Majk Spirit feat. VeronikaS - Žiariš - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Majk Spirit feat. VeronikaS - Žiariš

You Glow
Život jak vo filme, hastag no filter.
Life like in a movie, hashtag no filter.
Trochu Stephen King, trochu Steven Spielberg,
A little Stephen King, a little Steven Spielberg,
Stále si to ty a tvoje kritéria,
It's still you and your criteria,
že radšej Stephen Hawking ako Bilzerian.
That you'd rather have Stephen Hawking than Bilzerian.
Poznáš tajmostvá, chápeš mystéria,
You know the secrets, you understand the mysteries,
Zažila si vela, klud aj hystéria.
You've experienced a lot, both calm and hysteria.
Štastie, mizéria, všetko na chvíľu,
Happiness, misery, everything for a while,
si ochotná isť tu extra míľu.
You're now willing to go the extra mile.
Nezodpovedáš sa nikomu, si selfmade.
You're not accountable to anyone, you're self-made.
Zkúšali ti dát K.O., ale si OK.
They tried to knock you out, but you're OK.
Skutočná aj ked všectci tvojí ex fake,
Real even though all your exes are fake,
život nebereš tak vážne, ale sex hej.
You don't take life so seriously, but sex, yes.
Ej, toto je tvôj svet, len si flexi bejby,
Hey, this is your world, just be flexible baby,
život je krátky tak ho ex-ni bejby,
Life is short so ex-ni it baby,
Len mi textni bejby, nejsi štetka, si sexy bejby.
Just text me baby, you're not a slut, you're a sexy baby.
Dievča ty žiariš, ty žiariš.
Girl you glow, you glow.
Dievča ty žiariš, žiariš.
Girl you glow, glow.
Si krásná a silná, hlavu hore.
You're beautiful and strong, head up.
Sebavedomá, tak ťa vychovali.
Self-confident, that's how you were raised.
Vyhrávajú tie čo vedia a ty vieš dobre.
Winners know and you know well.
A nezáleži na tom čo povedali,
And it doesn't matter what they said,
Nezáleží na tom čo bolo, ty ideš ďalej.
It doesn't matter what happened, you're moving on.
Nikto nevie čo bude a čo nebude s nami.
Nobody knows what will and won't happen to us.
A nejsi divná, aj keď ti je fajn samej,
And you're not weird, even though you're fine with being alone,
Nejsi sama ak si zo svojími, s nami.
You're not alone if you're with your people, with us.
Jee, nemusím ti hovoriť, vieš sama
Gee, I don't have to tell you, you know yourself
A nezáleží na tom, čo ti o tom povedali.
And it doesn't matter what they told you about it.
Sebavedomá, aj keď ťa tak nevychovali,
Self-confident, even though you weren't raised that way,
Keď sa dcéra stane lepšia ako jej mama.
When a daughter becomes better than her mother.
Ej, chcem nech ťa moja dcéra volá mama.
Hey, I want my daughter to call you mom.
Aby lepšia ako my bola aj ona sama.
So that she can be better than us herself.
Ej, bavíš ma, všetko čo spravíš, spirit, keď zjavíš sa.
Hey, you amuse me, everything you do has spirit when you appear.
Dievča ty žiariš, ty žiariš.
Girl you glow, you glow.
Dievča ty žiariš, žiariš.
Girl you glow, glow.
Dievča ty žiariš, ako na Miami.
Girl you glow, like in Miami.
Svet je len tvoj, leží pri nohách.
The world is yours alone, lying at your feet.
Svet na tanieri, máš ho nakrájaný.
The world on a plate, you have it sliced.
Ej a my sa iba vôbec chutnaj.
Hey, and we're just relishing it,
Pohoda, veď žijeme si good life,
Chill, because we're living the good life,
Svet na tvojom prste, máš ho obmotaný
The world on your finger, you have it wrapped around your finger.
A není to o kabelke a o botách,
And it's not about the handbag and the shoes,
Je to spirit a každý chce byť požehnaný.
It's the spirit and everyone wants to be blessed.
Dievča ty žiariš, ty žiariš.
Girl you glow, you glow.
Dievča ty žiariš, žiariš.
Girl you glow, glow.

Writer(s): Majk Spirit, Special Beatz

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