MIRA - Cum De Te Lasa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction MIRA - Cum De Te Lasa

Cum De Te Lasa
How Do You Let Yourself
De ce te cred mereu cand zici
Why do I always believe you when you say
Ca sunt tot pentru tine
That I'm everything for you
Poate daca m-ai iubi
Maybe if you loved me
Ai fi cu mine
You would be with me
M-agat mereu de amintiri
I always cling to memories
Si mintea ma cearta
And my mind torments me
Un suflet plin de amagiri
A soul full of deceptions
Inca te-asteapta
Still waiting for you
Si orice-ar fi stii ca te iarta
And whatever happens know that it forgives you
Tell me
Cum de te lasa inima ta sa ma lasi cand vrei
How do you let your heart let you leave me whenever you want
Tell me
Cum de te lasa inima mea sa-mi iei tot ce-mi iei
How do you let your heart let you take everything from me
Pe bune
N-a fost de ajuns doar tot ce-am avut, tu ai vrut mai mult
Wasn't everything we had enough, you wanted more
Cum de te lasa inima ta sa faci ce vrei cu inima mea
How do you let your heart let you do whatever you want with my heart
Si zic ca plec da-s tot aici
And I say I'm leaving but I'm still here
Aici pentru tine
Here for you
Tu ma repari si tu ma strici
You fix me and you break me
Cum iti convine
However it suits you
As vrea sa pot sa iti spun nu
I wish I could tell you no
Macar cateodata
At least sometimes
Usor de zis greu de facut
Easy to say hard to do
Nu pot niciodata
I can never do it
Cum de te lasa inima ta sa ma lasi cand vrei
How do you let your heart let you leave me whenever you want
Tell me
Cum de te lasa inima mea sa-mi iei tot ce-mi iei
How do you let your heart let you take everything from me
Pe bune
N-a fost de ajuns doar tot ce-am avut, tu ai vrut mai mult
Wasn't everything we had enough, you wanted more
Cum de te lasa inima ta sa faci ce vrei cu inima mea
How do you let your heart let you do whatever you want with my heart
Se zice ca doar in dragoste si in razboi e permis orice
They say that in love and in war anything is allowed
E vina mea ca m-am incurcat cu cine nu trebuie
It's my fault that I got involved with the wrong person
E vina mea ca m-au ametit vorbe toxice
It's my fault that I got dizzy from toxic words
Desi in dragoste si in razboi e permis orice
Even though anything is allowed in love and in war
Nu-nteleg cum de
I don't understand how
Cum de te lasa inima ta sa ma lasi cand vrei
How do you let your heart let you leave me whenever you want
Tell me
Cum de te lasa inima mea sa-mi iei tot ce-mi iei
How do you let your heart let you take everything from me
Pe bune
N-a fost de ajuns doar tot ce-am avut, tu ai vrut mai mult
Wasn't everything we had enough, you wanted more
Cum de te lasa inima ta sa faci ce vrei cu inima mea
How do you let your heart let you do whatever you want with my heart

Writer(s): Alex Parker, Alin Ilies, Florian Rus, Loredana Cavasdan, Madalin Rosioru, Theea Miculescu

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