Macanache - Sefu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Macanache - Sefu

The Boss
Neaţa Şefuuu′! ...
Morning, Boss! ...
Care-iii'? ...
What's up? ...
Ia zi, dau si eu un mop? I-a ...!?
Say, can I give you a mop? Huh ...!?
N-am chef de munca, esti nebun?
I don't feel like working, are you crazy?
Vreau sa stau, sa ma plimb in parc, sa fac altceva.
I wanna chill, take a walk in the park, do something else.
Auzi sefu′? (Da)
You hear me, boss? (Yes)
Ai facut ce te-am rugat? (Ce m-ai rugat?)
Did you do what I asked? (What did you ask?)
Te-am rugat sa nu mai mananci rahat
I asked you to stop eating rahat
Ca te murdaresti la bot si angajatii o sa pofteasca
Because you get it all over your mouth and the employees will crave it
Sa te pupe-n fund, uite asa sa rotunjeasca. (Aha)
To kiss your ass, just like that, to round things up. (Aha)
Incepand de azi eu nu sunt sluga nimanui,
Starting today, I am no one's servant,
Nu mai pot sa misc un deget din cauza spatelui,
I can't move a finger because of my back,
Dupa ce ti-a ridicat matale marele imperiu
After you raised your great empire
In numele vesnicului si nemuritor criteriu
In the name of the eternal and immortal criterion
Munca, munca, munca si noaptea si ziua, (Zi!)
Work, work, work, night and day, (Say!)
Munca, munca, munca, niciodata piua.
Work, work, work, never a break.
Acuma e randu tau sefu, sa ma rasplatesti (Zi)
Now it's your turn, boss, to pay me back (Say it)
Si sa-mi dai un mic concediu, sa te odihnesti. (Băă!)
And give me a little vacation, to rest. (Dude!)
Sa stau si eu cu nepotii si cu stranepotii,
To sit with my grandchildren and great-grandchildren,
Sa mancam o gaura de covrig cu totii.
To eat a donut hole all together.
I-a zi sefu'? (Da)
Say, boss? (Yes)
Ar mai fi inca ceva;
There would be one more thing;
M-am gandit ca sa iti las tie mostenire spaga mea. (Dă-o încoa!)
I thought I'd leave you my bribe as inheritance. (Give it here!)
Ia-ti un Lamborghini, ia-ti o acadea
Get yourself a Lamborghini, get yourself a lollipop
Daca nu, puneti-o in cap, spala-te cu ea.
If not, put it on your head, wash yourself with it.
Spala-te cu ea, spala-te cu ea.
Wash yourself with it, wash yourself with it.
Auzi sefu'? (Da)
You hear me, boss? (Yes)
Fa si mie o cafea, pune si crema de lapte si hai repede cu ea!
Make me a coffee too, put some milk foam and hurry up with it!
Auzi sefu? (Da)
You hear me, boss? (Yes)
Hotaraste-te ce vrei,
Make up your mind what you want,
Da′ pana te hotarasti, da-mi o bere, doua, trei!
But until you decide, give me a beer, two, three!
Auzi sefu (Da)
You hear me, boss? (Yes)
Nimica, faceam prezenta
Nothing, I was just checking in
Daca esti sau nu, nu se simte diferenta
Whether you're here or not, it makes no difference
Ma roade curiozitatea, ai timp de o intrebare?
I'm curious, do you have time for a question?
- Spune repede ca sunt gata de plecare!
- Say it quickly 'cause I'm ready to go!
Cand erai matale mic, erai sef ca si acum?
When you were little, were you a boss like you are now?
- Eram sef, manca-ti-as gura, da′ la inceput de drum.
- I was a boss, I swear to God, but at the beginning of the road.
- Intr-o zi mi-am dat eu seama
- One day I realized
- Cum sa fac, cum sa dreg
- How to do it, how to manage
- Si cu alti sefi legaturi am inceput sa leg.
- And I started making connections with other bosses.
- Dau porunci si ordine, asa fara nicio greata
- I give commands and orders, just like that, without any hesitation
- Cand ma supara vreunu, concediu pe viata.
- When someone upsets me, a lifetime vacation.
Pai si daca pleaca toti, nu dai in faliment?
