Majk Spirit feat. Barbara Weiss - Buducej - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Majk Spirit feat. Barbara Weiss - Buducej

To the Future
Oukej, takže táto vec ide všetkým krásnym ženám, slovenským aj českým, ale špeciálne jednej jedinej, mojej budúcej, matke mojich detí.
Okay, so this thing goes out to all the beautiful women, Slovak and Czech, but especially to one and only, my future, the mother of my children.
Ešte ťa ani nepoznám a mi chýbaš, zatiaľ sa mi iba snívaš.
I don’t even know you yet and I already miss you, for now I only dream of you.
to živé sny, vášnivé sny, nech pozeráš mi do očí a neuhýbaš.
They are vivid dreams, passionate dreams, where you look me in the eyes and don’t shy away.
Dívam sa ti do očí a celý horím, držím ťa a nepovolím.
I look into your eyes and burn up, I hold you tight and never let go.
Keď môžem byť stebou iba keď spím, tak radšej nech tie oči nikdy neotvorím.
When I can only be with you when I sleep, then I’d rather never open my eyes.
Neni to dnes ľahké pre mladého muža, údolie tŕňov, na konci ruža.
It’s not easy these days for a young man, a valley of thorns, only a rose at the end.
Spriaznená duša?
A kindred spirit?
Zachráň ma, ja zachránim teba, spolu utečieme z toho šialeného sveta a pôjdeme na všetky tie krásne miesta, každý večer jedna veľká fiesta, cez deň dobré jedlo, sex a siesta, želám si len teba, keď padá hviezda.
Rescue me, I’ll rescue you, together we’ll run away from this insane world and go to all those beautiful places, every night a grand fiesta, during the days good food, sex and siesta, all I wish for is you, when a star falls.
Ref.: (Barbara)
Chorus: (Barbara)
You've got me on your mind boy, you still don't know me, but I've got a feelin' for you (me?).
You've got me on your mind boy, you still don't know me, but I've got a feelin' for you (me?).
I'm waiting for you, just sit there for a while, boy.
I'm waiting for you, just sit there for a while, boy.
There's somethin' on my mind that I've got a feeling for you, I'm waiting for you.
There's somethin' on my mind that I've got a feeling for you, I'm waiting for you.
Ale ziatiaľ som vlk samotár, lebo vzťahy nie láska ale zvyk, je to iba trik, je to iba obchod, ja ťa nechcem vlastniť, chcem ťa obšťastniť.
But for now I’m a lone wolf, because relationships aren’t love but habit, it’s only a trick, it’s just business, I don’t want to own you, I want to make you happy.
Pár medových rokov a potom svadba, z iskry vatra, moja Kleopatra.
A few honeymoon years and then a wedding, from a spark a flame, my Cleopatra.
Svet patrí nám, spolu, aj keď každý sám, spolu naplníme boží plán.
The world belongs to us, together, even though we’re each alone, together we’ll fulfil the divine plan.
Tak podaj mi to jablko, ty poznáš ten strom, nikomu nebolo, ako bude nám dvom.
So hand me that apple, you know that tree, it was never meant for anyone but the two of us.
Ja postavím ti dom, ty z neho spravíš domov, som doma a si so mnou.
I’ll build you a house, you’ll make it a home, I’m home and I’m with you.
Chcem byť tvoj posledný, s tebou som kompletný.
I want to be your last, with you I’m complete.
Nehľadám hračku, to môžem mať mačku.
I’m not looking for a toy, for that I can get a cat.
Nezbieram trofeje, chcem nech mi dobre je, dobre je nám, chcem s tebou zdieľať to všetko, čo mám.
I don’t collect trophies, I want to feel good, it feels good, I want to share everything I have with you.
Ref.: (Barbara)
Chorus: (Barbara)
You've got me on your mind boy, you still don't know me, but I've got a feelin' for you (me?).
You've got me on your mind boy, you still don't know me, but I've got a feelin' for you (me?).
I'm waiting for you, just sit there for a while, boy.
I'm waiting for you, just sit there for a while, boy.
There's somethin' on my mind that I've got a feeling for you, I'm waiting for you.
There's somethin' on my mind that I've got a feeling for you, I'm waiting for you.
Ja tu čakám na pravú, lásku zdravú, ženu moju milovanú, ale kým nájdem pravú, mám práve túto, jednu z davu.
I’m waiting here for the right one, healthy love, my beloved wife, but until I find the right one, I have this one, the one in a million.

Writer(s): majk spirit feat. barbara weiss, martin sramek

Majk Spirit feat. Barbara Weiss - Y White
Y White
date de sortie

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