Macanache - Numai Pentru Fratii Mei - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Macanache - Numai Pentru Fratii Mei

Numai Pentru Fratii Mei
Only For My Brothers
Bucata asta-i pentru bagabontii mei de peste tot
This piece is for my bad boys everywhere
Baietii care toaca tot rapid de tot pe tocator
The boys who chop everything up quickly on the chopper
Bucata asta e numai pentru fratii mei
This piece is only for my brothers
Bucata asta e numai pentru fratii mei
This piece is only for my brothers
Am crescut in mahala
I grew up in the hood, baby
Stiu de mic cum merge treaba
I know how it goes from a young age
Sa incerci sa ma arzi pe mine
To try to burn me
Oagare, te-agiti degeaba
You're just wasting your time
Io pot sa te fac din rime
I can make you out of rhymes
Sa-mi dai gratis toata marfa
To give me all the goods for free
Din momentul in care zic
From the moment I say
Noi am inventat si harfa
We also invented the harp
Copiii strazii, crema orasului
Street kids, the cream of the city
De cand am inceput sa mergem
Since we started walking
Pe urmele nasului
In the footsteps of our nose
Ne dadeam urmasii lui
We called ourselves his successors
Pentru ca fuma si cui
Because he smoked and nailed
Dar daca te bagi si spui
But if you step in and say
Jur c-o sa ta bat si scuip
I swear I'll beat you up and spit on you
De mic am zburat din cuib
I flew from the nest as a child
Cat puteam yo de departe
As far as I could
Doar la poker ma mai vezi
You only see me at poker
Linistit citind o carte
Quietly reading a book
S-am aterizat pa strada
We landed on the street
Da nu miroseam a prada
But we didn't smell like prey
In minciuni puteau sa creada
They could believe in lies
Slabiciuni sa nu se vada
Weaknesses shouldn't be seen
Daca vrei sa faci minuni
If you want to work miracles
Vinzi si iarba si zapada
You sell both weed and snow
S-aveam alta perspectiva
To have a different perspective
Dintr-o data vedeam cum
Suddenly I saw how
Doar respectul se castiga
Only respect is earned
Fara bani, nu fi nebun
Without money, don't be crazy
De aici toate se deriva
From here everything derives
Nu-i nevoie s-o mai spun
No need to say it again
C-am intrat in prima liga
That I entered the first league
Ca sa-i fac pa fraieri scrum
To make them crumbs
Am tras ca un cal da curse
I pulled like a racehorse
Mai ceva ca Schumacher
Better than Schumacher
Si dupa cativa ani buni
And after a few good years
Am ajuns mare mahar
I became a great mahar
Master in economie
Master of Economics
Dealerul de gigisan
The gigisan dealer
Profu tau de talharie
Your robbery professor
Nemilos ca Genghis Khan
Merciless like Genghis Khan
Cu mine n-ai cum s-o dai
You can't mess with me
Nu pentru ca te tai
Not because I'll cut you
Pa mine m-a crescut strada
I was raised by the street
Ca pa printii din Dubai
Like the princes of Dubai
Bucata asta-i pentru bagabontii mei de peste tot
This piece is for my bad boys everywhere
Baietii care toaca tot rapid de tot pe tocator
The boys who chop everything up quickly on the chopper
Bucata asta e numai pentru fratii mei
This piece is only for my brothers
Bucata asta e numai pentru fratii mei
This piece is only for my brothers
Bucata asta-i pentru bagabontii mei de peste tot
This piece is for my bad boys everywhere
Baietii care toaca tot rapid de tot pe tocator
The boys who chop everything up quickly on the chopper
Bucata asta e numai pentru fratii mei
This piece is only for my brothers
Bucata asta e numai pentru fratii mei
This piece is only for my brothers
Obisnuiam sa fim mai multi
We used to be more
Acuma deja vad totul dublu
Now I already see everything double
Doua, trei telefoane
Two, three phones
Si se umple clubu
And the club is full
E plin netu de bagabonti
The internet is full of bad boys
Mai ales youtubeu
Especially YouTube
Ai grija ce vorbesti si cum vorbesti
Be careful what you say and how you say it
Sa nu faci bubu
Don't make a boo-boo
Ca una e sa comentezi
Cause it's one thing to comment
Si sa-ti asumi riscu
And to take the risk
Cand o sa venim cu bata
When we come with the bat
La usa ca fiscu
At your door like the IRS
Cioc, cioc cine e
Knock, knock, who's there?
Noi care-ti vrem binele
We want what's best for you
Si-am intrat in casa
And we entered the house
Peste tine ca albinele
All over you like bees
Primele crosee sunt cadou
The first sneakers are a gift
Din partea noastra
From us
Vai dar ce copil cuminte
Oh, what a good boy
E al dumneavoastra
Is yours
Ptu sa nu-l deochi acum
You can't take your eyes off him now
Ca s-a spart o glastra
Because a pot broke
Si atunci o sa inveti sa zbori
And then you will learn to fly
Cu tot cu fereastra
With the window
Si-ti mai fac un frate mic
And I'll make you a little brother
Cand o iau pe ma-ta-n cric
When I jack up your mom
Io doar beau, fumez si stric
I just drink, smoke and break
Cu programu asta strict
With this strict program
Sunt alergic la prostie
I'm allergic to stupidity
Fraierii ma deranjeza
Idiots bother me
Io aleg ce-ti place tie
I choose what you like
Ce vrei tu nu prea conteaza
What you want doesn't really matter
Nu alerg ca-mi place mie
I don't run because I like it
Se fac bani frumosi pa strada
Good money is made on the street
Nu traiesti din poezie
You don't live off poetry
Cand incepe sa te roada
When it starts to gnaw at you
Stomacul de la betie
The stomach from drinking
Nu mananci o serenada
You don't eat a serenade
N-am ales yo viata asta
I didn't choose this life
Ca oricum n-aveam de ales
Because I had no choice anyway
Eram mic, cu toate astea
I was little, yet
Imediat am inteles
I understood immediately
Nu conteaza cine-i face
It doesn't matter who makes them
Banii nu aduc succes
Money doesn't bring success
Ma pis pa tine, iti trag la moie
I'll pee on you, I'll pull your moie
Bucata asta-i pentru bagabontii mei de peste tot
This piece is for my bad boys everywhere
Baietii care toaca tot rapid de tot pe tocator
The boys who chop everything up quickly on the chopper
Bucata asta e numai pentru fratii mei
This piece is only for my brothers
Bucata asta e numai pentru fratii mei
This piece is only for my brothers
Bucata asta-i pentru bagabontii mei de peste tot
This piece is for my bad boys everywhere
Baietii care toaca tot rapid de tot pe tocator
The boys who chop everything up quickly on the chopper
Bucata asta e numai pentru fratii mei
This piece is only for my brothers
Bucata asta e numai pentru fratii mei
This piece is only for my brothers

Writer(s): Constantin Dinescu

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