MEGAHORN - Mosquito Killer - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MEGAHORN - Mosquito Killer

Mosquito Killer
Mosquito Killer
Please please exterminator の声に俺の答えはずばり任せな
Please please exterminator call me, and I will surely answer your call
この音に合わせ言葉放てば 苛立ちを駆除するEntertainer
With this sound, unleash the words, and I will dispel your frustrations, I am an Entertainer
抱いたそのわだかまりは 耳元を飛んでる蚊みたいな
Those grudges you bear are like mosquitos buzzing around your ears
そんな程度に思わせたいな 人を酔わせるそれこそ舞台だ
I want you to think of them as mere annoyances, with my music, I will provide the stage, and you will be captivated
Dissonant words, like buzzing flies, are attacking you, they are relentless
With a weak and tender heart, you will struggle to navigate this world
気を張るほどに溜まるストレス あっちこっちで発すSOS
The stress you accumulate can be overwhelming, like an SOS signal
No matter what you are facing, my music will vanquish your troubles
I wanna be your
I want to be your
Hero=Mosquito Killer 爆音という名のマントをなびかせ登場
Hero=Mosquito Killer, appearing with a sonic cloak billowing behind me
心を支配する不快感 ここで退治だ それが大事だ
I will conquer the discomfort dominating your mind, for that is my purpose
Hero=Mosquito Killer 君の中に残るイライラすべてを除去
Hero=Mosquito Killer, I will eradicate all the irritation within you
悪叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩くぜ
Vanquishing evil, over and over, let me hear your roar
昨日あいつの機嫌が悪く 理不尽な態度とられだるく
Yesterday, someone's foul mood led them to treat you unfairly, leaving you drained
そんな記憶振り払う軽く パンパパン パンパパン
Shake off those memories, with a lively beat: Bam, bam, bam
リズム感じて体委ねる 停滞してる心も跳ねる
Surrender to the rhythm, let your body move, let your stagnant soul dance
皆それぞれがここで目指せる NO.1 NO.1
We can all strive to be number one, here and now
Instead of succumbing to the rampant negativity, let's raise our voices and chase it away
踊り明かせ もっと汗流せ 両手 上げて 見せて
Dance until you collapse, sweat dripping from your body, raise your hands, clap them, show me your passion
この早さに合わせ どうせなら 手鳴らせよ
Match my tempo, and join me in this uproar
Let's drown out the blues with this infectious melody
I wanna be your
I want to be your
Hero=Mosquito Killer 爆音という名のマントをなびかせ登場
Hero=Mosquito Killer, appearing with a sonic cloak billowing behind me
心を支配する不快感 ここで退治だ それが大事だ
I will conquer the discomfort dominating your mind, for that is my purpose
Hero=Mosquito Killer 君の中に残るイライラすべてを除去
Hero=Mosquito Killer, I will eradicate all the irritation within you
悪叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩くぜ
Vanquishing evil, over and over, let me hear your roar
今日のあいつ裏切った挙句 逆切れをしてきて責められる
Today, someone betrayed you, then blamed you for their own wrongdoings
モヤモヤした気持ち切り替える パンパパン パンパパン
Release the bitterness, with a lively beat: Bam, bam, bam
考え方マイナスにいかず 楽しむことでプラスに活かす
Resist negative thoughts, choose to find joy and turn it into something positive
百聞は一見に如かず 参加だ 参加だ
Seeing is believing, join me, join me
日々自分だけ こんなにもなぜ 頭を抱え なんて腐るなかれ
Why dwell on your troubles alone? Why burden your mind with despair?
踊り明かせ もっと汗流せ 両手 上げて 見せて
Dance until you collapse, sweat dripping from your body, raise your hands, clap them, show me your passion
この早さに合わせ どうせなら 手鳴らせよ
Match my tempo, and join me in this uproar
Let's make our voices echo through the universe, instead of shrinking away
I wanna be your
I want to be your
Hero=Mosquito Killer 爆音という名のマントをなびかせ登場
Hero=Mosquito Killer, appearing with a sonic cloak billowing behind me
心を支配する不快感 ここで退治だ それが大事だ
I will conquer the discomfort dominating your mind, for that is my purpose
Hero=Mosquito Killer 君の中に残るイライラすべてを除去
Hero=Mosquito Killer, I will eradicate all the irritation within you
悪叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩くぜ
Vanquishing evil, over and over, let me hear your roar
Please please exterminator の声に俺の答えはずばり任せな
Please please exterminator call me, and I will surely answer your call
この音に合わせ言葉放てば 苛立ちを駆除するEntertainer
With this sound, unleash the words, and I will dispel your frustrations, I am an Entertainer
抱いたそのわだかまりは 耳元を飛んでる蚊みたいな
Those grudges you bear are like mosquitos buzzing around your ears
そんな程度に思わせたいな 人を酔わせるそれこそ舞台だ
I want you to think of them as mere annoyances, with my music, I will provide the stage, and you will be captivated
Your irritating encounters can be reduced to mere annoyances
Even the most disagreeable people will find their frowns turning upside down
これが出会いさ とにかくJoin us 羞恥心なんて追い出す
This is our chance encounter, come join me, let's banish all shame
I will rock your world and leave you yearning for more
I wanna be your
I want to be your
Hero=Mosquito Killer 爆音という名のマントをなびかせ登場
Hero=Mosquito Killer, appearing with a sonic cloak billowing behind me
心を支配する不快感 ここで退治だ それが大事だ
I will conquer the discomfort dominating your mind, for that is my purpose
Hero=Mosquito Killer 君の中に残るイライラすべてを除去
Hero=Mosquito Killer, I will eradicate all the irritation within you
悪叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩くぜ
Vanquishing evil, over and over, let me hear your roar
Hero=Mosquito Killer 爆音という名のマントをなびかせ登場
Hero=Mosquito Killer, appearing with a sonic cloak billowing behind me
心を支配する不快感 ここで退治だ それが大事だ
I will conquer the discomfort dominating your mind, for that is my purpose
Hero=Mosquito Killer 君の中に残るイライラすべてを除去
Hero=Mosquito Killer, I will eradicate all the irritation within you
悪叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩く 叩くぜ
Vanquishing evil, over and over, let me hear your roar

Writer(s): Mega Horn

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