MC 耀宗 - 我不想停留 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MC 耀宗 - 我不想停留

I don't want to stay
我不想停留 因為時間沒停過
I don't want to stay because time has not stopped
我不想停留 生活為誰奔波
I don't want to stay, who is life running for?
我不想停留 所以 我要大步的走
I don't want to stay, so I'm going to take a big step
我不想停留 越過 山丘 哪怕海市蜃樓
I don't want to stay, over the hill, even if it's a mirage
The shape of the high mountain is like each has its own appearance
Those meandering rivers are mysteriously fascinating
Why hasn't that inexplicable sadness drifted ashore yet?
Those one time youth, naively still being deceived
你哭著 你笑著 你愛著 你守著
You cry, you laugh, you love, you guard
你來了 你累了 你好了 你走了
You come, you tire, you get well, you leave
緣份像 手裡的 冰塊會 融化的
Fate is like the ice in your hand, it will melt
我們都 曾經說 後悔的 重話著
We have both uttered those regretful, harsh words
都想要 先飛行 都忘了 先歸零
We both want to fly first, forgetting to return to zero first
穿上斑駁的背心 從黑白走到灰心
Put on a mottled vest, from black and white to gray
男人不該說累 不該讓女人流淚
Men should not say they are tired, should not make women cry
A man who carries heartache must move forward as if nothing matters
Bury the sadness in the bottom of the heart day after day
The child without courage has already grown up
站在不一樣的起跑點 還是能看見
Standing at a different starting point, can still see
彩虹的終點站前 我們相約在那兒見
The rainbow terminal, we meet there
我不想停留 因為時間沒停過
I don't want to stay because time has not stopped
我不想停留 生活為誰奔波
I don't want to stay, who is life running for?
我不想停留 所以 我要大步的走
I don't want to stay, so I'm going to take a big step
我不想停留 越過 山丘 哪怕海市蜃樓
I don't want to stay, over the hill, even if it's a mirage
OH 我不想停留 OH 我不想停留
OH I don't want to stay OH I don't want to stay
OH 我不想停留 OH 我不想停留
OH I don't want to stay OH I don't want to stay
沒有關心 沒有關係 沒有過去 沒有未來
No concern, no relationship, no past, no future
只有現在 跨越山海 還在前進
Only the present, crossing mountains and seas, still moving forward
Yeah 也許平凡 也許無力 也許叛逆 榨乾自己
Yeah, maybe ordinary, maybe powerless, maybe rebellious, exhaust myself
是否也能 畫下一筆痕跡
Can I also draw a trace
眉頭上的驕傲 撐著 依舊
On the pride on my brow, hold on, still
Try to be humble 捲起衣袖
Try to be humble, roll up your sleeves
Even if you ask the world, you never get an answer
Even if the smile is backed by God or Satan
碰撞 習慣 重創
Collision, habit, trauma
Learn to drag a heavy pace forward, that's called living up to expectations
With a bitter smile, waiting for Bodhi in the desolation
The short youth can't stand the impoliteness of white hair
委屈失焦了視線 迷宮移動著試煉
Grievances blur the vision, the maze moves the trial
不怕敗給了沮喪 讓淚水值得被紀念
Not afraid to lose to frustration, let tears be worth remembering
成功的路上不擁擠 因為堅持的人很少
The road to success is not crowded because there are few people who persevere
安靜著穿越喧鬧 不用誰知道
Quietly through the noise, no one needs to know
我不想停留 因為時間沒停過
I don't want to stay because time has not stopped
我不想停留 生活為誰奔波
I don't want to stay, who is life running for?
我不想停留 所以 我要大步的走
I don't want to stay, so I'm going to take a big step
我不想停留 越過 山丘 哪怕海市蜃樓
I don't want to stay, over the hill, even if it's a mirage
OH 我不想停留 OH 我不想停留
OH I don't want to stay OH I don't want to stay
OH 我不想停留 OH 我不想停留
OH I don't want to stay OH I don't want to stay

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