Majself feat. Grizzly & P.A.T. - Nerev - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Majself feat. Grizzly & P.A.T. - Nerev

Sebaľútosť neni cesta preto brácho vravím nerev,
Self-pity is not the way, so my brother, I say, don't whine,
Je jedno z akého si mesta treba hľadať ten svoj smer,
It doesn't matter what city you're from, you have to find your own direction,
Je jedno z akého si cesta nie vždy tu bude ľahký terén,
It doesn't matter what your background is, the path won't always be easy,
Neľutuj sa na čo nevzdávaj sa na čo makaj na tom a nerev!
Don't feel sorry for yourself, don't give up, work on it and don't whine!
Sebaľútosť neni cesta preto sestra vravím nerev,
Self-pity is not the way, so my sister, I say, don't whine,
Čo sa nepodarí dneska zajtra bude len na tebe,
What you don't achieve today, tomorrow will be up to you,
Makaj na tom a nerev, makaj na tom a nerev,
Work on it and don't whine, work on it and don't whine,
Jak začať pýta sa bárs kto.
How to begin, anyone may ask.
Sorry ale neni na to návod,
Sorry, but there's no manual for that,
Často cítim je to pekne v piči brácho
I often feel like this is really fucked up, man
Berem Rizling keď vychádzam von,
I'll take Riesling when I go out,
Stádo všade uveriť, že nemusí byť len prázdno,
The flock everywhere, believing that it doesn't have to be empty,
. Všetko za deň darmo povíš amen keď si neni všehomúci boh,
You can't say everything is free in a day, when you're not an omnipotent god,
Viem možno ťa dojebal kamarát, rodina, frajerka, robota,
I know you may have been screwed over by a friend, family, girlfriend, or job,
Pamätaj život je taký a nebýva vkaždý deň sobota,
Remember life is like this and it's not every day Saturday,
Nečakaj ochotu, nečakaj na ľudí, nečakaj na nič ani nokoho,
Don't expect willingness, don't expect people, don't expect anything or anyone,
Život je boj preto hovorím obľeč si kurva konečné kimono,
Life is a fight, that's why I say, put on your fucking kimono now,
Všetko čo mám som si vybudoval sám
Everything I have, I built for myself
Lebo nerevem a roky na tom drem, hej?
Because I don't whine and I've been working on it for years, right?
Každú jednú vec, čo som kedy komu obetoval neľutujem pozdravujem ex.
Every single thing I've ever sacrificed for anyone, I don't regret it, greetings to my ex.
Neželám nič zlé nikomu, díky za to zlé, vďaka tomu som tu.
I don't wish anyone anything bad, thanks for the bad, thanks to that I'm here.
Ja nespolieham sa na nikoho, brácho beriem veci jak muž.
I don't rely on anyone anymore, brother, I take things like a man.
A nerevem lebo neni mi to na nič,
And I don't whine because it's no good for me,
Iba ma to brzdí ako dojebaný chladič,
It only slows me down like a fucked up radiator,
O tom ako veci budú rozhoduješ ty
You decide how things will be
Poďme päste hore pome hlavu hore poď,
Come on, fists up, come on, head up come on,
Jebať na to čo tu bolo v ringu kričím ďalšie kolo,
Fuck what was here, I'm shouting another round in the ring,
Verím iba v sebe spolieham na seba nečakám na žiadnu pomoc,
I only believe in myself, I rely on myself, I don't wait for any help,
Sebaľútosť neni cesta preto brácho vravím nerev,
Self-pity is not the way, so my brother, I say, don't whine,
Je jedno z akého si mesta treba hľadať ten svoj smer,
It doesn't matter what city you're from, you have to find your own direction,
Je jedno z akého si cesta nie vždy tu bude ľahký terén,
It doesn't matter what your background is, the path won't always be easy,
Neľutuj sa na čo nevzdávaj sa na čo makaj na tom a nerev,
Don't feel sorry for yourself, don't give up, work on it and don't whine,