Well, if everyone leaves, won't you go bankrupt?
- N-o sa plece, ca chiria vine permanent
- They won't leave, because the rent comes constantly
Auzi sefu'?
You hear me, boss?
- Dea
- Yes
Stai bre, ho, nu mai tipa
Hold on, hey, stop yelling
- Pai da′ mai scuteste-ma, ia mai du-te-n Panama
- Well, spare me, go to Panama
Ma gandeam alaltaieri sefu sa ma fac tot sef,
I was thinking the other day, boss, to become a boss myself,
Sa muncesc cand mi se scoala si cand am eu chef.
To work when I feel like it and when I feel like it.
A, si sefu'?
Oh, and boss?
- Dea
- Yes
Ar mai fi inca ceva:
There would be one more thing:
Nu trebe sa-mi dai concediu, iti dau eu demisia
You don't have to give me a vacation, I'm giving you my resignation
- Pai da′ tu esti om de baza aicia, nu te las sa pleci
- But you are a key man here, I won't let you leave
Hai scuteste-ma, manca-ti-as ca tre' sa ma duc la meci!
Spare me, I swear to God, I have to go to the game!
Auzi sefu′? (Da)
You hear me, boss? (Yes)
Fa si mie o cafea, pune si crema de lapte si hai repede cu ea!
Make me a coffee too, put some milk foam and hurry up with it!
Auzi sefu? (Da)
You hear me, boss? (Yes)
Hotaraste-te ce vrei,
Make up your mind what you want,
Da' pana te hotarasti, da-mi o bere, doua, trei!
But until you decide, give me a beer, two, three!
Auzi sefu? (Nu)
You hear me, boss? (No)
Pai du-te la ORL
Well, go to the ENT
Sa vezi de n-auzi dupa-aia toate aurorele
To see if you can't hear all the auroras afterwards
M-a lovit norocu' sefu′, ia zi, vrei sa povestesc?
Bad luck struck me, boss, say, wanna hear about it?
Mi-am deschis afacere si-acum "prosperesc".
I started a business and now I'm "thriving".
Angajatii ma respecta, unii ma iubesc!
The employees respect me, some even love me!
- Inceteaza ca ma doare, nici nu ma-ndoiesc!
- Stop it, it hurts, I don't even doubt it!
Nu e cine stie ce (Asa) da′ e cat de cat.(Bun)
It's not much (That's right) but it's something. (Good)
Si mi-a mers bine din start, de la inceput.
And it went well for me from the start, right from the beginning.
Auzi sefu'? (Da)
You hear me, boss? (Yes)
Cum mai merge compania?
How's the company doing?
- Cum sa mearga? Nu mai merge, din pacate, saracia.
- How could it be doing? It's not doing well, unfortunately, poverty.
- "Mi-a" luat casa, "mi-a" luat masa, m-a lasat astia pe drumuri.
- It took my house, it took my food, it left me on the streets.
Pe drumuri, pe drumuri, da′ tot n-ai scapat de fumuri.
On the streets, on the streets, but you still haven't gotten rid of smoking.
- Obiceiuri vechi, nu mai pot sa scap de ele (Naspa)
- Old habits, I can't get rid of them anymore (Bad)
- Mi-a intrat in sange, (Aha) mi-a intrat sub piele (Aha)
- It's gotten into my blood, (Aha) it's gotten under my skin (Aha)
- Auzi sefu'? (Da)
- You hear me, boss? (Yes)
- Nu ai cateva lovele?
- Don't you have some cash?
Am da′ nu vrei sa muncesti si tu pentru ele?
I do, but don't you wanna work for it too?
Iti dau tot ce ai tu nevoie ca nu am uitat,
I'll give you everything you need because I haven't forgotten,
Ca nici eu nu aveam de munca si m-ai ajutat.
That I didn't feel like working either and you helped me.
Am o mica pensiune de cinci stele langa lac
I have a small five-star guest house by the lake
Unde vii, muncesti si pleci dupa bunul plac!
Where you come, work and leave at your leisure!
Munca, munca, munca si noaptea si ziua;
Work, work, work, night and day;
Munca, munca, munca, niciodata piua!
Work, work, work, never a break!
Dupa bunul plac...
At your leisure...

Writer(s): macanache

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