Mahmoud El Esseily - El Agzakhanah - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mahmoud El Esseily - El Agzakhanah

El Agzakhanah
The Pharmacy
الو الاجزجانة فتحين ولا قفلين الو فى ناس تعبانة و مش عرفين وجعهم جى منين.
Hello, pharmacy, are you open or closed? Hello, there are people who are sick and don't know where their pain came from.
فى ناس تنهب و تسافر عايشين فوق السحاب.
There are people who are plundering and traveling, living above the clouds.
و ناس تصعب علي الكافر معندكوش دوا للاكتاب و عايزين مليون كمامة شمين كوسة و قلقاس و نضافة اية مع السلامة شورعنا بتبرق بتزحلق كل الناس.
And people who are difficult for the infidel, you don't have medicine for books and you want a million masks, some marrow, and taro and cleanness, hello, our streets are shining, they are slippery for all people.
حاجة بهدلة عندنا ميت الف مشكلة حاجة بهدل لازم نفوق حاجة مسخرة و عشيتنا دية بقت...
There is a mess, we have a thousand problems, a mess that we must get out of, a ridiculous thing and our dinner has become...
و مش عايزين الوضع يسوء.
And we don't want the situation to get worse.
الو الاجزجانة فتحين ولا قفلين الو فى ناس تعبانة و مش عارفين وجعهم جى منين.
Hello, pharmacy, are you open or closed? Hello, there are people who are sick and don't know where their pain came from.
فى ناس لمؤخزة خرعة عايزين شوية فيتامين.
There are people who are in a bad condition, they need some vitamins.
سابين نيلنا بقى ترعة و كلنها ولعة فى حقوق البنادمين .
We left our Nile to become a ditch and it is all lit up in the rights of humanity.
زمان كان لينا هيبة يخاف منا التخين.
In the past, we had prestige, the fat ones were afraid of us.
عايزبن دوا للخيبة و معاة مصباح علا الدين حاجة بهدلة عندنا ميت الف مشكلة حاجة بهدلة لازم نفوق حاجة مسخرة و عيشتنا دية بقت...
We want a cure for disappointment and a lamp of Aladdin with it, there is a mess, we have a thousand problems, a mess that we must get out of, a ridiculous thing and our life has become...
و مش عايزين الوضع يسوء.
And we don't want the situation to get worse.
حاجة بهدلة عندنا ميت الف مشكلة حاجة بهدلة لازم نفوق حاجة مسخرة و عشننا دية بقت.
There is a mess, we have a thousand problems, a mess that we must get out of, a ridiculous thing and our life has become.
و مش عوزين الوضع يسوء
And we don't want the situation to get worse

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