Mahmoud El Esseily - Ganna Tekfena - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mahmoud El Esseily - Ganna Tekfena

Ganna Tekfena
Ganna Tekfena
مالهم ليه مش عايزنا ان احنا نكون سوا
Why don't they want us to be together?
فاكرين قال ايه فاهمنا وهما ولا الهوا
They think they can understand us, but they're nothing but air.
عاملين فيها عايشين
They pretend to be alive.
يا عينى دول ناسيين
My dear, they have forgotten
معنى كلمة مبسوطين
The meaning of the word happy.
و محدش فيهم عاش اللى أنا و انتي عيشناه
And none of them have lived the life that you and I have lived.
و محدش جرب معنى اتنين لبعض نجاة
And none of them have experienced the meaning of two people being each other's salvation.
يعنى لبعض حياة
I mean, each other's life.
بعد سنين فيها مفيش
After years in which there was no
سعادة قادرة تعيش
Happiness capable of living.
نهرب لبعيد
Let's run away.
ده كلام الناس عمره ما بيفيد بيزيد
The words of people never help, they only get worse.
قالوا حبينا في أسوأ توقيت
They said we fell in love at the worst time.
و من امتي الحب كان له معاد
And since when did love have an appointment?
دي نار بتئيد
This is a fire that ignites,
نور جوة القلب دخل من غير تخبيط
A light inside the heart that entered without knocking.
لقينا في بعدنا عن الناس
We found in our distance from people
جنة تكفينا احنا وخلاص
A paradise that's enough for us.
و كمان الناس بتشوف اللى هى عايزاه
And besides, people see what they want to see.
باصين من برة عيونهم كارهة ومش قابلة
They look from the outside with hateful eyes.
بيسنولنا السكاكين
They brandish knives at us.
حاسبنا خلاص مجانين
They think we're crazy.
بس احنا مرتاحين
But we're comfortable.
ليه دايما نكبت مشاعرنا و نقول دى ظروف
Why do we always suppress our feelings and say 'these are just circumstances'?
ليه دايما بنجيب أخرنا و نسكت و نشوف
Why do we always put ourselves last and keep quiet and watch?
قلبنا بيموت بطيء
Our hearts are dying slowly,
و نفسنا مش عارفة تعوم
And our souls can't swim.
و بتدخل فى الغريق
And they keep drowning.
نهرب لبعيد
Let's run away.
ده كلام الناس عمره ما بيفيد بيزيد
The words of people never help, they only get worse.
قالوا حبينا في أسوأ توقيت
They said we fell in love at the worst time.
و من امتي الحب كان له معاد
And since when did love have an appointment?
دي نار بتئيد
This is a fire that ignites,
نور جوة القلب دخل من غير تخبيط
A light inside the heart that entered without knocking.
لقينا في بعدنا عن الناس
We found in our distance from people
جنة تكفينا احنا وخلاص
A paradise that's enough for us.

Writer(s): Mahmoud El Esseily

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