Macedonia - No Em Vull Fer Gran - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Macedonia - No Em Vull Fer Gran

No Em Vull Fer Gran
I Don't Want to Grow Up
Aquest dematí quan m'estava dins del llit
This morning when I was in bed
No tenia son ni ganes de llegir
I wasn't sleepy or in the mood to read
No sentia veus, res que pogués fer-me patir
I didn't hear voices, nothing that could make me suffer
Els meus pares procuraven que dormís
My parents tried to make me sleep
Un diumenge qualsevol
On a Sunday like any other
L'únic dia que no estic sol
The only day I'm not alone
Com que els pares van sempre tan atrafegats
Because my parents are always so busy
I només els veig al vespre si no éss tard
And I only see them in the evening if it's not late
Com que el meu germà és encara molt petit
Because my brother is still very young
Necessita que li facin molt més cas
He needs them to pay much more attention to him
És com si estès visquen sol
It's as if I lived alone
Com si hagués de créixer sol
As if I had to grow up alone
No em vull fer gran, us trobo a faltar
I don't want to grow up, I miss you
No em vull fer gran, vull ser un nen mimat
I don't want to grow up, I want to be a spoiled child
No em vull fer gran, vull que em feu més cas
I don't want to grow up, I want you to pay more attention to me
Vull ser el germanet petit, vull que tothom em faci molts regals
I want to be the little brother, I want everyone to give me lots of presents
I és que al meu germà l'omplen sempre de petons
And it's just that my brother is always showered with kisses
Se li acosten i li canten mil cançons
They come close to him and sing him a thousand songs
És petit i lleig i li diuen que és preciós
He's small and ugly and they tell him he's precious
I a mi això es el que em fa posar tant nerviós
And that's what makes me so nervous
No em vull fer gran, us trobo a faltar
I don't want to grow up, I miss you
No em vull fer gran, vull ser un nen mimat
I don't want to grow up, I want to be a spoiled child
No em vull fer gran, vull que feu més cas
I don't want to grow up, I want you to pay more attention
Vull ser el germanet petit, vull que tothom em faci molt regals
I want to be the little brother, I want everyone to give me lots of presents
Una cançó, de tant en tant
A song, every now and then
Una cançó que faci que dormi millor
A song that makes me sleep better
Algun petó, de tant en tant
A kiss, every now and then
Que em faci adormir més aviat
That makes me fall asleep sooner
Algun regal, de tant en tant
A gift, every now and then
Algun regal al germà gran
A gift for the big brother
Un conte curt, de tant en tant
A short story, every now and then
Alguna història per somiar
Some story to dream about

Writer(s): Daniel Coma Pedrals

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