Madnass - Belleza es... - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Madnass - Belleza es...

Belleza es...
Beauty is...
Belleza es, así la llaman,
Beauty is, that's what they call it,
La buscan cada semana en las portadas
They look for it every week on the covers
De revistas sensacionalistas que no aportan nada
Of tabloid magazines that contribute nothing
Solo un manual de cómo ser un perfecto superficial
Just a manual on how to be a perfect superficial person
Belleza es como la llaman creen que la aman
Beauty is what they call it, they think they love it
Buscan la fama de llevarse una imagen a la cama
They seek the fame of taking an image to bed
Hombres y damas compitiendo por ser piezas de museo
Men and women competing to be museum pieces
Ser objeto de deseo del resto el trofeo,
To be the object of desire, the rest the trophy,
Curioso torneo de sencillas normas
Curious tournament with simple rules
No! no importa el contenido, que va!, solo el envase y sus formas
No! the content doesn't matter, come on! only the packaging and its forms
Por eso transforman su figura
That's why they transform their figure
Da igual un bajo nivel intelectual con un cuerpo de altura
It doesn't matter if you have a low intellectual level with a great body
Locura, hoy lo usual es ser metrosexual
Madness, today the usual is to be metrosexual
Gastar más de cien de media mensual
Spending more than a hundred on average per month
En la esteticien creen que te hace especial un reloj Cartier,
At the beautician they think a Cartier watch makes you special,
Que hay defectos que se esconden con un traje de Gaultier,
That there are flaws that are hidden with a Gaultier suit,
Broncean su piel con baños solares ellas esclavas de Garnier,
They tan their skin with sunbeds, they are slaves to Garnier,
Ellos de productos capilares
They are slaves to hair products
Buscan los altares del reconocimiento social
They seek the altars of social recognition
Adictos al quirófano y a una máscara facial
Addicted to the operating room and a face mask
Hoy ser superficial es algo normal como ver porno
Today being superficial is as normal as watching porn
Hay quien se ve mejor luciendo mas oro que en Fort-Nokx
There are those who look better wearing more gold than in Fort-Knox
Creen que a veces se enamoran pero su amor no
They think that sometimes they fall in love but their love doesn't
Va mas allá de esos rostros y de esos contornos
Go beyond those faces and those contours
Adornos, maquillajes e implantes de goma
Ornaments, makeup and rubber implants
El nuevo héroe será súper-silicona, no es broma
The new hero will be super-silicone, no joke
Se toman referencias de las pasarelas
They take references from the catwalks
Allí llaman a la anorexia medidas perfectas pero cuela
There they call anorexia perfect measurements but it slips through
Belleza es, así la llaman,
Beauty is, that's what they call it,
La buscan cada semana en las portadas
They look for it every week on the covers
De revistas sensacionalistas que no aportan nada
Of tabloid magazines that contribute nothing
Solo un manual de cómo ser un perfecto superficial
Just a manual on how to be a perfect superficial person
Y es que, que bella es la vida incluso con imperfecciones
And it is that, how beautiful life is even with imperfections
Qué bello es el verdadero amor sin condiciones
How beautiful true love is without conditions
Es dar sin recibir y sonreír sin mas razón es
It's giving without receiving and smiling for no reason
Sentirse libre y disfrutar sin condiciones
It's feeling free and enjoying without conditions
Antes de vender su cuerpo a la ciencia venden su estima
Before they sell their bodies to science they sell their esteem
Es una lástima se vuelven superfluos crean mal clima
It's a pity they become superfluous they create a bad climate
Envidian lo que lleva la vecina diosa cocaína
They envy what the neighboring goddess cocaine has
Odia la comida amen los gordos le dan grima
She hates food, love the fat ones, they make her grimace
Yo veo belleza, en el arte admiro sus curvas
I see beauty, in art I admire its curves
Mientras otros ven belleza en la muerte y no se perturban
While others see beauty in death and are not disturbed
Y es normal que las corporaciones les dicten sus normas
And it is normal for corporations to dictate their standards
Y se pierden por poderse verse bien, pierden las formas
And they get lost by being able to see themselves well, they lose their forms
Bello es poder saber querer y que te quieran
Beautiful is to be able to know how to love and be loved
Disfrutar de lo que tienes y aceptarte sin problemas
Enjoy what you have and accept yourself without problems
No! no eres más bello por gastarte más en ti
No! you are not more beautiful for spending more on yourself
Por ocultar tu sucio rostro tras las cremas
For hiding your dirty face behind creams
Moldean su cuerpo pero su coeficiente es nulo
They mold their body but their coefficient is zero
Qué importa que sabes del mundo si tienes buen culo
Who cares what you know about the world if you have a nice ass
Solo pienso en mis músculos pero soy un garrulo
I only think about my muscles but I'm a chatterbox
Y rulo con las llantas mas grandes pa ser más chulo
And I roll with the biggest tires to be cooler
Somos incrédulos queremos estar puestos
We are incredulous we want to be set
Y en verdad la vida pasa y solo quedaran sus restos
And in truth life passes and only its remains will remain
Molesto, apuesto, sediento, atentos
Annoying, handsome, thirsty, attentive
Yo soy más guapo con mi pancha mientras planto un tiesto
I'm more handsome with my beer belly while I plant a joint
Belleza es, así la llaman,
Beauty is, that's what they call it,
La buscan cada semana en las portadas
They look for it every week on the covers
De revistas sensacionalistas que no aportan nada
Of tabloid magazines that contribute nothing
Solo un manual de cómo ser un perfecto superficial
Just a manual on how to be a perfect superficial person

Writer(s): Joaquin Soria Sanchiz, Manuel Amores Gonzalez, Alejandro Lopez Perez

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