Macanache - Ma Faci Cu Capu (feat. Crow) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Macanache - Ma Faci Cu Capu (feat. Crow)

Ma Faci Cu Capu (feat. Crow)
You're Messing With My Head (feat. Crow)
Cred ca ma faci cu capul, baby
I think you're messing with my head, baby
Iti place rapu, funku, jazzu si trapu
You like rap, funk, jazz and trap
Cred ca ma faci cu capul, baby
I think you're messing with my head, baby
Ma faci sa alerg pe strazi tarziu ca turbatu
You make me run the streets late at night like a madman
Una nu mai e ca tine
No other one is like you
Cand te vad deja mi-e bine
When I see you, I feel good already
Luna doarme la-naltime
The moon sleeps up high
Lumea doarme, nu ca tine
The world sleeps, not like you
Buzele tale-s tartine
Your lips are tartines
Scuzele tale-s c-am fine
Your apologies are fine
Cine mi-a dat restart, cine
Who gave me a restart, who
Cine m-a facut din start
Who made me from the start
Cine-s martea cand sunt spart
Who am I on Tuesday when I'm high
De zic astia ca sunt Bart
That these people say I'm Bart
Zici ca m-am batut cu dracu
You'd think I fought the devil
Cred ca m-ai facut cu capul
I think you messed with my head
Iti i-au de toate cu sacu
You take everything in a sack
Lasa-ma doar sa-ti vad cracul
Just let me see your crack
Cand te misti se rupe timpu
When you move, time breaks
In doua de la coloana
In two from the column
Nu te risti, tu nu joci simplu
Don't risk it, you don't play simple
Vezi ca ti-a cazut o geana
See you dropped an eyelash
Am masina si cabana
I have a car and a cabin
Am toale Dolce Gabbana
I have Dolce Gabbana clothes
Ce vrea inimioara ta
What your little heart wants
Mut din loc muntii si lacu
I move mountains and lakes
Cum vrea caprioara ta
As your little doe wants
Sigur mi-ai facut ceva
Surely you did something to me
Cand mi-ai zis ca-ti place rapu
When you told me you like rap
Esti cu totu altceva
You're something else
Tu m-ai facut cu capul
You messed with my head
Cred ca ma faci cu capul, baby
I think you're messing with my head, baby
Iti place rapu, funku, jazzu si trapu
You like rap, funk, jazz and trap
Cred ca ma faci cu capul, baby
I think you're messing with my head, baby
Ma faci sa alerg pe strazi tarziu ca turbatu
You make me run the streets late at night like a madman
Acum iti cer ajutoru
Now I ask for your help
Nu pot decat sa-ti duc doru
I can only bear your longing
Pe strazi te caut ca chioru
On the streets I look for you like a blind man
Cred ca sa-ncins si cuptoru
I think I'll turn on the oven too
E deschis si provizoriu
It is open and provisional
Iti cant tot din repertoriu
I sing you everything from my repertoire
Poate m-auzi de la geam
Maybe you'll hear me from the window
Reggetoane, rap si d-astea
Reggaeton, rap and stuff
Sa mor eu si Nicki Jam
I should die and Nicki Jam
Daca nu dau tot ce am
If I don't give everything I have
Intr-o zi, intr-un minut
One day, in a minute
Uite asa ca sa te am
Look, just to have you
Sunt cu mintea-n alta parte
My mind is elsewhere
Sigur nu pot sa-mi revin
Surely I can't recover
Degeaba citesc o carte
It's no use reading a book
Sigur n-am cum s-o termin
Surely I can't finish it
Sa mor yo daca te mint
I swear if I lie to you
Spune-mi tu cum sa te alint
Tell me how to pamper you
Nu mi-ai spus nici cum te cheama
You didn't even tell me your name
Nu mi-ai dat niciun indiciu
You didn't give me any clue
Ai plecat rapid in graba
You left quickly in a hurry
Mai rea decat un viciu
Worse than a vice
Iti dau puncte din oficiu
I give you ex officio points
Inima, banii, cariciu
Heart, money, caricature
M-ai facut bine de tot
You did me good
Imi vine sa-mi bag, sa-mi scot
I feel like putting it in, taking it out
Cred ca mi-ai facut ceva
I think you did something to me
Cand ai zis ca-ti place rapu
When you said you liked rap
Am picat in plasa ta
I fell into your trap
Cred ca m-ai facut cu capul
I think you messed with my head
Cred ca ma faci cu capul, baby
I think you're messing with my head, baby
Iti place rapu, funku, jazzu si trapu
You like rap, funk, jazz and trap
Cred ca ma faci cu capul, baby
I think you're messing with my head, baby
Ma faci sa alerg pe strazi tarziu ca turbatu
You make me run the streets late at night like a madman
Cred ca ma faci cu capul, baby
I think you're messing with my head, baby
Imi dai doar pase in fata portii cu latul
You're just passing me in front of the goal with the side
Cred ca ma faci cu capul, baby
I think you're messing with my head, baby
Nu vreau decat sa vin rapid sa-ti rup patu
I just want to come quickly and break your bed

Writer(s): Emeric Popescu

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