Sebaľútosť neni cesta preto sestra vravím nerev,
Self-pity is not the way, so my sister, I say, don't whine,
Čo sa nepodarí dneska zajtra bude len na tebe,
What you don't achieve today, tomorrow will be up to you,
Makaj na tom a nerev, makaj na tom a nerev,
Work on it and don't whine, work on it and don't whine,
Je to dlhá cesta a nie postup za rok,
It's a long way and not a one-year process,
Nebudú ti veriť no ty to musíš dať,
They won't believe you, but you have to do it,
Povoliť zovretie poškodiť ten zámok,
To loosen the grip, to break the lock,
Prelomiť ich brány a na nohách stáť,
To break their gates and stand on your feet,
Nemôžeš to síliť musíš na to vyzrieť,
You can't force it, you have to figure it out,
Naučiť sa dýchať nemôžeš to vzdať,
Learn to breathe, you can't give up,
to všetky veci ktoré nik nevidí,
These are all things that no one sees,
Deje sa to v tebe postup a aj pád,
It happens inside you, progress and also falling,
Nerev nad tým čo sa ti nepodarilo
Don't whine about what you didn't achieve
Lebo chybu nájdeš iba v sebe je to dané,
Because you'll only find the mistake in yourself, it's a given,
Pády a vzostupy pre teba to pravé
Falls and ups are right for you
Ale uvedom si čo je naozaj to vzácne,
But realize what is really precious,
Ľudia vidia iba jednú výhru ale nikto sa nepozerá do zadu ako bolo,
People only see one victory, but no one looks back at how it was,
Nerev brácho toto nemá význam utri si tu tvár a poďme ďalšie kolo,
Don't whine, brother, this is pointless, wipe your face and let's go another round,
Lebo milión ľudí čaká na to isté ako ty,
Because a million people are waiting for the same thing as you,
Lebo nerev nad tým čo tu neni radšej pridaj plyn,
Because don't whine anymore about what's not here, rather step on the gas,
Lebo jediný spôsob vyhrať titul je nezabiť sny,
Because the only way to win a title is to not kill your dreams,
Preto bereme život do rúk tak ako to chceme my,
That's why we take life into our own hands, the way we want it,
Sebaľútosť neni cesta
Self-pity is not the way
Je jedno z akého si mesta
It doesn't matter what city you're from
Je jedno z akého si cesta
It doesn't matter what your background is
Neľutuj sa na čo nevzdávaj sa na čo makaj na tom a nerev,
Don't feel sorry for yourself, don't give up, work on it and don't whine,
Seba ľútosť neni cesta preto sestra vravím nerev,
Self-pity is not the way, so my sister, I say, don't whine,
Čo sa nepodarí dneska zajtra bude len na tebe,
What you don't achieve today, tomorrow will be up to you,
Makaj na tom a nerev, makaj na tom a nerev,
Work on it and don't whine, work on it and don't whine,
Sebaľútosť neni cesta preto brácho vravím nerev,
Self-pity is not the way, so my brother, I say, don't whine,
Je jedno z akého si mesta treba hľadať ten svoj smer,
It doesn't matter what city you're from, you have to find your own direction,
Je jedno z akého si cesta nie vždy tu bude ľahký terén,
It doesn't matter what your background is, the path won't always be easy,
Neľutuj sa na čo nevzdávaj sa na čo makaj na tom a nerev,
Don't feel sorry for yourself, don't give up, work on it and don't whine,
Sebaľútosť neni cesta preto sestra vravím nerev,
Self-pity is not the way, so my sister, I say, don't whine,
Čo sa nepodarí dneska zajtra bude len na tebe,
What you don't achieve today, tomorrow will be up to you,
Makaj na tom a nerev, makaj na tom a nerev,
Work on it and don't whine, work on it and don't whine,

Writer(s): Michael švehla, Milan Macko

Majself feat. Grizzly & P.A.T. - Trip
date de sortie

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