MEGARYU - でぇれ でれ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MEGARYU - でぇれ でれ

でぇれ でれ
De-re De-re
心弾む週末の午後 今夜君はただの友達から僕の彼女になる 間違いないさ
My heart is racing on this weekend afternoon. Tonight, you will transform from just a friend into my girlfriend. There's no doubt about it.
きっと君も同じ気持ち 相思相愛 早く会いたい
Surely, you feel the same way. We love each other, so I can't wait to see you.
That's why I'm on my way to meet you right now.
そこは地元でメジャーな待ちあわせ場所 俺やる気の5分前行動
It's our local, popular meeting spot, and I'm here 5 minutes early, just like I planned.
かなり突っ走りそうな この猛牛並みの気持ち押し殺そう
My feelings are like a raging bull, but I'm trying to keep them in check.
年齢よりも大人びた容姿 SEXY路線 性格も良し
You look older than your age, and you're so sexy. Your personality is great, too.
少しおっちょこちょいな君は 案の定遅刻で予想どおり
You're a little clumsy, so it's no surprise that you're running late, just as I expected.
露出した肌は、これみよがし 胸元いやらしい それ揺らし
Your exposed skin is so alluring. Your cleavage is teasing, and you're swaying your hips.
You run up to me, breathless, and say, "Sorry, I kept you waiting." I tell you, "I just got here, too."
もうそーんな妄想 膨らんでる今日こそイケそう
My mind is already racing with fantasies. I feel like I can make my move tonight.
ついついニヤニヤしているぞ デレデレでれぇデレデレ
I can't help but grin. I'm smitten, head over heels.
心弾む週末の午後 今夜君はただの友達から僕の彼女になる 間違いないさ
My heart is racing on this weekend afternoon. Tonight, you will transform from just a friend into my girlfriend. There's no doubt about it.
きっと君も同じ気持ち 相思相愛 早く会いたい
Surely, you feel the same way. We love each other, so I can't wait to see you.
That's why I'm on my way to meet you right now.
まずは食事の前にショッピング ここへ行こうって手を引くさりげなく
Before we eat, let's do some shopping. I'll casually take your hand and lead you.
自然な形で密着 着々カップルつなぎになるはず
We'll naturally get close and soon be holding hands like a couple.
これ可愛いって目 輝かせてる君見て俺胸高鳴らせてる
I'll catch you looking at something with your eyes sparkling, and my heart will race with anticipation.
じゃさぁこれプレゼント ていうかせっかくだからお揃いの
So, this is a present for you. Or rather, since we're here, let's get matching ones.
心弾む週末の午後 今夜君はただの友達から僕の彼女になる 間違いないさ
My heart is racing on this weekend afternoon. Tonight, you will transform from just a friend into my girlfriend. There's no doubt about it.
きっと君も同じ気持ち 相思相愛 早く会いたい
Surely, you feel the same way. We love each other, so I can't wait to see you.
That's why I'm on my way to meet you right now.
昨日ネットで検索お値打ちな なお且つお洒落なイタ飯屋
Yesterday, I searched online for a reasonably priced but stylish Italian restaurant.
夜景をバックにワインを嗜む 彼女のハートはいただきや
We'll sip wine with a view of the夜景, and then I'll have her heart.
When you ask, "Do you come here often?" I'll reply, "Only about three times so far."
ツレの馬鹿話から次第に接近戦 突撃恋愛モード
We'll start with some silly stories and gradually get closer, leading to a romantic confession.
俺たち惹かれあう(♂と♀) 相性ぴったり(SとM)
We're drawn to each other (man and woman), perfectly compatible (S and M).
そして俺は君が(好きです)「私も」 ムードたっぷりKISS
And then I'll tell you (I love you), and you'll say, "Me too." We'll share a passionate kiss in the perfect ambiance.
もうこんなに...。 膨らんでる 今日こそイケそう
My anticipation is growing. I feel like I can make my move tonight.
ついついニヤニヤしているぞ デレデレでれぇデレデレ
I can't help but grin. I'm smitten, head over heels.
髪型ばっちり洋服ばっちり 今夜気持ち言うぞはっきり
My hair is perfect, and my outfit is on point. Tonight, I'll tell you how I feel.
I'm whistling and rehearsing my words like it's a performance.
鏡の自分にGOOD LUCK! 馬鹿げてるけど言葉かける
I look in the mirror and say, "Good luck!" It's silly, but I need the words of encouragement.
で~れ幸せな妄想 シナリオ全てがサクセスモード
These blissful fantasies are playing out in my mind, and I'm confident everything will go perfectly.
But then I check my phone and see a shocking message from you.
It says, "I have to meet my boyfriend, so I can't make it today." I can't read it through my tears.
恋は幻 週末の午後 今夜 君はただの友達から
My dreams are shattered. This weekend afternoon, you were supposed to transform from just a friend into
僕の彼女になる はずだったんだ
my girlfriend. But now I know it's not going to happen.
俺も丁度仕事だった なんて 強がりの返信
I lie and say, "I have to work anyway." I'm putting on a brave face.
I'm holding back tears, but I'm all alone tonight, feeling miserable.

Writer(s): Mega Horn, Ryu Rex, mega horn, ryu rex

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