Macanache - Eu Dau Graffiti - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Macanache - Eu Dau Graffiti

Eu Dau Graffiti
Eu Dau Graffiti
Imi suna telefonul, este omul meu Erps
My phone rings, it's my man Erps
Alo! Ce faci fratioru′? Ce sa fac, faceam un vers
Hello! What are you up to, bro? What should I do, writing a verse
Ca sa fiu cu-n pas in fata, stii ca eu le fac din mers
To stay one step ahead, you know I do it on the go
Rima dupa rima, inspirat de univers
Rhyme after rhyme, inspired by the universe
Uite eu eram cu Ta si cu Fane si Crapu'
Look, I was with Ta, Fane, and Crapu'
Si ziceam sa vii si tu sa nu lipseasca rap-ul
And I told them to come over, so that rap wouldn't be missing
Nici nu mai stau pe ganduri, pentru ca iubesc graffiti
I don't even hesitate, because I love graffiti
Cum o iubea Egiptul mai demult pe Nefertiti
As Egypt loved Nefertiti in the past
Plus ca eu nu-s gen-ul de om care sta pe tusa
Plus, I'm not the type of guy who just sits around
Cand e vorba de graffiti, iti trebuie doar o manusa
When it comes to graffiti, all you need is a glove
Cand vine vorba de bani. iti trebuie doar o matusa
When it comes to money. all you need is an aunt
Baga telefonul, cheile si am iesit pe usa
Grab your phone, keys, and I'm out the door
I-au ratb-ul doua statii pan′ la big
I took the bus two stations to Big
In spate Oner da tag-uri, ca sa nu inghete de frig
Oner is tagging in the back, to keep from freezing
Ajung intr-un final, in centru la Piata Romana
I finally arrive in the center at Piata Romana
Unde 20 de grafferi nu pierd timpul de pomana
Where 20 graffiti artists aren't wasting their time
Fac planul, tag-eaza si agita can-urile
They're making plans, tagging, and shaking the cans
Suntem aici pe zona, deci se schimba vremurile
We're here in the area, so times are changing
Bucharest sunt pe zona cand se schimba trenurile
Bucharest is in the zone when the trains are changing
Am plecat la desenat sa ne facem treburile
We've gone to work our magic
Si daca ai un fat-cap
And if you have a fat-cap
Te rog frumos sa-l pui la mine-n backpack
Please put it in my backpack
Eu dau graffiti, eu fac rap pretty
I do graffiti, I make pretty rap
Numele meu e scris pe pereti in the city
My name is written on walls in the city
Eu dau graffitii, eu fac rap pretty
I do graffiti, I make pretty rap
Numele meu e scris pe peste tot in the city
My name is written everywhere in the city
Si nu numa' pe pereti, dupa cum vedeti
And not just on walls, as you can see
Nu puteti fii grafferi daca n-aveti 9 vieti
You can't be a graffiti artist if you don't have 9 lives
Talent cu caru' si suflete de poeti
Talent in abundance and souls of poets
Sa poata sa curga vopsea prin vene ca la robineti
So that the paint can flow through their veins like faucets
Grafferii nu-s niste unii care face pe nebunii
Graffiti artists aren't some guys who act crazy
Ei doar anima tot orasul la lumina lunii
They just liven up the whole city by moonlight
Cu cateva tuburi si multa ambitie
With a few cans and a lot of ambition
Sunt cei mai cautati artisti, pana si de politie
They're the most wanted artists, even by the police
Writerii din toata lumea sunt ca o familie
Writers from all over the world are like a family
Si nu fac treaba de cacao, o fac de vanilie
And they don't do a crappy job, they do it with style
Au stilul lor de viata si de exprimare
They have their own lifestyle and way of expressing themselves
Unde respectul e mai sus decat orice soare
Where respect is higher than any sun
Pune mana fa-ti un nume daca esti valabil
Get down to it, make a name for yourself if you're worthy
Cu 2 tuburi de vopsea si niste lavabil
With 2 cans of paint and some washable stuff
Si da-i drumu la treaba, scopul nu e decat unu
And let's get to work, the goal is just one
Sa colorez orasele non stop ca nebunu′
To color the cities nonstop like a madman
Eu dau graffiti, eu fac rap pretty
I do graffiti, I make pretty rap
Numele meu e scris pe pereti in the city
My name is written on walls in the city
Eu dau graffiti, eu fac rap pretty
I do graffiti, I make pretty rap
Numele meu e scris pe peste tot in the city
My name is written everywhere in the city

Writer(s): macanache

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