Maciej Maleńczuk - Ballada O Dwóch Koniach - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Maciej Maleńczuk - Ballada O Dwóch Koniach

Ballada O Dwóch Koniach
Ballad Of Two Horses
Ech, ubawi Was ogromnie
Oh, I'll tell you a tale that'll make you laugh,
W parę chwil balladka ta:
A ballad of two fine steeds:
Raz w zaprzęgu szły dwa konie,
Once upon a time, they pulled a cart,
Szły w zaprzęgu konie dwa.
Two horses, side by side, indeed.
Pierwszy był to koń posłuszny,
The first horse was so gentle and kind,
Który w galop, cwał czy trucht
He'd gallop, trot, or canter so,
Pięknie ruszał, grzecznie ruszał
He'd move so gracefully, so refined,
Na najmniejszy bata ruch.
At the slightest flick of the whip, you know.
Jupi jupi jaj w mordę daj
Oh, I tell you now, it's the honest truth
Na najmniejszy bata ruch.
At the slightest flick of the whip, forsooth.
Za to drugi koń był hardy,
But the second horse was a feisty one,
Nieposłuszny, pędziwiatr,
He was unruly, a bit of a daredevil,
W biegu szybki, w pysku twardy,
He was swift and strong, his spirit untamed,
Co tam lejce, co tam bat!
He didn't care for reins or whips, oh well!
Zaś gdy chodzi o woźnicę,
And the driver of these two steeds,
Co na koźle z batem tkwił,
He sat up high with a whip in his hand,
Bardzo on to kierownicze
He was a coachman, oh so proud,
Stanowisko lubił był.
To be in charge, he thought it grand.
Jupi jupi jaj w mordę daj
Oh, I tell you now, it's the honest truth
Stanowisko lubił był.
To be in charge, he thought it grand.
Ten woźnica dnia każdego
But day after day, the coachman would brood,
Myślał, mrużąc ślepia złe:
His eyes narrowed, his mood was sour,
Skarcę konia niegrzecznego,
He'd chastise the naughty horse, so rude,
Gotów jeszcze kopnąć mnie!
Who dared to defy his power.
Lecz cóś przecież począć muszę
But something had to be done, he thought,
Albo z kozła ruszać precz,
Or he'd have to quit his post.
Jupi jupi jaj w mordę daj
Oh, I tell you now, it's the honest truth
Po czym w stajni, już przy żłobie
So, in the stable, with whip in hand,
Ten woźnica bat swój brał,
The coachman would punish the gentle steed,
Brał go tęgo w dłonie obie
He'd grip it tight, his knuckles tanned,
I... grzecznego konia prał...
And... beat the horse that did not need.
A do niegrzecznego mawiał,
And to the wild and unruly one,
Strojąc głos na srogi ton:
He'd say with a voice so stern,
Jak się będziesz, draniu, stawiał,
If you don't behave, you'll get what he done,
To oberwiesz tak jak on!
You'll get a beating, just you wait your turn!
Jupi jupi jaj w mordę daj
Oh, I tell you now, it's the honest truth
To oberwiesz tak jak on!
You'll get a beating, just you wait your turn!
Z tej balladki smakowitej
From this tale, so full of wit,
Niech popłynie morał w świat:
A moral lesson we can draw:
Gdy mieć pragnie autorytet
When a bully, with power in his fist,
Bandzior, co ma w ręku bat.
Wants to keep everyone in awe.
Kto się stawia ten ma z tego
Those who stand up, they may just win,
Mimo wszystko jakiś zysk,
Despite the odds, they have a chance,
A kto słucha i ulega,
But those who obey, they'll surely grin,
Ten najpierwszy bierze w pysk...
But they'll be the first to get their pants.
Jupi jupi jaj w mordę daj
Oh, I tell you now, it's the honest truth
Ten najpierwszy bierze w pysk...
They'll be the first to get their pants.

Writer(s): Wojciech Mlynarski, Jerzy Wasowski

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