Majk Spirit - Ženy Treba Ľúbiť - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Majk Spirit - Ženy Treba Ľúbiť

Ženy Treba Ľúbiť
Women Need to Be Loved
Ženy treba lúbiť!
Women need to be loved!
Hej, hej, hej, daj mi ruku bejby, poďme to spolu skúsiť,
Hey, hey, hey, give me your hand baby, let's try this together,
Chcem okolo teba krúžiť, viem ženy treba lúbiť.
I want to orbit around you, I know women need to be loved.
Hej, hej, hej milujeme ženy,
Hey, hey, hey, we love women,
áno, milujeme ženy, ha ha, hej, hej.
yes, we love women, ha ha, hey, hey.
Bola to obyčajná sobota, išiel som sa spiť,
It was an ordinary Saturday, I went out to get drunk,
Nech sa ledva domov domotám.
So I could barely stumble home.
Bolelo ma srdce bývala mi dala zbohom,
My heart ached, my ex said goodbye,
A ja preklial som ženy, musím sa zmieriť s Bohom.
And I cursed women, I need to make peace with God.
A tak pijem piatu flašu vína, hladám kde je pravda,
So I drink the fifth bottle of wine, searching for the truth,
Prečo jediná, ktorú som chcel jebe na mňa?
Why does the only one I wanted screw me over?
No v tom sa niečo stalo, musia v tom byť asi anjeli,
But then something happened, there must be angels involved,
A všimol som si dievča, vyzerala ako anjelik.
And I noticed a girl, she looked like an angel.
A zvyšok bol krásny sen,
And the rest was a beautiful dream,
Pretancovali sme spolu celú noc po deň.
We danced the whole night through till the day.
Bola Ruska, nerozumela mi ani pol slova,
She was Russian, didn't understand a word I said,
No aj tak pochopili sme sa a to doslova.
But we still understood each other, literally.
A bol to iba malý moment, ale niečo navždy zmenil,
And it was just a small moment, but it changed something forever,
Uvedomil som si, že som zabudol jak debil.
I realized I had forgotten like an idiot.
Že som tu, aby som vnímal, kto som ja aby som hodnotil,
That I'm here to perceive, who am I to judge,
Vstúpila mi do života, aby som to znova pochopil.
She entered my life so I could understand that again.
Ženy treba lúbiť!
Women need to be loved!
Hej, daj mi ruku poďme to spolu skúsiť,
Hey, give me your hand let's try this together,
Možno nájdeme, to čo sa nedá kúpiť.
Maybe we'll find what can't be bought.
Si moja hviezda chcem okolo teba krúžiť,
You are my star, I want to orbit around you,
nebaví ma temnotou blúdiť.
I'm tired of wandering in the darkness.
Hej, viem, oplatí sa to skúsiť,
Hey, I know, it's worth a try,
Naučím ťa chápať, ty naučíš ma lúbiť.
I'll learn to understand you, you'll teach me to love.
Dám do toho všetko, ale nič nemôžem slúbiť,
I'll give it my all, but I can't promise anything,
Musí to medzi nami prúdiť.
It has to flow between us.
A potom na vysokej škole,
And then in college,
Slobodný a mladý, hociktorá pôjde dole.
Free and young, any girl will go down.
Nový album vonku, všade hrala jedna šesť,
New album out, "One Six" playing everywhere,
More, volám niekomu, že aký plán je na dnes.
Sea, calling someone, what's the plan for today.
Ale vtedy som ju zbadal, porad vypadol mi telefón (ty kokos)
But then I saw her, my phone dropped (damn)
A musel som si na ruku opisovať jej telefón.
And I had to write down her number on my hand.
Na druhý deň sme boli spolu vonku,
The next day we were already out together,
A zhodou okolností sme skončili pri bongu. HA HA
And coincidentally we ended up at the bong. HA HA
A smiali sme sa od rána do večera jak blázni,
And we laughed like crazy from morning till night,
Od večera do rána sme čas trávili v spálni.
From evening till morning we spent time in the bedroom.
