MINMI - Eternal Destination (feat. TMG & 4WD) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MINMI - Eternal Destination (feat. TMG & 4WD)

Eternal Destination (feat. TMG & 4WD)
Eternal Destination (feat. TMG & 4WD)
あーもうやってらんねぇ オマエなしじゃダメ
Oh, my gosh, I can't take it anymore, I can't do without you
なんつって蹴っとばすSUNDAY なんでかんでってワケじゃねーが
I'm just kidding, I'm just kicking it on a SUNDAY, but for some reason
DAY BY DAYになっちゃうCRAZYなGAME(WOW!)つきあってらんねぇ
DAY BY DAY This CRAZY GAME (WOW!) I can't keep up with it
LOVEなSTORY 調子どーだ盛り上がってっかO-TOWNホーミー
A LOVE STORY, how you doing, are you getting excited, O-TOWN homies?
こんな時になる電話のBELL 事件発生! あーまたアイツのせい
The BELL rings at this time, an incident has occurred! Ah, it's his fault again
いっそ圏外の地 スケジュール無視 もっとRELAXだぜMINMI!
An area out of range, ignoring the schedule, more RELAX, you MINMI!
西に傾く夕日に照らされ 飛び立つ機体高度を上げ
Illuminated by the sunset, the aircraft takes off and gains altitude
ヤツら追わないハズはない ピカソの自画像さえもない
They must be chasing me, even Picasso's self-portraits are gone
守れるなら乗せてあげる 後戻りできないのが条件
If you can protect it, I'll let you on board, but you can't go back
全てこの手にするまで 果てしない旅にも似たゲーム
Until I get my hands on everything, this game is like an endless journey
DATE LINEも越えたころね 浅い眠り誘うブランケット
As we cross the DATE LINE, a shallow sleep invites us with a blanket
途切れ途切れちぎれた夢 もう一度あの部屋からの海の眺め
A dream that was cut short, once again, the view of the sea from that room
カリブの島越え 待ってるアカプルコで
Waiting for you in Acapulco, beyond the Caribbean islands
予定通り進む作戦 秒読み再会まで
The plan is proceeding as scheduled, a countdown to our reunion
秘密の場所で(落ち合おう) 地平線(あの場所 までどのくらい?)
In a secret place (let's meet there) Horizon (how far is it to that place?)
秘密の場所で(落ち合おう) 地平線(あの場所 までどのくらい?)
In a secret place (let's meet there) Horizon (how far is it to that place?)
まずは成功の始まりに乾杯 好きなだけやるぞさぁ後何回
First of all, let's toast to the beginning of success, let's do it as much as we like, how many times more?
あてになんない話ならよせ 派手にやんないこのプロジェクト
If you're not going to be reliable, then forget about it, we're not going to do this project in a big way
ENJOY ON THE ONE NIGHT だからこの話今日はやめとこぜこの辺り
ENJOY ON THE ONE NIGHT, so let's stop this talk here
I want to see your sexy moves more than that
SO GOOD BABY, the diamond shines
MINMIとTMGの犯行 明かすなシークレットな番号 これはBLからの指令
MINMI and TMG's crime, don't reveal the secret number, this is an order from BL
その時点で100%な仕事が要求される 騒ぎからさめるまで潜んで
At that point, 100% work is required, hide until the commotion dies down
いつものドハデなファッションはダメ 合流地点で飲むカップチーノ
The usual flashy fashion is not allowed, drink cappuccino at the meeting point
無視しな赤信号 早くしろ!
Ignore the red light, hurry up!
秘密の場所で(落ち合おう) 地平線(あの場所 までどのくらい?)
In a secret place (let's meet there) Horizon (how far is it to that place?)
秘密の場所で(落ち合おう) 地平線(あの場所 までどのくらい?)
In a secret place (let's meet there) Horizon (how far is it to that place?)
ある1つのゲームが俺を変えた スパイダーに乗ってる嘘臭いか
One game changed me, I'm on a Spyder, does that sound like a lie?
つかんだブラックのダイヤを追うのは誰だ 目的は口止めの金か?
Who is chasing the black diamond I have? Is the purpose money to silence me?
Let me tell you, finding me is as difficult as making your dreams come true
余裕シャクシャク スウィートなタイム お前に会うことは二度と無い
Easy, sweet time, I'll never see you again
秘密の場所で(落ち合おう) 地平線(あの場所 までどのくらい?)
In a secret place (let's meet there) Horizon (how far is it to that place?)
秘密の場所で(落ち合おう) 地平線(あの場所 までどのくらい?)
In a secret place (let's meet there) Horizon (how far is it to that place?)

Writer(s): MINMI, BL

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