Magnus Mefisto - Artista Independiente - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Magnus Mefisto - Artista Independiente

Artista Independiente
Independent Artist
Tantos años ya invertidos en la música
So many years already invested in music
Subidos a la única meta que es llegar y aguantar
Climbing the only goal that is to arrive and endure
Sumidos en la musa de las letras
Immersed in the muse of the lyrics
Oídos que penetran las notas y las metras
Ears that penetrate the notes and the meters
Todo se complementa a la hora de escribir
Everything complements each other when it comes to writing
A la hora de grabar lo que tengas que decir
When it's time to record what you have to say
Ellos te van a oír porque sos su inspiración
They will hear you because you are their inspiration
Te tocó dejar mensajes para esta generación
You were touched to leave messages for this generation
Respira cultura, delira locura
Breathe culture, delirious madness
Escribe, revive, tu fortaleza no cesa, se expresa y exprime
Write, revive, your strength doesn't cease, it expresses itself and squeezes
Mereces el trono, el tono que acompaña
You deserve the throne, the tone that accompanies
Letra, corazón, ética, métrica y azaña
Lyrics, heart, ethics, metrics and feat
Sos tu propio puente frente al siguiente episodio
You are your own bridge in front of the next episode
No dejes que te bajen, la vida es amor y odio
Don't let them bring you down, life is love and hate
El escenario como meta de todo artista
The stage as the goal of every artist
Cumple el objetivo y que en la pista resista
Meet the objective and resist on the track
Dentro verás que no hay espacio
Inside you will see that there is no space
Corre y sabrás que irás despacio
Run and you will know that you will go slowly
Sediento y aún así está el rapero sin el palacio
Thirsty and yet the rapper is without the palace
Hay tintas de males por hojas a huracanes
There are hints of evils by sheets to hurricanes
Que llevo y describen todos por ti, su honor es estar vivo de nuevo
That I carry and they all describe for you, their honor is to be alive again
Es lo que compruebo cuando ilumino mi astro
It is what I prove when I illuminate my star
Deja vivos dictados hayando ese rastro
Leave live sayings by finding that trail
Y aunque yo sea presa no terminaré cazado
And even though I am a prey I will not end up hunted
Porque es mejor estar solo que un ladrón de nuestro lado
Because it's better to be alone than a thief by our side
Es técnica, habilidad, esfuerzo e inspiración
It's technique, skill, effort and inspiration
Es dejar parte del alma en cada grabación
It's about leaving part of the soul in each recording
Es dolor, es pasión por liberar la mente
It's pain, it's passion to free the mind
Esto es lo que se siente ser artista independiente
This is what it feels like to be an independent artist
Es técnica, habilidad, esfuerzo e inspiración
It's technique, skill, effort and inspiration
Es dejar parte del alma en cada grabación
It's about leaving part of the soul in each recording
Es dolor, es pasión por liberar la mente
It's pain, it's passion to free the mind
Esto es lo que se siente ser artista independiente
This is what it feels like to be an independent artist
Tenés que estar consciente, siempre constante, no pares
You have to be conscious, always constant, don't stop
Aunque repares en los pares, son inbatibles tus males
Although you repair in pairs, your evils are unbeatable
Tenés que aceptarte, buscar querer crecer
You have to accept yourself, seek to want to grow
En el fondo del alma está ese gran poder
At the bottom of the soul is that great power
Conocer tus cualidades nunca tiene fin
Knowing your qualities never ends
Aprender es algo eterno, la vida es como un ring
Learning is something eternal, life is like a ring
Competencia es escencia, objetivos más que claros
Competition is essence, objectives more than clear
Mirar hacia adelante y que la música sean faros
Look ahead and let the music be lighthouses
Este es el arte más audaz y sorprendente
This is the most audacious and amazing art
El que lo experimente ya verá lo que se siente
Whoever experiences it will see what it feels like
Puede que te alimente siempre y cuando sea verdad
It may always feed you as long as it is true
Esa es su moraleja, garpa más la realidad
That is its moral, the reality pays more
Igual no te confundas metaforico, estático
Just don't get confused metaphorical, static
Planea el mensaje dando lugar a lo fáctico
Plan the message giving rise to the factual
Esa es la inmensidad que no estás analizando
That is the immensity that you are not analyzing
Y nos lleva comprender de lo que estamos hablando
And it leads us to understand what we are talking about
Nunca en vida pensé estar preparado para este momento
I never thought in my life I would be prepared for this moment
Sabía que iba a ser difícil, pensé que iba fallar en el intento
I knew it was going to be difficult, I thought I was going to fail in the attempt
Pero acierto y así empieza mi tiempo
But I am right and my time begins like this
No puedo desperdiciarlo, tengo que hablar de mis pensamientos
I can't waste it, I have to talk about my thoughts
Toda mi vida luché para difundir mi arte
All my life I fought to spread my art
Siendo parte de algo, poder salir adelante
Being part of something, being able to get ahead
Y hoy veo lo que logré y me siento realizado
And today I see what I have achieved and I feel fulfilled
Porque cumplí mi misión, pude dejar un legado
Because I fulfilled my mission, I was able to leave a legacy
Es técnica, habilidad, esfuerzo e inspiración
It's technique, skill, effort and inspiration
Es dejar parte del alma en cada grabación
It's about leaving part of the soul in each recording
Es dolor, es pasión por liberar la mente
It's pain, it's passion to free the mind
Esto es lo que se siente ser artista independiente
This is what it feels like to be an independent artist
Es técnica, habilidad, esfuerzo e inspiración
It's technique, skill, effort and inspiration
Es dejar parte del alma en cada grabación
It's about leaving part of the soul in each recording
Es dolor, es pasión por liberar la mente
It's pain, it's passion to free the mind
Esto es lo que se siente ser artista independiente
This is what it feels like to be an independent artist
No importa el que dirán, no importa el tiempo invertido
It doesn't matter what they will say, it doesn't matter the time invested
No importa los insultos del que quiere verte hundido
It doesn't matter the insults of the one who wants to see you sunk
No importa el llanto, no importa nada más
Crying doesn't matter, nothing else matters
Solo importan tus palabras y el mensaje que das
Only your words and the message you give matter
No importa el dinero, ni cuánto te ha costado
Money doesn't matter, nor how much it cost you
El sufrir para grabar e invertir cada centavo
The suffering to record and invest every penny
No importa lo que cueste, ni lo que opine la gente
It doesn't matter what it costs, or what people think
Es cumplir con tu destino, ser artista independiente
It is about fulfilling your destiny, being an independent artist
Es técnica, habilidad, esfuerzo e inspiración
It's technique, skill, effort and inspiration
Es dejar parte del alma en cada grabación
It's about leaving part of the soul in each recording
Es dolor, es pasión por liberar la mente
It's pain, it's passion to free the mind
Esto es lo que se siente ser artista independiente
This is what it feels like to be an independent artist
Es técnica, habilidad, esfuerzo e inspiración
It's technique, skill, effort and inspiration
Es dejar parte del alma en cada grabación
It's about leaving part of the soul in each recording
Es dolor, es pasión por liberar la mente
It's pain, it's passion to free the mind
Esto es lo que se siente ser artista independiente
This is what it feels like to be an independent artist

Writer(s): Magnus Mefisto

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