Maia - La Lluna fa Baixada - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Maia - La Lluna fa Baixada

La Lluna fa Baixada
The Moon Has Risen
Com estàs?
How are you?
Mai recordes com estàs...
You never remember how you are...
Ja hem viscut aquest silenci fins els postres
We have already lived through this silence until dessert
Vols cafè?
Do you want coffee?
Vols que pinti les finestres?
Do you want me to paint the windows?
El soroll de la nevera ens manté a terra
The noise from the refrigerator keeps us down to earth
Som vapor,
We are vapor,
Som vapor sense extractor
We are vapor without a fan
La ciutat imaginada riu, ferida
The imagined city laughs, wounded
Ho has pensat?
Have you thought about it?
Has pensat per un moment
Have you thought for a moment
Com s'espolsen deu mil llunes sense forces?
How do you dust off ten thousand moons without strength?
Com es fa?
How do you do it?
Com desfàs deu mil carícies en un sol segon?
How do you undo ten thousand caresses in a single second?
Com desfàs deu mil promeses en un got tan buit?
How do you undo ten thousand promises in a glass so empty?
Sense tu, com es fa?
Without you, how do you do it?
On estàs?
Where are you?
On estàs amb ulls de gel?
Where are you, with your icy eyes?
Les mirades sense vida et fan de vidre
The lifeless gaze makes you of glass
They will return
Els gintònics i els petons!
The gin and tonics and the kisses!
M'ho creuré, m'ho creuré, m'ho creuré un cop més
I'll believe it, I'll believe it, I'll believe it once more
On estan
Where are they?
Mossegades amb suor?
Sweaty bites?
Se'ns desfan petits misteris sense pressa...
Small mysteries fade away without haste...
Som de sal,
We are of salt,
Som de sal sense final
We are of salt with no end
El sofà és un pont desfet entre nosaltres
The sofa is a broken bridge between us
Com es fa?
How do you do it?
Com desfàs deu mil carícies en un sol segon?
How do you undo ten thousand caresses in a single second?
Com desfàs deu mil promeses en un got tan buit?
How do you undo ten thousand promises in a glass so empty?
Com es fa per oblidar cada matí qui som?
How do you forget who we are every morning?
Sense tu, com es fa?
Without you, how do you do it?
Com es fa?
How do you do it?

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