A tak to išlo celý mesiac a bol to najkrajší marec,
And it went on like that for a whole month and it was the most beautiful March,
Bol som do nej zamilovaný jak malý chlapec.
I was in love with her like a little boy.
No po mesiaci, vraví mi že stačí a že zavolá,
But after a month, she tells me that's enough and she'll call,
A nastalo medzi nami niečo jak doba ladová.
And something like an ice age started between us.
Mali sme to na istý čas je to pasé,
We had it for a while, now it's over,
Ale nepochybujem, že niekde nájdem to zase.
But I have no doubt I'll find it again somewhere.
Ženy treba lúbiť!
Women need to be loved!
Hej, daj mi ruku poďme to spolu skúsiť,
Hey, give me your hand let's try this together,
Možno nájdeme, to čo sa nedá kúpiť.
Maybe we'll find what can't be bought.
Si moja hviezda chcem okolo teba krúžiť,
You are my star, I want to orbit around you,
nebaví ma temnotou blúdiť.
I'm tired of wandering in the darkness.
Hej, viem, oplatí sa to skúsiť,
Hey, I know, it's worth a try,
Naučím ťa chápať, ty naučíš ma lúbiť.
I'll learn to understand you, you'll teach me to love.
Dám do toho všetko, ale nič nemôžem slúbiť,
I'll give it my all, but I can't promise anything,
Musí to medzi nami prúdiť.
It has to flow between us.
A príbeh číslo tri je o tej žene môjho života,
And story number three is about the woman of my life,
Každý jedno krídlo, tak si letíme bez pilota.
Each of us with one wing, so we fly without a pilot.
Sme uzavretý kruh, je Jing pre môj Jang,
We are a closed circle, she is the Yin to my Yang,
Je môj spriaznený druh, aj ohrozený druh.
She is my soulmate, and an endangered species.
Lebo nosí v očiach niečo ako plameň
Because she carries something like a flame in her eyes
A to čo vo mne zapálila je viac jak len vášeň. (viac)
And what she ignited in me is more than just passion. (more)
Nejde iba o že náš sex je úplne dokonalý,
It's not just that our sex is absolutely perfect,
Vždy sa ráno divím, že sa dal ešte zdokonaliť.
I'm always surprised in the morning that it could still be improved.
A to ticho medzi nami, je tak vela vravné,
And the silence between us is so eloquent,
že pokaziť to slovami, to sa mi nezdá správne.
That spoiling it with words doesn't seem right to me.
A jediné čo viem, že lúbime sa vela,
And the only thing I know is that we love each other a lot,
Opreté čelá, jedna duša a dve telá.
Foreheads resting, one soul and two bodies.
Pravá láska začne a nepozná koniec,
True love begins and knows no end,
Pokial budem nažive nezabudnem vzorec.
As long as I'm alive I will never forget the formula.
Že naučiť sa ženu lúbiť zabrať ti,
That learning to love a woman can take you a while,
No lásku čo jej dávaš, ona dva krát vráti.
But the love you give her, she returns twice as much.
Ženy treba lúbiť!
Women need to be loved!
Hej, daj mi ruku poďme to spolu skúsiť,
Hey, give me your hand let's try this together,
Možno nájdeme, to čo sa nedá kúpiť.
Maybe we'll find what can't be bought.
Si moja hviezda chcem okolo teba krúžiť,
You are my star, I want to orbit around you,
nebaví ma temnotou blúdiť.
I'm tired of wandering in the darkness.
Hej, viem, oplatí sa to skúsiť,
Hey, I know, it's worth a try,
Naučím ťa chápať, ty naučíš ma lúbiť.
I'll learn to understand you, you'll teach me to love.
Dám do toho všetko, ale nič nemôžem slúbiť,
I'll give it my all, but I can't promise anything,
Musí to medzi nami prúdiť.
It has to flow between us.
Ženy treba lúbiť.
Women need to be loved.

Writer(s): Dj Wich

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