MC 耀宗 feat. Denniz - 來自未來的你 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MC 耀宗 feat. Denniz - 來自未來的你

From the Future You
I'm like that person from your future
來自未來的你 來自未來的你 來自未來的你
From your future, from your future, from your future
I'm like that person from your future
來自未來的你 告訴你先不聽 那些流言蜚語
From your future, telling you not to listen to that gossip
I'm like that person from your future
來自未來的你 來自未來的你 來自未來的你
From your future, from your future, from your future
I'm like that person from your future
來自未來的你 告訴你得先學會愛著你自己
From your future, telling you that you need to learn to love yourself first
If love could have a time limit, how long would you want it to be?
Talking about dreams having no limits, I only understood how embarrassing that was when I grew up
Standing on the dividing line between life and death, what will it all mean?
半夜空空的內心 又是什麼被抽走
In the depths of the night, what is being taken from your empty heart?
放下 手上的玻璃碎片 交給我好嗎
Put down the glass shards in your hand, will you let me?
我知道有些話 像最後的稻草 快讓你倒塌
I know that some words are like the last straw, making you want to collapse
情緒該死的起伏 三不五時 總會來找碴
Your emotions are起伏, sometimes they come to find fault
好多的垃圾 堆堆堆堆 在心裡 找不到掃把
So much garbage, piling up in your heart, you can't find a broom
想哭就哭吧 反正再痛 也會過去
Cry if you want to, it will hurt, but it will pass
所謂那原則 遇到現實 就轉彎破例
Those so-called principles, when faced with reality, they turn around and break the rules
槍林跟彈雨 習慣後像黑白默劇
After getting used to a hail of bullets, it's like a black and white silent movie
回憶好像是 罐頭 一沒注意 就過期
Memories are like cans, if you're not careful, they'll expire
UN 我們都在星空下孤獨的畫自畫像
UN, we are all lonely under the starry sky, painting self-portraits
Sunflowers in the dark, quietly waiting to shine
給你一把槍 先不准上膛
I'll give you a gun, but don't load it yet
Move the muzzle away from your head, then point it at the sky and shoot with all your might
I'm like that person from your future
來自未來的你 來自未來的你 來自未來的你
From your future, from your future, from your future
I'm like that person from your future
來自未來的你 告訴你先不聽 那些流言蜚語
From your future, telling you not to listen to that gossip
I'm like that person from your future
來自未來的你 來自未來的你 來自未來的你
From your future, from your future, from your future
I'm like that person from your future
來自未來的你 告訴你得先學會愛著你自己
From your future, telling you that you need to learn to love yourself first
分岔的路口 漸沒了退路
At a fork in the road, there is no way out
哪裏是出口 哪裏是歸宿
Where is the exit, where is the destination?
Your heart is trapped in an endless maze, carrying an endless burden of emotions
回頭發現無處可逃 壓力在背後對你追逐
Looking back, there is nowhere to escape, the pressure is chasing you from behind
Everyday 情緒的平交道 在你身邊纏繞
Everyday, the emotional level crossing surrounds you
每個夜晚失眠和焦躁 我知道你多難熬
Every night, insomnia and anxiety, I know how hard it is for you
時間無情的帶走一切 拋下懦弱的你
Time takes away everything, leaving behind your weakness
在大海迷失了航線 找不回那自己
Lost at sea, unable to find your way back to yourself
You have to believe that after the storm you will have a smooth journey to your destination
面對未知不再徬徨 能找到一切的意義
Facing the unknown, no longer wandering, you can find the meaning of everything
那些付出的努力 你終將體會一切不是白費力氣
You will eventually realize that all the effort you put in was not in vain
The things that discourage you will become the memories that make you grow
I know that what you can't have always makes you want it more
I know that whenever you encounter a bottleneck, you want to turn around and run away
但看看鏡中現在或許 你憔悴的不能自己
But look in the mirror now, maybe you are憔悴 and can't help yourself
但我相信你可以辦到的 因為我就是你未來的你
But I believe you can do it, because I am your future self
I'm like that person from your future
來自未來的你 來自未來的你 來自未來的你
From your future, from your future, from your future
I'm like that person from your future
來自未來的你 告訴你先不聽 那些流言蜚語
From your future, telling you not to listen to that gossip
I'm like that person from your future
來自未來的你 來自未來的你 來自未來的你
From your future, from your future, from your future
I'm like that person from your future
來自未來的你 告訴你得先學會愛著你自己
From your future, telling you that you need to learn to love yourself first

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