Macedonia - Cor Costella - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Macedonia - Cor Costella

Cor Costella
Cor Costella
Des de fa bastant temps
It's been quite some time
Cada vegada que em mires s'atura el temps.
Every time you look at me, time stops.
El cor em salta com una granota
My heart leaps like a frog
Quan em mires a l'escola i fas veure que no em veus.
When you look at me at school and pretend not to see me.
Em ve una mena d'esgarrifança
I get some kind of goosebumps
Que em va des dels peus fins a les galtes
That go from my feet to my cheeks
M'atonto en un moment.
I get dizzy in a moment.
La meva mare m'ha portat al metge
My mother took me to the doctor
Perquè diu que ja no menjo com abans
Because she says I don't eat like I used to
I m'han lligat el cor a una costella
And they tied my heart to a rib
Perquè diu que quan batega em fa trontollar
Because she says that when it beats it makes me tremble
Però jo els he dit que a mi el que em passa
But I told them that what's wrong with me
és que estic molt enamorada
Is that I am deeply in love
Però no m'han fet cas.
But they didn't listen to me.
El papa em diu que jugui a nines
My father tells me to play with dolls
I que esperi a enamorar-me quan sigui més gran
And to wait to fall in love when I'm older
La mama que em deixi d'històries
My mother tells me to stop the stories
Que a l'escola no s'hi va a lligar
That you don't go to school to flirt
Però jo els he dit que a mi m'importa un rave
But I told them that I don't care
I m'he guanyat una plantufada
And I earned a spanking
I m'han castigat.
And I was punished.
I ara m'estic a casa tancada
And now I'm at home, locked up
Amb el cor encostellat i a punt de plorar
With my heart ribbed and about to cry
I t'imagino mirant-me a l'escola
And I imagine you looking at me at school
Mentre jugues a pilota i jo a atrapar
While you play ball and I play catch
Però em sembla que per ser nòvios
But it seems to me that to be novios
Ara per ara no estic preparada
For now I am not ready
Potser més endavant
Maybe later

Writer(s): Daniel Coma Pedrals

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