MEGARYU - BRANDNEW NOTE - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MEGARYU - BRANDNEW NOTE

君の願いは今どこへ 叶わないって決めないで 走れ 自らの足で
Your wish, where is it now? Don't decide that it won't come true. Run, with your own feet.
どれだけの時が経ったんだ みんな夢を見る子供だったんだ
How much time has passed? We were all children with dreams.
無邪気に綴った卒業文集 あの頃は何にだってなれたんだ
The graduation essays we wrote innocently. Back then, we could have become anything.
ただひたすらに純粋な気持ちを忘れてく 同時に無くしていく
We forget our pure feelings, bit by bit, and at the same time, we lose them.
Since when did we start making excuses for ourselves and get used to giving up?
あの日書いた言葉思い出してみた 太くでかいWE CAN DO IT!!
I remember the words I wrote that day, bold and big: WE CAN DO IT!!
新しいノートを手に取って 情熱という名のペンを持って
Take a new notebook and a pen called passion.
描ける 抱ける まだ君はいつまでもあの日見た夢を
You can draw and hold onto that dream you saw that day, forever.
今は落書きみたいな 不恰好なそのイメージは
For now, it's like a doodle, an awkward image,
必ず輝く未来へと いつの日か繋がるのだろう
But it will surely connect to a brilliant future, someday.
Don't say you want to go back to those shining days.
常に今もそれぞれの何かを求め おおいに笑って泣いて
Always, even now, we seek something of our own. Laugh and cry to the fullest.
いつの君も君でいつでも どう生きるかなんて自由自在
You are always yourself, and how you live is always up to you.
まだ知らない 新しい自分探し そう明日は自分次第
You don't know yet. Search for a new you. Tomorrow is up to you.
果てしなく広い世界と同じだけ 無数にある希望求めて
In this endlessly vast world, there are countless hopes to seek.
新しいノートを手に取って 情熱という名のペンを持って
Take a new notebook and a pen called passion.
描ける 抱ける まだ君はいつまでもあの日見た夢を
You can draw and hold onto that dream you saw that day, forever.
今は落書きみたいな 不恰好なそのイメージは
For now, it's like a doodle, an awkward image,
必ず輝く未来へと いつの日か繋がるのだろう
But it will surely connect to a brilliant future, someday.
思い込めた一言とか にじんで読めない言葉も含め全部
Including the lines you believed in and the words that are smudged and unreadable,
そんな毎日の点がつながって 線となり見えてくる夢の姿
Those daily dots will connect and become lines, revealing the shape of your dream.
新しいノートを手に取って 情熱という名のペンを持って
Take a new notebook and a pen called passion.
描ける 抱ける まだ君はいつまでもあの日見た夢を
You can draw and hold onto that dream you saw that day, forever.
今は落書きみたいな 不恰好なそのイメージは
For now, it's like a doodle, an awkward image,
必ず輝く未来へと いつの日か いつの日か
But it will surely connect to a brilliant future, someday, someday.
新しいノートを手に取って 情熱という名のペンを持って
Take a new notebook and a pen called passion.
描ける 抱ける まだ君はいつまでもあの日見た夢を
You can draw and hold onto that dream you saw that day, forever.
今は落書きみたいな 不恰好なそのイメージは
For now, it's like a doodle, an awkward image,
必ず輝く未来へと いつの日か繋がるのだろう
But it will surely connect to a brilliant future, someday.

Writer(s): Mega Horn, Ryu Rex, mega horn, ryu rex

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