Majk Spirit - Feel Alright - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Majk Spirit - Feel Alright

Feel Alright
Feel Alright
Fajn, cítim sa tak fajn
Good, I feel so good
Môj pohár plný po okraj
My glass is full to the brim
Len si užívam jak prvý deň v raji
Just enjoying it like the first day in paradise
Hudba hraj
Music play
Všetci zrazu odborníci na môj život
Everyone suddenly experts on my life
Letím si kam chcem, vy nejste copilot
I fly where I want, you're not the copilot
Naháňaš ten môj, no zatiaľ utiekol ti tvoj život
You're chasing mine, but your life has escaped you so far
Neviem kde si bol ty, ja som tu dvanásť rokov
I don't know where you were, I've been here for twelve years
A neviem za koho vy, ale ja idem za nás vlkov
And I don't know who you are for, but I'm going for us wolves
Chlapci zlatí nejsme zvedaví na vás blbcov z krajiny blogov
Golden boys, we're not curious about you idiots from the land of blogs
(Do you feel alright?)
(Do you feel alright?)
Môj cieľ je excelencia, spirit je esencia
My goal is excellence, spirit is the essence
Prevencia v dobe, v ktorej vládne čistá demencia
Prevention in a time where pure dementia reigns
Nečítam tvoj status
I'm not reading your status
Nepichá ma v riti keď si ty sadneš na kaktus
It doesn't bother me when you sit on a cactus
Vo mne niečo horí
Something is burning in me
Mňa nezaujíma profit, ja som ten ktorý tvorí
I'm not interested in profit, I'm the one who creates
Netúžim po moci, peniaze sa majú točiť
I don't crave power, money should circulate
Buď na chvíľu sám sebou, povedz aký je to pocit
Be yourself for a moment, tell me what it feels like
(Do you feel alright?)
(Do you feel alright?)
Je to fajn, cítim sa tak fajn
It's good, I feel so good
Môj pohár plný po okraj
My glass is full to the brim
Len si užívam jak prvý deň v raji
Just enjoying it like the first day in paradise
Hudba hraj
Music play
Neviem ako ty, ja žijem len pre ten pocit
I don't know about you, I live only for that feeling
Buď spokojný vo svojej koži
Be comfortable in your own skin
Môžeš sa rozhodnúť aj ty ho v sebe nosiť
You can decide to carry it in you too
Nech hocikto si
No matter who you are
(Do you feel alright?)
(Do you feel alright?)
Pýtajú sa prečo plávaš proti prúdu
They ask why you're swimming against the current
Podľa mňa váš prúd pláva proti prúdu
In my opinion, your current is swimming against the current
Takže vlastne plávam s prúdom pokiaľ plávam proti prúdu (Do you feel alright?)
So I'm actually swimming with the current as long as I'm swimming against the current (Do you feel alright?)
Do you understand?
Ja si nosím ten pocit
I carry that feeling with me
A prestať nechystám sa
And I'm not going to stop
Vážne ľudia vo vás, priznám, nevyznám sa
I don't really understand serious people in you
Pokým Boh je so mnou nič nechýba mi, nepýtam sa
As long as God is with me, I don't need anything, I don't ask
(Do you feel alright?)
(Do you feel alright?)
Viem pravda je iba jedna, jedna pre každého z nás
I know there is only one truth, one for each of us
A ja tu nejsom aby som uspokojil každého z vás
And I'm not here to please every one of you
Rap je môj oceán, môj vesmír, a ja som niečo jak delfín
Rap is my ocean, my universe, and I'm something like a dolphin
A mám vážne rád sám seba, ale nerobím nikdy selfie
And I really like myself, but I never take selfies
Čo si si, to si si, buď ako Martin Scorsese
What you are is what you are, be like Martin Scorsese
Tvoja story, tvoj komiks
Your story, your comic
A ty vieš najlepšie kto si ty
And you know best who you are
Preto nedaj na gossip, daj iba na svoje pocity, povedz čo cítiš
So don't listen to gossip, just listen to your feelings, say what you feel
(Do you feel alright?)
(Do you feel alright?)
Fajn, cítim sa tak fajn
Good, I feel so good
Môj pohár plný po okraj
My glass is full to the brim
Len si užívam jak prvý deň v raji
Just enjoying it like the first day in paradise
Hudba hraj
Music play
(Do you feel alright?)
(Do you feel alright?)
Neviem ako ty, ja žijem len pre ten pocit
I don't know about you, I live only for that feeling
Buď spokojný vo svojej koži
Be comfortable in your own skin
Môžeš sa rozhodnúť aj ty ho v sebe nosiť
You can decide to carry it in you too
Nech hocikto si
No matter who you are

Writer(s): Michal Dusicka, Christian Huber

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