Majself feat. Grizzly & Kali - Schody Do Neba (feat. Kali) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Majself feat. Grizzly & Kali - Schody Do Neba (feat. Kali)

Schody Do Neba (feat. Kali)
Stairway to Heaven (feat. Kali)
Pýtaš sa, čo sa stalo
You ask me what happened
Neviem ti odpovedať, prepáč, bolo toho moc
I can't answer you, sorry, there was too much
Predtým ste boli dvaja spolu ako jedno telo
Before you two were together as one body
Dnes ako ozvena, čo volá v tichu o pomoc
Today like an echo, calling for help in silence
Ona ti hovorila, že je treba konať mayday
She told you that you need to act mayday
Ty si jej neustále opakoval, že to nejde
You kept telling her that it wasn't possible
Furt tu bol niekto iný, na nič iné žiadny čas
There was always someone else, no time for anything else
Vidíš len seba, škoda, že nevidíš viacej vás
You only see yourself, it's a pity you don't see more of you
Ostali hlavolamy
There are puzzles left
Šťastie vám uniklo a to doslova pred očami preč
Happiness escaped you and that literally right before your very eyes
V hrsti spomienky a kúsky svetla
Memories and pieces of light in your fist
Možno je chyba, že ťa vtedy radšej neodmietla
Maybe it's a mistake that she didn't reject you then
A miesto lásky samé medzery
And instead of love, only gaps
Prázdne slová, ktorým dnes ani jeden neverí
Empty words that no one believes anymore
Sebaklam, vážne sila, cítiš, že to puto bledne
Self-deception, serious power, you feel that bond fading
Schody do neba, kde sú? Stratili sa v nekonečne
Stairs to heaven, where are they? Lost in infinity
Pod spáleným mostom
Under the burnt bridge
Stojíte namiesto toho, aby ste postavili schody do neba
You stand instead of building stairs to heaven
A čo ten kostol
And what about that church
Ktorý zíva prázdnotou, v ktorom ste si mali Áno povedať
Which yawns with emptiness, where you were supposed to say Yes
Pýtam sa, čo s ňou
I ask myself about her
Aj keď miluješ ju stále, tak ju pokaždé vyháňaš od seba
Even though you still love her, you always drive her away from you
A ty máš moc slov
And you have the power of words
Čo by si chcela, no nevieš ako povedať, tak láska zhorela
What you wanted, but you don't know how to say, so love burned down
A ty... si sa tvárila jak nemá
And you... pretended you were mute
Furt si chcela lepiť črepy tam, kde sa to nedá
You still wanted to glue the shards where it's impossible
Videla si medzery cez pokrčenú etáž
You saw the gaps through the crumpled storey
Dnes hovoríš, že osud to nenapísal pre vás, viem
Today you say that fate didn't write it for you, I know
Vravíš, že sa ťa to dotklo
You say it touched you
No ty si ostal prvý, čo bol chladný ako Stockholm
But you were the first one to be cold as Stockholm
Teraz tu reveš nad jej fotkou
Now you're crying over her photo
No čas nevrátiš naspäť ani keby si bol doktor
But you can't turn back time, even if you were a doctor
Odkazy nechávaš jej pohodené v pošte
You leave messages for her, lying around in the mail
Ona schránku si nevyberá
She doesn't pick up the box
Nádej je večná ževraj, aj nekonečná, ale
Hope is eternal, they say, and also endless, but
Radšej ti taká, keď nevieš ako vyzerá
I prefer it like that, when you no longer know what it looks like
Čo sa s vami stalo, keď nevieš ani kto ste
What happened to you, when you no longer know who you are
Nezdieľajte nič, spoločný status ani posteľ, proste
Don't share anything, not even a status or a bed, just
Takto nejak vyzerá koniec
This is what the end looks like
Predtým spolu, teraz nie a toto je ten rozdiel
Before together, now not, and this is the difference
Pod spáleným mostom
Under the burnt bridge
Stojíte namiesto toho, aby ste postavili schody do neba
You stand instead of building stairs to heaven
A čo ten kostol
And what about that church
Ktorý zíva prázdnotou, v ktorom ste si mali Áno povedať
Which yawns with emptiness, where you were supposed to say Yes
Pýtam sa, čo s ňou
I ask myself about her
Aj keď miluješ ju stále, tak ju pokaždé vyháňaš od seba
Even though you still love her, you always drive her away from you
A ty máš moc slov
And you have the power of words
Čo by si chcela, no nevieš ako povedať, tak láska zhorela
What you wanted, but you don't know how to say, so love burned down

Writer(s): Koloman Magyari, Michael švehla, Milan Macko

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