Mahmoud El Esseily - Beit Gedety - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mahmoud El Esseily - Beit Gedety

Beit Gedety
Beit Gedety
فتحت عينيا لقيت
I opened my eyes to find
ناس ولمة و بيت
People gathered in a house
ويوم الجمعة مليان
And on Friday it was filled
بعيلة بتملي المكان
With people filling the place
حب كبير فرحة و خير
So much love, joy, and kindness
وإحساس بالأمان
And a sense of security
بيت جدتي الجميل
My grandmother's beautiful house
موجود هنا بقاله زمان
It has been here for a long time
بيت جدتي الكبير
My grandmother's big house
كبار وصغيرين حبينه
Loved by young and old
تاخدنا الدنيا و مش ناسينوا
Life has taken us away, but we have not forgotten
واللي سابونا مش سايبينه
And those who have left us, we have not left behind
و طيفهم بينا مالي الأركان
And their spirits fill the corners of the house
من بدري الصبح و انا صغير
Since I was a little boy
ولادي أهُم والله ما إتغير
My children are there, and by God, they have not changed
لعب وعيلة كإنه عيد
Playing and gathering, as if it were a holiday
راحة ونور عمَّال بيزيد
Comfort and light, always increasing
في الدنيا دي لما جيت
When I came into this world
وخدوني و رُحنا هناك
They took me and we went there
عِشت فيه كان ليا سبوع
I lived in it for a week
حلقات وبرجالات
With gatherings of men
شايف كل حياتي فيه
I see my whole life in it
حاجات جاية وذكريات
Things to come and memories
و أول مرة فيه صليت
And the first time I prayed in it
وهنا كتابي إتكتب
And here my book was written
بيت جدتي الكبير
My grandmother's big house
كبار وصغيرين حبيينه
Loved by young and old
تاخدنا الدنيا و مش ناسينوا
Life has taken us away, but we have not forgotten
واللي سابونا مش سايبينوا
And those who have left us, we have not left behind
و طيفهم بينا مالي الأركان
And their spirits fill the corners of the house
من بدري الصبح و انا صغير
Since I was a little boy
ولادي أهُم والله ما اتغير
My children are there, and by God, they have not changed
لعب و عيلة كأنه عيد
Playing and gathering, as if it were a holiday
راحة ونور عمَّال بيزيد
Comfort and light, always increasing
صواني بالكحك مملية
Trays filled with cakes
فطار العيد . ريحة الطعمية
The breakfast of the feast, the smell of falafel
جمعة رز عليه ملوخية
Friday rice with molokhia
عادة لينا مهما نغيب
A tradition for us, no matter how far we go
مهما مشيت فيه ليا مكاني
No matter how far I go, I have a place for me
مهما بعدت انا هرجع تاني
No matter how far away I am, I will come back again
سايب فيه قلبي وعنواني
I leave my heart and my address in it
دايماً ليا الباب مفتوح
The door is always open for me

Writer(s): mahmoud el esseily

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