MEGARYU - ETERNAL LOVE - Band live version at Zepp Nagoya 2010 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MEGARYU - ETERNAL LOVE - Band live version at Zepp Nagoya 2010

ETERNAL LOVE - Band live version at Zepp Nagoya 2010
ETERNAL LOVE - Band live version at Zepp Nagoya 2010
他の人から見れば単なる だけど二人にとっちゃエターナル LOVE LOVE LOVE
It may seem ordinary to others, but to us it's an ETERNAL LOVE
Again today, somewhere in the world, we were suddenly torn apart by circumstances beyond our control
突如二人引き離され 悲しみが胸に刻まれるなんて
And sorrow is etched into our hearts
それに比べて小さな問題 乗り越えられないなんて言えない
Compared to that, small problems are nothing we can't overcome
I don't want to regret being stubborn over silly reasons
こんな時代だからこそ 喜びばかりじゃないけど ささやかな幸せ君とずっと ANYTIME 感じていたい
Especially in these times, there's not only joy, but I want to feel the little happiness with you, ANYTIME
ENERNAL LOVE WOH 今までとこの思いなにか違う
ETERNAL LOVE WOH This feeling is different now than before
共につかもう 二人は疑いなく永遠を誓う
Let's take it together, we will promise eternity without a doubt
そういつまでも 同じ気持ちならばきっと叶う 何十年先もそばで微笑む
If we have the same feelings forever, it will surely come true. Even decades from now, we will be smiling by each other's side
Oh, your casual gestures have healed and comforted me so many times
If you ever show me a sad face, I will make you laugh no matter what
常に三歩下がってついてこい それこそが男で格好良いって
I will always follow three steps behind you. That's what makes a man cool
Rather than showing off my manliness, I want to hold your hand and walk side by side
この人が駄目なら次にいこう 寂しさ紛らわすために急ぐ
If this person is no good, let's move on to the next one, hurrying to fill the loneliness
だけど代わりはいないって事分かってる 今更言わずとも
But I know there is no substitute. I don't need to say it now
ETERNAL LOVE WOH 今までとこの思いなにか違う
ETERNAL LOVE WOH This feeling is different now than before
変わらぬ愛を 二人は疑いなく永遠を誓う
Unchanging love, we will promise eternity without a doubt
君に伝えよう 柔らかな光さす未来願う 何十年先の君が目に浮かぶ
I will tell you, I wish for a future with a soft light. I can see you decades from now
Oh, I can't help but express my feelings in words and sing it to you
Let's make an album just for us, while we walk the same path together
見渡せば裏切りだまし合いなんでもあり 求めるのは形あるものばかり
When I look around, there's betrayal, deception, and everything. People only seek material things
I could never stay with someone just for the benefits
出会いの形は関係ない ありきたりだけどかけがえのない
It doesn't matter how we met, it's not a common thing, but it's irreplaceable
I want to be with someone who accepts me for who I am, if possible, for the rest of my life
こんな時代だからこそ 喜びばかりじゃないけど ささやかな幸せ君と ずっと ANYTIME 感じていたい
Especially in these times, there's not only joy, but I want to feel the little happiness with you, ANYTIME
ETERNAL LOVE WOH 今までとこの思いなにか違う
ETERNAL LOVE WOH This feeling is different now than before
共につかもう 二人は疑いなく永遠を誓う
Let's take it together, we will promise eternity without a doubt
そういつまでも 同じ気持ちならばきっと叶う 何十年先もそばで微笑む
If we have the same feelings forever, it will surely come true. Even decades from now, we will be smiling by each other's side
Right now, I don't want to see a fake smile, so just show me everything
I will accept your weaknesses and shortcomings as they are, so please continue to be with me
ETERNAL LOVE WOH 今までとこの思いなにか違う
ETERNAL LOVE WOH This feeling is different now than before
変わらぬ愛を 二人は疑いなく永遠を誓う
Unchanging love, we will promise eternity without a doubt
君に伝えよう 柔らかな光さす未来願う 何十年先の君が目に浮かぶ
I will tell you, I wish for a future with a soft light. I can see you decades from now
ETERNAL LOVE WOH 今までとこの思いなにか違う
ETERNAL LOVE WOH This feeling is different now than before
共につかもう 二人は疑いなく永遠を誓う
Let's take it together, we will promise eternity without a doubt
そういつまでも 同じ気持ちならばきっと叶う 何十年先もそばで微笑む
If we have the same feelings forever, it will surely come true. Even decades from now, we will be smiling by each other's side

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