MEGARYU - OPGの法則 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MEGARYU - OPGの法則

OPG's Principles
HEAT BEAT 心臓ドクドク 絶えず哀えず脚力凄く
HEAT BEAT The heart throbs Don't let the哀えずs get you down Your legs are strong
Your power is so overwhelming that it makes others look like a joke! HERE WE GO, EVERYBODY SING!
YEAH いつも開始同時に即 YEAH あがっちゃうこの法則
Let's start with a quick YEAH YEAH! This formula is amazing
YEAH It makes me so happy to see something so energetic YEAH, YO! IT'S SO GOOD.
YEAH 無意識にリズム取り出す YEAH 大胆になっちゃいます
YEAH I can't help but dance to the rhythm YEAH I'm feeling bold
YEAH 恥ずかし気もなく声出す YEAH LIMIT超えだす
YEAH It comes out naturally, and I don't care if I look silly YEAH It makes me feel limitless
誰もが心も体もおっぴろげ その頭ん中は真っ白で
Everyone is open-hearted and open-minded Their thoughts are empty
しのごの言わずにいっとけ IT'S OK かなりイケテルっぽいぽい
Don't be shy, just go for it IT'S OK It looks like you're having fun
心も体もおっぴろげ この音色で完全燃焼系
Open-hearted and open-minded This melody makes me wanna burn bright
ノリ遅れた奴急げ IT'S OK まだまだイケルっぽいぽい
If you're late to the party, hurry up IT'S OK You can catch up
体中にきてるぜギンギン 全神経敏感だぜビンビン
I can feel it in my whole body The energy is tingling in my every nerve
HEARTに炎燃えるてるぜジンジン フル回転のまるでエンジン
My HEART is burning with passion My mind is racing like an engine
トップスピードで飛ばしてこうぜ 今何時? なんて忘れとけ
Let's put the pedal to the metal and keep going Who cares what time it is?
してたらとっとけ腕時計 とりあえず激しく踊っとけ
If you're worried, take off your watch and just dance your heart out
とんで跳ねて体揺らして 音の中で耳を澄まして
Up, down, side to side Listen to the music and follow your heart
クールな楽器見つけ出して それに合わせて
Find a cool instrument and play along with it
おもろいダンスあみ出して みんな混ざって踊りだして
Come up with a fun dance and let everyone join in
可愛いあの子と絡んで 即テンション HI~GH!
Meet a cute girl or guy and get your spirits HI~GH!
誰もが心も体もおっぴろげ その頭ん中は真っ白で
Everyone is open-hearted and open-minded Their thoughts are empty
しのごの言わずにいっとけ IT'S OK かなりイケテルっぽいぽい
Don't be shy, just go for it IT'S OK It looks like you're having fun
心も体もおっぴろげ この音色で完全燃焼系
Open-hearted and open-minded This melody makes me wanna burn bright
ノリ遅れた奴急げ IT'S OK まだまだイケルっぽいぽい
If you're late to the party, hurry up IT'S OK You can catch up
SEXYに踊るLADYの色気 男は横目でダンスで競え
The ladies dance with alluring sexiness The fellas compete with their cool dance moves
楽しむことがまずは基礎で あとは十人十色で
The basic principle is to have fun and then be yourself
VIBES MAXになった所で さらに爆音よ轟け
When the vibes are just right, let's turn up the volume
たまにはちょっぴりおとぼけ でも真面目に気持ちをお届け
Sometimes we're silly, but we're serious about having a good time
やっぱりいるねDANCEHALL 色気ムンムンスパンコール
We gotta have some DANCEHALL That alluring sexiness with sequins
クールに躍るNICE GIRL 胸が高鳴る
The NICE GIRLS move so cool It makes my heart skip a beat
右も左も男だらけ だけど彼女は振り向いて
The guys are everywhere, but she keeps looking at me
何度も何度も目が合って テンション HI~GH!
Our eyes lock again and again, and my spirits are HI~GH!
誰もが心も体もおっぴろげ その頭ん中は真っ白で
Everyone is open-hearted and open-minded Their thoughts are empty
しのごの言わずにいっとけ IT'S OK かなりイケテルっぽいぽい
Don't be shy, just go for it IT'S OK It looks like you're having fun
心も体もおっぴろげ この音色で完全燃焼系
Open-hearted and open-minded This melody makes me wanna burn bright
ノリ遅れた奴急げ IT'S OK まだまだイケルっぽいぽい
If you're late to the party, hurry up IT'S OK You can catch up
最近何だかイライラ 張りのない心しわしわ
I've been feeling cranky and flat lately
Come on, everyone, come to the party and let's make some noise
溢れるエナジーギラギラ タフなスタミナ見な見な
We've got tons of energy and stamina Watch us tear it up
イヤイヤって恥ずかしがらず はしゃぎな今
Don't be shy, get crazy right now
誰もが心も体もおっぴろげ その頭ん中は真っ白で
Everyone is open-hearted and open-minded Their thoughts are empty
しのごの言わずにいっとけ IT'S OK かなりイケテルっぽいぽい
Don't be shy, just go for it IT'S OK It looks like you're having fun
心も体もおっぴろげ この音色で完全燃焼系
Open-hearted and open-minded This melody makes me wanna burn bright
ノリ遅れた奴急げ IT'S OK まだまだイケルっぽいぽい
If you're late to the party, hurry up IT'S OK You can catch up
心も体もおっぴろげ かなりイケテルっぽいぽい
Open-hearted and open-minded It looks like you're having fun
心も体もおっぴろげ まだまだイケテルっぽいぽい
Open-hearted and open-minded You can catch up
心も体もおっぴろげ かなりイケテルっぽいぽい
Open-hearted and open-minded It looks like you're having fun
心も体もおっぴろげ まだまだイケテルっぽいぽい
Open-hearted and open-minded You can catch up

Writer(s): mega horn, ryu rex, mega horn, ryu rex

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