Majself feat. Grizzly & Renne Dang - R.I.P. - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Majself feat. Grizzly & Renne Dang - R.I.P.

Najprv ti povie chce lásku,
First, she tells you she wants love,
Celý čas nosila másku,
The whole time she was wearing a mask,
Keby je jej chalan tak dostane facku, netuším jakú matku,
If it was her man, he'd get a slap, I don't know what kind of mother she has,
V kuse sa tlačí na quest list v hlave program matrix na
She's constantly pushing her way onto the quest list, in her head there's a matrix program on the
Hajzel. takéto poznáš skrtáš si adresár Romana, Verona, Domča,
Toilet. You know these types, you shorten the address book, Romana, Verona, Domča,
Hovoríš, že si sa zmenil, že vraj sa ti nedá veriť,
You say you've changed, that you can't be trusted,
Že vraj že vy dvaja nemáte nič čo by spájalo pery jak stehy,
That you two have nothing that would connect your lips like thighs,
Že vraj ma deficit nehy z nej, zrušenie opadlo vtedy,
That I have a deficit of tenderness from her, the cancellation fell through then,
Roztiahla nohy pre ďalšieho debila ako si ty kedy pochopíš ženy,
She spread her legs for another idiot like you, when will you understand women,
Keď jebe v klube s druhým hovori to, že schýzu,
When she's screwing someone else in the club, she'll say it's schizophrenia,
O pol roka keď sa pravda potvrdí zaprie reči čo prídu lebo,
Six months later, when the truth comes out, she'll deny the words that come because,
Nie každá je princezná čo chcela by mať doma iba princa žijú,
Not every girl is a princess who only wants a prince at home, they live
Dvojitý život a dvojité tváre v klube sa točí a rubí jak minca,
Double lives and double faces, in the club it spins and rubs like a coin,
S takými starý ja nechcem nič namyslená piča čo komplexy,
I don't want anything to do with those old ones, a conceited bitch with complexes,
City nula bodov, bitch daj pokoj pohladí ich chlad jak Osvienčim,
Zero points for feelings, bitch give me peace, their gaze is cold like Auschwitz,
Ide po sláve koxe vďaka bohu som dospel pre
She's after fame and coke, thank God I've grown up for
Také jak si ty zomrel dávno nemusíš chodiť na pohreb,
Those like you, I died long ago, you don't have to go to the funeral,
Takéto poznám nevedia samy, ž
I know this type, they don't know themselves
E čo chcú preto mám zatvorené srdce dávno zahodil som kľúč,
What they want, that's why I closed my heart long ago, I threw away the key,
A som mŕtvy, (mŕtvy) pre všetky také mŕtvy,
And I'm dead, (dead) for all those, dead,
Duša aj telo jak zo skla,
Soul and body like glass,
Charakter schovaný horcrux,
Character hidden horcrux,
Preto som srdce zatvoril dávno ďaleko zahodil kľúč,
That's why I closed my heart long ago, threw away the key,
Som mŕtvy, (mŕtvy) pre všetky také mŕtvy,
I'm dead, (dead) for all those, dead,
Zavřel sem dveře všem těm, které chtěly jenom jebat,
I closed the door to all those who only wanted to fuck,
Nesnáším malé holky co vzrušuje je žena,
I hate little girls, what excites me is a woman,
Zavřel sem dveře všem těm, které chtěly jen jméno,
I closed the door to all those who only wanted my name,
Na seznam chlubit se kámoškám slyšíš to štětko,
To brag to their friends, do you hear that, whore,
Pro tebe jsem mrtvej, takovejch jako ty můžu mít sto,
For you, I'm dead, I can have a hundred like you,
Viděl sem s nimi, s nim i s nim prosím stop,
I saw you with them, with him and with him, please stop,
Všechny jste tak stejné, u mně dávno není místo,
You're all so similar, there's no place for you here anymore,
Chci se zamilovávat do tvých slov a ne jen do tvých koz.
I want to fall in love with your words and not just your tits.
Ty chceš mou pozornost, dával si pozor dost
You want my attention, you should pay attention,
Každý z mých kámošů mu roztáhneš když je možnost,
You spread your legs for any of my friends if they have the chance,
Bejbe copak to nevidíš, máš na mnohem víc, máš na mnohem víc,
Baby, don't you see, you're worth so much more, you're worth so much more,
Než kurvit se s každou nulou o kterou někde zavadíš,
Than to be a whore with every nobody you run into,
Takéto poznám nevedia samy, ž
I know this type, they don't know themselves
E čo chcú preto mám zatvorené srdce dávno zahodil som kľúč,
What they want, that's why I closed my heart long ago, I threw away the key,
A som mŕtvy, (mŕtvy) pre všetky také mŕtvy,
And I'm dead, (dead) for all those, dead,
Duša telo jak zo skla, charakter schovaný horcrux, p
Soul and body like glass, character hidden horcrux, t
Reto som srdce zatvoril dávno ďaleko zahodil kľúč,
That's why I closed my heart long ago, threw away the key,
Som mŕtvy, (mŕtvy) pre všetky také mŕtvy.
I'm dead, (dead) for all those, dead.

Writer(s): Michael švehla, Milan Macko

Majself feat. Grizzly & Renne Dang - Trip
date de sortie

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