MC Richix - Nuestro Amor Está Muriendo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais MC Richix - Nuestro Amor Está Muriendo

Nuestro Amor Está Muriendo
Our Love Is Dying
Ahora es diferente
Now it's different
Cada que te miro hay peleas
Every time I look at you, there are fights
Ya no dices nada
You don't say anything
Siento que mi amor ya no deseas
I feel like you no longer desire my love
¿Que nos esta pasando?
What is happening to us?
Por que ya me da igual estar siempre peleados
Why don't I care about always fighting?
¿Porque no estoy llorando?
Why am I not crying?
¿Porque siento que siento que todo esto se ha acabado?
Why do I feel like this is over?
Dime en que fallé o dime en que fallaste
Tell me what I did wrong or tell me what you did wrong
Por que siento que esto se está perdiendo
Because I feel like this is getting lost
Si te lastimé no trates de ignorarme
If I hurt you, don't try to ignore me
Por que siento que este amor se ésta hundiendo
Because I feel like this love is sinking
Si te hice llorar o acaso hay alguien
If I made you cry or is there someone else
Que a tu corazón está confundiendo
Who is confusing your heart
Si no sientes nada y no quieres lastimarme
If you don't feel anything and you don't want to hurt me
Luchemos que nuestro amor se esta muriendo
Let's fight for our love, it is dying
Dime en que fallé o dime en que fallaste
Tell me what I did wrong or tell me what you did wrong
Por que siento que esto se está perdiendo
Because I feel like this is getting lost
Si te lastimé no trates de ignorarme
If I hurt you, don't try to ignore me
Por que siento que este amor se ésta hundiendo
Because I feel like this love is sinking
Si te hice llorar o acaso hay alguien
If I made you cry or is there someone else
Que a tu corazón está confundiendo
Who is confusing your heart
Si no sientes nada y no quieres lastimarme
If you don't feel anything and you don't want to hurt me
Luchemos que nuestro amor se esta muriendo
Let's fight for our love, it is dying
Ya no puedo seguir asi
I can't go on like this
Si yo solamente te he querido a ti
If I have only loved you
Si llegaste aqui es por que eres para mi
If you got here, it's because you are for me
Lo supe en el dia que te conocí
I knew it the day I met you
Vi, tu, estabas tan bella
I saw you, you were so beautiful
Persegui tus huellas
I chased your footprints
Te mire a los ojos
I looked into your eyes
Eran como estrellas
They were like stars
Entonces te encontre 'mi doncella'
Then I found you 'my maiden'
Comenzó lo nuestro y todo muy bien
Our thing started and everything was very good
Me quieres a mi y asi yo también
You love me and I love you too
Un amor de dos como el que soñamos
A love for two like the one we dreamed of
Por un gran tiempo lo ¿...?
For a long time we ...?
Estaba sabido y hemos cambiado
It was known and we have changed
Pero hace mucho que lo he notado
But I've noticed it for a long time
Algo nos pasa y no se que es
Something is happening to us and I don't know what it is
¿Por que ahora todo nos sale al revez?
Why is everything going wrong now?
No quiero perderte
I don't want to lose you
Pero tu dime!
But you tell me!
Y menos que nuestro fin se aproxime
And even less that our end is approaching
Tengo unas cosas que preguntarte
I have some things to ask you
Espero bebé no incomodarte
I hope baby I don't bother you
Quiza sea tonto lo que te diga
Maybe what I tell you is silly
¿Ya te aburri? eso me intriga!
Are you bored of me? That intrigues me!
*No mi amor, no me aburres*
*No my love, you don't bore me*
*¿como se te ocurre?*
*How do you think that?*
Es que yo siento
It's that I feel
Que este amor muere
That this love dies
Luchemos para que se recupere
Let's fight for it to recover
Y si yo soy el de los errores
And if I am the one making mistakes
Dime en que fallo para que mejore!
Tell me what I'm doing wrong so I can improve!
ésta situación nos está matando
This situation is killing us
Y la alegria nos esta faltando
And we are lacking joy
*Recuerdo aquello que me dijiste...*
*I remember what you told me...*
¿Que te dije?
What did I tell you?
*Ya no andes triste*
*Don't be sad anymore*
Está bien mi cielo
Okay, my love
Pero hay que hacer algo y si es este amor
But we have to do something and if it is this love
IPongamoslo a salvo!
Let's save it!
Ya discutimos mas de lo normal
We argued more than usual
Y sinceramente, éso esta mal!
And honestly, that's wrong!
Las peleas a diario en serio que cansan
Daily fights really get tiring
Y si hay orgullo no hay esperanza
And if there is pride, there is no hope
¿Crees que se Deba a la desconfianza?
Do you think it is due to distrust?
*Tal vez tuvo que ver la distancia*
*Maybe the distance had something to do with it*
Sea lo que sea, ¿que es lo que quieres?
Whatever it is, what do you want?
¿Seguir o hasta aquí?¿Tu que prefieres?
To continue or until here? What do you prefer?
Esto es de dos, no de uno solo
This is for two, not just one
Si estas aparte me descontrolo
If you are away, I lose control
Te necesito para respirar
I need you to breathe
Eres mi razon para luchar!
You are my reason to fight!
Reflexionemos, y conversemos, vale la pena.
Let's reflect, and talk, it's worth it.
Dime en que fallé o dime en que fallaste
Tell me what I did wrong or tell me what you did wrong
Por que siento que esto se está perdiendo
Because I feel like this is getting lost
Si te lastimé no trates de ignorarme
If I hurt you, don't try to ignore me
Por que siento que este amor se ésta hundiendo
Because I feel like this love is sinking
Si te lastimé no trates de ignorarme
If I hurt you, don't try to ignore me
Por que siento que este amor se ésta hundiendo
Because I feel like this love is sinking
Si te hice llorar o acaso hay alguien
If I made you cry or is there someone else
Que a tu corazón está confundiendo
Who is confusing your heart
Si no sientes nada y no quieres lastimarme
If you don't feel anything and you don't want to hurt me
Luchemos que nuestro amor se esta muriendo
Let's fight for our love, it is dying
Ahora es diferente
Now it's different
Cada que te miro hay peleas
Every time I look at you, there are fights
Ya no dices nada
You don't say anything
Siento que mi amor ya no deseas.
I feel like you no longer desire my love.

Writer(s): Richard Allan Alcaraz Lopez

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