas
Many tears shed
Muchos amigos que perdi por la maldad de la calle
Many friends I lost because of the evil of the street
Hoy tomo mi bandera
Today I take my flag
Y me aferro a tu verdad
And I hold on to your truth
Padre amado
Dear Father
Mil caminos una verdad
A thousand paths, one truth
Para aquellos que le ponen corazon
For those who put their heart into it
Mil caminos una verdad
A thousand paths, one truth
Para aquellos que no buscan lo suyo
For those who do not seek their own
Mil caminos una verdad
A thousand paths, one truth
Para aquellos que no buscan el odio
For those who do not seek hatred
Mil caminos una verdad
A thousand paths, one truth
Para aquellos que le aman a Dios
For those who love God
Aqui llego el mas Killah
Here comes the most Killah
Entregando la sana doctrina
Delivering the sound doctrine
Para toda la gente que esta bien confundida
For all the people who are very confused
Hoy canto pal que sabe escuchar buen rap
Today I sing for those who know how to listen to good rap
Pa los que me escuchaban antes siempre en la vola de la macoña y fly
For those who listened to me before always in the flight of marijuana and fly
Que hermano, eso ya era
That, brother, was already
Hoy tengo los pies puesto bien en la tierra
Today I have my feet firmly planted on the ground
Sigo dando cara, sigo dando guerra
I keep showing my face, I keep fighting
Y en la calle entregando letra sincera
And on the street delivering sincere lyrics
Y pal mal intensionado que anda en todos lados
And for the malicious who goes everywhere
Los bendigo con amor y con el flow sagrado
I bless them with love and with the sacred flow
Estilo neto en la calle resivo respeto
Net style on the street I receive respect
Este humilde servidor Dios lo a cambiado por completo
This humble servant God has changed completely
Quisiera recuperar el tiempo perdido
I would like to make up for lost time
Hablarles del amor a aquellos que han sufrido
Talk about love to those who have suffered
Por que yo estuve igual que ustedes hermanos mios
Because I was like you, my brothers
En la calle sin un rumbo perdido y confundido
On the street without a direction, lost and confused
Pero hoy tengo una chance la que Dios me brindo
But today I have a chance that God gave me
Haciendo musica de vida a traves de este don
Making music for life through this gift
No parare de agradecerte por tener tu perdon
I will not stop thanking you for having your forgiveness
Este camino es de valientes es querer ouh
This path is for the brave, it is to want ouh
Mil caminos una verdad
A thousand paths, one truth
Para quellos que le ponen corazon
For those who put their heart into it
Mil caminos una verdad
A thousand paths, one truth
Para quellos que no buscan suyo
For those who do not seek their own
Mil caminos una verdad
A thousand paths, one truth
Para aquellos que no buscan el oro
For those who do not seek gold
Mil caminos una verdad
A thousand paths, one truth
Para aquellos que le aman a Dios
For those who love God
Hey ya, Hey ya
Hey ya, Hey ya
Haciendo musica de vida
Making music for life
Pal Rey de Reyes
For the King of Kings
Contenido celestial
Celestial content
Para la calle
For the street
Mc Meza
Mc Meza
Para el unico digno de recibir toda honra
For the only one worthy of receiving all honor
Ye, Ye, Ye.
Ye, Ye, Ye.

Writer(s): Mauricio Meza

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