Macanache - Bob Dylar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Macanache - Bob Dylar

Bob Dylar
Bob Dylar
Eu sunt golanu' Bob Dylar
I'm the hustler Bob Dylar
Sunt cel mai aprig golan
I'm the toughest hustler
Da fraieri, da prosti, nu mi-e mila
Yeah, fools and idiots, I have no mercy
Oricand aicia ii am
I have them here anytime
Miscarea mea e agila
My moves are agile
Vand stouri si flow-uri la gram
I sell stories and flows by the gram
Eu sunt golanu' Bob Dylar, Bob Dylar
I'm the hustler Bob Dylar, Bob Dylar
Marfa mea creeaza dependenta
My stuff creates addiction
Marfa mea e tare ca esenta
My stuff is strong like essence
Arunc in aer orice concurenta, n-am mila
I blow up any competition, I have no mercy
Fac lumea sa se simta bine
I make the world feel good
Eu sunt Bob Dylar
I am Bob Dylar
Marfa mea creeaza dependenta
My stuff creates addiction
Marfa mea e tare ca esenta
My stuff is strong like essence
Arunc in aer orice concurenta, n-am mila
I blow up any competition, I have no mercy
Fac lumea sa se simta bine
I make the world feel good
Eu sunt Bob Dylar
I am Bob Dylar
Prima doza e pa gratis
First dose is on the house
A doua - scoti banu'
The second one - you pay up
Aici nu esti la Calatis
You're not at Calatis here
Nu-ti spargem timpanu'
We don't break your eardrum
N-o rulezi, n-o tragi pa nas
You don't roll it, you don't sniff it
Daca nu esti gras
Unless you're fat
Ca-ti iei filme toata noaptea
Because you'll get high all night long
Daca dau drumu' la bass
If I turn up the bass
Baga tare, ca nu doare
Turn it up loud, it doesn't hurt
Da volum in difuzoare
Turn up the volume on the speakers
Dupa care tre' sa vii
After which you have to come
Pa la mine pa la show-uri
To my shows
Sa-ti mai dau si alte stouri
To give you some more stories
Am si beat-uri, am si rime
I have beats, I have rhymes
Si mai dealaresc si flow-uri
And I also share flows
Muzica cu greutate
Music with weight
Fara doar si poate
Without a doubt
E putin cam tare marfa
The stuff is a bit strong
E hip-hop da calitate
It's quality hip-hop
Si daca nu simti efectu'
And if you don't feel the effect
Ori ti-o dai cu stangu-n dreptu'
Either you're hitting yourself with your left hand on your right
Ori nu-ti merge intelectu'
Or your intellect isn't working
Sa poti sa-ntelegi subiectu'
To understand the subject
Nu uita sa dai la altii
Don't forget to give to others
Sa guste din marfa mea
To taste my stuff
Din Berceni pleaca pachetu'
The package leaves from Berceni
Pana la urechea ta
To your ear
Da-i volum, da' vezi cat dai
Turn up the volume, but watch how much you turn it up
Sa nu te trezesti in rai
So you don't wake up in heaven
Si cand dai in supradoza
And when you overdose
Simti ca nu mai poti sa stai
You feel like you can't stand anymore
Toata lumea da din cap
Everyone nods
Ce vand eu e rap curat
What I sell is pure rap
Multi vor sa si-l bage-n vene
Many want to inject it into their veins
Cu acu' de la pick-up
With a needle from the pickup
Baga kick, snare, kick, kick, snare
Put kick, snare, kick, kick, snare
Si-uite asa ajunge
And that's how it gets
Marfa mea la tine-n cartier
My stuff in your neighborhood
Daca te ia cu frisoane
If you get chills
Si ti-o da rau pa sevraj
And you get withdrawal symptoms
Vino sa-ti mai dea baiatu'
Come get some more from the boy
Rap din ala cu mesaj
That rap with a message
Rap din ala cu mesaj
That rap with a message
Marfa mea creeaza dependenta
My stuff creates addiction
Marfa mea e tare ca esenta
My stuff is strong like essence
Arunc in aer orice concurenta, n-am mila
I blow up any competition, I have no mercy
Fac lumea sa se simta bine
I make the world feel good
Eu sunt Bob Dylar
I am Bob Dylar
Marfa mea creeaza dependenta
My stuff creates addiction
Marfa mea e tare ca esenta
My stuff is strong like essence
Arunc in aer orice concurenta, n-am mila
I blow up any competition, I have no mercy
Fac lumea sa se simta bine
I make the world feel good
Eu sunt Bob Dylar
I am Bob Dylar
Am baietii mei care livreaza marfa peste tot
I have my boys who deliver the goods everywhere
Si baietii mei care ti-o da cu palma peste bot
And my boys who slap you in the face
In studio la foc mic, finisam produsu'
In the studio, on low heat, we finish the product
Cu tactica si pasiune, mai ceva ca rusu
With tactics and passion, more than the Russians
Iesim pa strada sa testam cum s-aude fusu'
We go out on the street to test how the fuse sounds
La unii suna da cacat, la noi e fix opusu'
Some sound like shit, ours is the exact opposite
Si cand aud da concurenta ma apuca rasu'
And when I hear the competition, I start laughing
Am da toate pentru toata lumea
I have everything for everyone
Eu sunt Bob Dylar
I am Bob Dylar
Sunt respectat in toata lumea
I'm respected all over the world
Zici ca-s Godzilla
You'd think I'm Godzilla
Sunt cautat da interpol, bro, da' nu m-ascund
I'm wanted by Interpol, bro, but I'm not hiding
Ma suna si pa telefon, dar nu le raspund
They even call me on the phone, but I don't answer
Am altele pa cap, intoarse invers ca o sapca
I have other things on my mind, turned upside down like a cap
S-naltele pa beat de rap, le pun sa faca japca
The tall ones on the rap beat, I make them jump
Oricat ai vrea sa stai deoparte
No matter how much you want to stay away
N-o sa reusesti
You will not succeed
Am si balade si povesti
I have ballads and stories
De te-mbolnavesti
If you get sick
Care mai doreste, care mai pofteste
Who else wants it, who else craves it
Primu' venit, primu' servit
First come, first served
Doar daca plateste
Only if you pay
Io stiu reteta
I know the recipe
Io conduc reteaua
I run the network
Am preluat stafeta, bro
I took the baton, bro
V-ati gasit beleaua
You found your trouble
Fac si reduceri de Craciun pentru veterani
I also make Christmas discounts for veterans
Fac doar ce-mi place, sa-mi bag pula
I only do what I like, to get my dick sucked
Si mai fac si bani
And I also make money
Marfa mea creeaza dependenta
My stuff creates addiction
Marfa mea e tare ca esenta
My stuff is strong like essence
Arunc in aer orice concurenta, n-am mila
I blow up any competition, I have no mercy
Fac lumea sa se simta bine
I make the world feel good
Eu sunt Bob Dylar
I am Bob Dylar
Marfa mea creeaza dependenta
My stuff creates addiction
Marfa mea e tare ca esenta
My stuff is strong like essence
Arunc in aer orice concurenta, n-am mila
I blow up any competition, I have no mercy
Fac lumea sa se simta bine
I make the world feel good
Eu sunt Bob Dylar
I am Bob Dylar

Writer(s): Bogdan Dinescu, Constantin Dinescu

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