Bol to iba sen, v mladom veku, že keď budem dospelý, budem veľký, a že budú ma vysielať telky.
It was just a dream, in my young age, that when I grow up, I'll be big, and they'll broadcast me on TV.
A povediem svet, do nového veku, v ktorom je party namiesto vojny a všetci sú oveľa viac svojmi.
And I will lead the world, into a new age, where there's a party instead of war and everyone is much more themselves.
Dostal som dar, ľudia ma ľúbia a keď hovorím, tak ma počúvajú a keď nechcem aj tak ma ponúkajú.
I got a gift, people love me, and when I speak, they listen, and even when I don't want, they still offer me things.
A som star, planéty krúžia, a to moje svetlo žiari jasne a skoro všetko je to úžasné.
And I'm a star, planets are circling, and my light shines brightly, and almost everything is amazing.
Ale mám aj kríž, ľudia ma súdia, všetci presvedčení, že ma poznajú, pritom sami seba nerozoznajú.
But I also have a cross to bear, people judge me, everyone convinced they know me, while they don't even recognize themselves.
A to si píš, že ani netušia o mojich anjeloch a mojich démonoch čo skrýva sa v mojich trezoroch.
And you can bet they have no idea about my angels and my demons, what's hidden in my vaults.
Je to požehnanie, ale kliatba zároveň, stále povinný dvíhať úroveň.
It's a blessing, but a curse at the same time, always obligated to raise the level.
Cítim sa byť nato vybavený, nový človek vždy pripravený.
I feel equipped for it, a new person always ready.
Daj mi lekcie, daj mi skúšky, viem že na konci každej búrky je nový deň, tak žijem jak chcem a chcem tak žiť, až kým odídem.
Give me lessons, give me trials, I know that at the end of every storm there's a new day, so I live how I want and I want to live like this, until I leave.
Before I Was Dreaming, Now Im Flying.
Before I Was Dreaming, Now I'm Flying.
Live In A Moment, Trust Me Its Trying.
Live In A Moment, Trust Me It's Trying.
But I Wanna See All I Can See.
But I Wanna See All I Can See.
Just Live In The Sky Man, Im Free
Just Live In The Sky, Girl, I'm Free
I Used To Watch Them, Now They Watching Me
I Used To Watch Them, Now They Watching Me
Pomaly si kráčam vpred a nesiem svet na mojich pleciach, materiálne zabezpečený, ale nestrácam sa v tých veciach.
I walk slowly forward and carry the world on my shoulders, materially secure, but I don't get lost in those things.
Vravia, že sky's the limit, lenže Spirit ťa zoberie na mesiac, tvoja stará si prišla pre viac, sorry bolo to nechtiac.
They say the sky's the limit, but Spirit will take you to the moon, your old lady came for more, sorry it was unintentional.
Nevieš, kedy si robím srandu, a to ma na tom baví najviac, mladý rebel má swag, myslíš že ne, dojdi a daj viac.
You don't know when I'm joking, and that's what I enjoy the most, the young rebel has swag, you think not, come and give more.
Pijem šmaky Rémy Martin, kým nie som na party neni party, ale keď som v tej budove býva tam teplo, jak v pekle s čertami nie sú žarty. Ha há. Radšej zlož karty, neni hanba prehrať s lepším. Som odhodlaný ako veliteľ Sparty, čo je to strach to fakt netuším.
I drink sips of Rémy Martin, until I'm at the party, there's no party, but when I'm in that building, it's warm there, like in hell with devils, there's no joking. Ha ha. Better fold your cards, it's no shame to lose to a better one. I'm determined like the commander of Sparta, what is fear, I really don't know.
Verím v lásku, verím v silu, v moc prítomného okamihu. A som pokorný ale nie skromný, dôkaz o triumfe je nesporný. Ha. A som hate-u vzdorný, ale najradšej som medzi svojimi. Rozdielne dojmy, tie isté pojmy, vyberám sám som voľný. Chceš ma zastaviť, musíš ma zabiť, ja sa to snažím do čierneho trafiť, stále to ťažiť a vážiť si to od teraz až navždy, až kým urobím posledný nádych. A výdych.
I believe in love, I believe in strength, in the power of the present moment. And I am humble but not modest, the proof of triumph is undeniable. Ha. And I am defiant to hate, but I prefer to be among my own. Different impressions, the same concepts, I choose myself, I am free. You want to stop me, you have to kill me, I'm trying to hit the bullseye, always mining it and appreciating it from now on forever, until I take my last breath. And exhale.
Before I Was Dreaming, Now Im Flying.
Before I Was Dreaming, Now I'm Flying.
Live In A Moment, Trust Me Its Trying.
Live In A Moment, Trust Me It's Trying.
But I Wanna See All I Can See.
But I Wanna See All I Can See.
Just Live In The Sky Man, Im Free
Just Live In The Sky, Girl, I'm Free
I Used To Watch Them, Now They Watching Me
I Used To Watch Them, Now They Watching Me
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