Machi DiDi - 甜蜜蜜 快四 搞笑版 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Machi DiDi - 甜蜜蜜 快四 搞笑版

甜蜜蜜 快四 搞笑版
Sweet and Cute Fast Four Funny Version
现在的小孩过日子有够难 幸好周子从小就十分勇敢
Kids these days have a difficult life But luckily, Zhou Zi has been brave since he was little
很大胆 面对挑战 要让大人满足真的真的不简单
He's very bold Facing challenges It's really not easy to satisfy adults
青春期来的不算太晚 还有很多流行要赶 人要长大真的太麻烦
Puberty came not too late There are still many popular things to follow Growing up is really too much trouble
Turn a blind eye to many things and the world looks better
放学以后还有语文钢琴心算 游泳美术电脑才艺补习班
There are still Chinese, piano, mental arithmetic, swimming, art, computer and tutoring classes after school
心情不好功课堆的像山 昨天在玩的游戏还没破关
In a bad mood, homework piled up like a mountain, and yesterday's game has not been cleared
一直怀疑周末怎么那么短 是不是我天生就比别人懒
Always wondering why the weekend is so short Am I just lazier than others
不想听啰唆 这是周子说 有很多话你们也该听听我说
I don't want to listen to nagging This is what Zhou Zi said You should listen to me too
不想听啰唆 这是周子说 不要还没搞懂就说我错
I don't want to listen to nagging This is what Zhou Zi said Don't say I'm wrong before you figure it out
不想听啰唆 这是周子说 管他三七二十一要及时快活
I don't want to listen to nagging This is what Zhou Zi said Don't care about anything, just be happy in time
不想听啰唆 这是周子说 还有很多事情等着我做
I don't want to listen to nagging This is what Zhou Zi said There are still many things waiting for me to do
and and 听我说 周子说什么不要想太多
You and you and him Listen to me Zhou Zi said don't think too much
周子说问题一定要够多 哎呀 有哪一个小孩子不会犯错
Zhou Zi said there must be many problems Oh, which kid doesn't make mistakes
and and 听我说 周子说什么不要想太多
You and you and him Listen to me Zhou Zi said don't think too much
周子说问题一定要够多 哎呀 有哪一个小孩子不会犯错
Zhou Zi said there must be many problems Oh, which kid doesn't make mistakes
孩子 还有话说 孩子 还有话说 爸妈 听听我说 老师 听听我说
Kids Still have something to say Kids Still have something to say Parents, listen to me Teacher, listen to me
对错 真的难说 好坏 真的难说 是非 真的难说
Right and wrong are really hard to say Good and bad are really hard to say Right and wrong are really hard to say
Give me a chance to choose what to do
代数几何一二三 上帝才会算 地理历史自然 就是那么难
Algebra, geometry, one, two, three, only God can figure it out Geography, history, and nature are all so difficult
考试从早到晚 书又没看 快要完蛋 却不担心我的成绩单
Exams from morning till night I didn't study I'm about to be doomed But I'm not worried about my report card
功课好坏不代表是不是笨蛋 只会整天死读书的人比较惨
Good or bad grades don't mean if you're smart or not People who just study hard all day are more pitiful
天才爱迪生的学习那么慢 等安德鲁长大一定也不平凡
Genius Edison learned so slowly Just wait until Andrew grows up He will definitely be extraordinary
山不转路转 路不转我自有打算 我不需要别人念别人管
If the mountain doesn't turn, the road will turn If the road doesn't turn, I have my own plans I don't need others to teach me or care about me
我的人生不要过的平安 遇上困难周子自有怎么办
I don't want my life to be so peaceful When I encounter difficulties, Zhou Zi has his own way
不是说老爸老妈太古板 可是你们何时才能了解孩子的烦
Not saying that parents are too old-fashioned But when will you be able to understand your children's troubles
快乐到底要用什么来交换 亲情的陪伴或零用钱好几万
What exactly can happiness be exchanged for Family time or tens of thousands of pocket money
不想听啰唆 这是周子说 有很多话你们也该听听我说
I don't want to listen to nagging This is what Zhou Zi said You should listen to me too
不想听啰唆 这是周子说 不要还没搞懂就说我错
I don't want to listen to nagging This is what Zhou Zi said Don't say I'm wrong before you figure it out
不想听啰唆 这是周子说 管他三七二十一要及时快活
I don't want to listen to nagging This is what Zhou Zi said Don't care about anything, just be happy in time
不想听啰唆 这是周子说 还有很多事情等着我做
I don't want to listen to nagging This is what Zhou Zi said There are still many things waiting for me to do
and and 听我说 周子说什么不要想太多
You and you and him Listen to me Zhou Zi said don't think too much
周子说问题一定要够多 哎呀 有哪一个小孩子不会犯错
Zhou Zi said there must be many problems Oh, which kid doesn't make mistakes
and and 听我说 周子说什么不要想太多
You and you and him Listen to me Zhou Zi said don't think too much
周子说问题一定要够多 哎呀 有哪一个小孩子不会犯错
Zhou Zi said there must be many problems Oh, which kid doesn't make mistakes

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