Ya me cansé de mover montañas por quien ni siquiera mueve una piedra por mí
I'm tired of moving mountains for someone who won't even move a stone for me
Para el mundo eres cualquiera, para mi tu eres el mundo
To the world you are anyone, to me you are the world
Mi mundo de colores que pintas cada segundo
My colorful world you paint every second
Me enamora el besarte despacio
I love kissing you slowly
Y amarte como a nadie entre el tiempo y el espacio
And loving you like nobody else between time and space
Tratar de contentarte para que te desahogues
Trying to please you so you can vent
Me diste de tu amor adrede para que me drogue
You gave me your love on purpose so that I could get high
He cierto, me traes enamorado
It's true, you've got me in love
Si quieres que este amor dure debe de ser valorado
If you want this love to last it must be valued
Los noviazgos son de dos. Van conformados por pares
Dating is for two. It is made up of pairs
Te noto un poco fría, quizás problemas familiares
I notice you're a little cold, maybe family problems
No sé, y yo quiero comprenderte
I don't know, and I want to understand you
Nadie en esta vida como yo podrá entenderte
No one in this life will understand you like I do
Lo he dicho varias veces y también lo he demostrado
I've said it several times and I've also shown it
Tenía ganas de verte pero me has ignorado
I wanted to see you, but you ignored me
Has dejado de quererme o me quieres a tu modo
Have you stopped loving me or do you love me in your own way
Puede ser que en tus manos este todo
Maybe it's all in your hands
El amor que te entregué ayer
The love I gave you yesterday
Cada lágrima que te lloré
Every tear I cried for you
Desvalorada fue
Was not valued
Dime, ¿Cuándo te lastime?
Tell me, when did I hurt you?
El amor que en mi surgió
The love that arose for me
Cegado me dejó
Blinded me
Tu engaño me enamoro
Your deception made me fall in love
Y mi corazón te creyó
And my heart believed you
El amor que el ti encontrado
The love that I found in you
Ha sido demasiado
Has been too much
No es lindo amar
It's not nice to love
Sin ser amado
Without being loved
Ya van varios meses de ser pareja
We've been a couple for several months now
Es bonito lo que siento pero traigo una queja
It's nice what I feel but I have a complaint
Lo que pasa: estoy mal; y estoy confundido
What's going on: I'm wrong; and I'm confused
Te no to un poco rara y creo que me has mentido
I think you're a little weird and I think you've lied to me
Yo te amo y dime, ¿Tú me quieres?
I love you and tell me, do you love me?
Me cuesta creerte porque a veces me hieres
I find it hard to believe you because sometimes you hurt me
Me entere de que anduviste por mi casa
I found out you were at my house
No pasaste a saludarme, la verdad no sé qué pasa
You didn't come to say hello, I really don't know what's going on
Me di cuenta que me importas demasiado
I realized that you matter to me too much
Porque te he llorado, porque así yo no había estado
Because I've cried for you, because I hadn't been like this before
Me dijeron que te trate mal que así me querrás
They told me to treat you badly that way you'll love me
Que no te valore y por mi morirás
Not to value you and you'll die for me
No te preocupes, esto no es tu culpa
Don't worry, it's not your fault
Si no hago lo correcto te pido una disculpa
If I don't do the right thing, I apologize
Gaste lo cursi con la persona equivocada
I'm cheesy with the wrong person
Perdóname pero hoy ya no siento nada
Forgive me but today I don't feel anything anymore
Tu mundo no puedo ser
I can't be your world
Si yo no se te querer
If I don't know how to love you
Busca a otra mujer
Look for another woman
Tal vez yo no se te entender
Maybe I don't know how to understand you
Quizás cuando decías que querías verme
Maybe when you said you wanted to see me
Lo hacías porque te sentías sola
You did it because you felt lonely
Y no porque en realidad tenías ganas de estar conmigo
Not because you really wanted to be with me
Así como lo haría una verdadera novia
Like a real girlfriend would
En toda relación existen dos tipos de personas, el que ama demasiado y al que poco le importa la relación, que solo le gusta ser querido y deseado pero no corresponde a su pareja.
In every relationship there are two types of people, the one who loves too much and the one who doesn't care much about the relationship, who only likes to be loved and desired but does not reciprocate to his partner.
Tal vez el amor me cegó y por eso no puedo ver que en verdad no te intereso.
Maybe love blinded me and that's why I can't see that you're really not interested in me.
Yo te quiero demasiado y no sé porque eres así
I love you too much and I don't know why you're like this
No queda otra alternativa, ya luche por ti
There is no other alternative, I have already fought for you
El amor que te entregué ayer
The love I gave you yesterday
Cada lágrima que te lloré
Every tear I cried for you
Desvalorada fue
Was not valued
Dime, ¿Cuándo te lastime?
Tell me, when did I hurt you?
El amor que en mi surgió
The love that arose for me
Cegado me dejó
Blinded me
Tu engaño me enamoro
Your deception made me fall in love
Y mi corazón te creyó
And my heart believed you
El amor que el ti encontrado
The love that I found in you
Ha sido demasiado
Has been too much
No es lindo amar
It's not nice to love
Sin ser amado
Without being loved
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