Macanache - Daev - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Macanache - Daev

Sa faci ce n-a vazut Parisu
You do what Paris hasn't seen
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Sa fii treaz, sa traiesti si visu
To be awake, to live the dream
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Sa vrei, sa tragi, sa nu te lasi
To want it, to hustle, to never give up
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Sa tragi pentru familie
To hustle for your family
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Trag pana rup norma
I hustle till I break the norm
Niciodata formal
Never formal
Mi se pare normal
It seems normal to me
Io pun pa masa ciorba
I put the soup on the table
Dupa ies la fotbal
After I go play football
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Alerg pa strazile astea
I run on these streets
Zi si noapte de nebun
Day and night like a madman
Tot timpu sunt pus pe fapte
I'm always on point
Daca vreau sa fiu mai bun
If I want to be better
Ma trezesc, e ora sapte
I wake up, it's seven o'clock
Beau cafeaua, trag un fum
I drink my coffee, take a smoke
Ies din casa si din scara
I leave the house and the stairwell
Si deja fac primu drum
And I'm already on my first run
Iau marfa la juma da pret
I take the goods at half price
Si-o distribui peste tot
And I distribute them everywhere
Sunt baiat descurcaret
I'm a resourceful guy
Mie-mi demonstrez ca pot
I prove to myself that I can
Cand e vorba da familie
When it comes to family
Va demontez de tot
I'll dismantle you all
Merg la sigur sa fac banu
I play it safe to make money
Totdeauna am un pont
I always have a lead
Daca astazi fac mai mult
If I make more today
Nu ma imbat cu apa rece
I don't get cocky
Ziua buna vine rar
A good day comes rarely
Cum vine asa si trece
As it comes, so it goes
Trag cu dintii ca de ciunga
I'm holding on tight like a tick
Jur ca n-o mai las sa plece
I swear I won't let it go
Mie da-mi un milion
Give me a million
Intr-o ora fac vreo zece
I'll make ten in an hour
Intr-o ora fac vreo zece
I'll make ten in an hour
Sa faci ce n-a vazut Parisu
You do what Paris hasn't seen
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Sa fii treaz, sa traiesti si visu
To be awake, to live the dream
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Sa vrei, sa tragi, sa nu te lasi
To want it, to hustle, to never give up
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Sa tragi pentru familie
To hustle for your family
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
De cand ma stiu
Ever since I can remember
Am ars-o doar pa combinatii
I've only been about combinations
Mereu imi fac relatii
I always make connections
Si dupa suntem ca fratii
And then we're like brothers
Ca n-am timp sa stau degeaba
Because I don't have time to stand idle
Sau sa stau cu terminatii
Or to deal with endings
Io am alte aspiratii
I have other aspirations
Nu tre sa dau explicatii
I don't have to give explanations
Si destinu meu in viata
And my destiny in life
E sa-mputinez bogatii
Is to make a fortune
Muzica o fac din suflet
I make music from the soul
Fratimiu pentru vibratii
Brother, for the vibes
Ca sunt dependent de rap
Because I'm addicted to rap
Mai rau decat sunt drogatii
Worse than junkies
Ies la party cand am treaba
I go out to parties when I have business
Nu merg sa ma relaxez
I don't go to relax
Nu dau banii pe cacaturi
I don't spend money on crap
Nu-mi place sa ma flexez
I don't like to flex
Oriunde iau microfonu
Wherever I take the mic
Stiu deja ca deranjez
I already know I'm disturbing
Va iau banii la intrare
I take your money at the entrance
Sa-i platesc beatu lu SEZ
To pay for SEZ's drink
Pentru ca timpu-nseamna bani
Because time is money
Banii inseamna chestii
Money means things
Si chestiile astea uneori
And these things sometimes
Ne transforma-n bestii
Turn us into beasts
E rau sa-ti fie foame, bro
It's bad to be hungry, bro
E greu sa-ti fie frig
It's hard to be cold
Cu viata lupt de cand sunt mic
I've been fighting life since I was a kid
Si nu mereu castig
And I don't always win
Nu pentru mine fac ce fac
I don't do what I do for myself
Ca nu sunt egoist
Because I'm not selfish
D-aia ma vezi mereu razand
That's why you always see me laughing
Desi sunt foarte trist
Even though I'm very sad
Io nu deschid usa la casa
I don't open the door to the house
Daca n-am o paine
If I don't have a loaf of bread
Pe care s-o impartim
To share
Si lasa ca vedem noi maine
And we'll see what tomorrow brings
Sa faci ce n-a vazut Parisu
You do what Paris hasn't seen
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Sa fii treaz, sa traiesti si visu
To be awake, to live the dream
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Sa vrei, sa tragi, sa nu te lasi
To want it, to hustle, to never give up
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Sa tragi pentru familie
To hustle for your family
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about
Despre asta-i vorba
That's what it's all about

Writer(s): Constantin Dinescu

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