Majself feat. Grizzly - Magnet - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Majself feat. Grizzly - Magnet

Tiež máš ten pocit, že ti občas nikto nerozumie a dni sa striedajú, keď zakrývajú kalendár,
Do you ever feel like nobody understands you and days blur together, hiding the calendar?
Slnko zapadlo, keď umývaš si večer oči, svedomie pod farbou je jemným tieňom tvoja tvár, ľudia mi naokolo pripadajú, ako masky a svet je chladný, ako vietor priamo z Aljašky, ozveny zaliate tebou, na tvári kamenné meno, neviem to čítať z ľudí, kukám, jak jebo, nechápeš, čo sa deje, kam to tu všetko speje, kde sa tu stala chyba, čo to kurva znamená?
The sun's already set when you wash your eyes at night, your conscience beneath the surface a delicate shadow on your face. The people around me seem like masks, and the world is cold, like a wind straight from Alaska. Echoes filled with you, a stony name on your face, I can't read it from people, I look like an idiot. You don't understand what's happening, where it's all going, where the mistake was made, what the hell does it all mean?
Prečo furt hľadáš stále všade nejaké vysvetlenie?
Why are you always looking for an explanation?
No bez teba je každá jedna veta stratená.
Well, without you every sentence is lost.
Veci sa zmenili, nebudú nikdy, jako boli.
Things have changed, they'll never be the same again.
Niektorých z pomedzi nás zastavili semafory, je mi to jedno, iba nechcem hľadieť opäť dole, tak je to vtedy, keď ťa nevidím a nepočujem.
Some of us were stopped by traffic lights, I don't care, I just don't want to look down again, that's how it is when I don't see or hear you.
Dni, ktoré bez teba úplne že bezcenné a neviem, jak to povedať, že proste neviem žiť.
The days without you are completely worthless and I don't know how to say it, I just don't know how to live.
ťahá ma to za tebou, jak magnet, na to miesto, kde sme spolu predtým mali svoje sny.
It pulls me towards you like a magnet, to that place where we used to have our dreams together.
A ťažko sa mi dýcha, keď tu nejsi, moje srdce prebodáva čierny atrament, jak meč.
And it's hard to breathe when you're not here, my heart is pierced by black ink, like a sword.
ťahá ma to za tebou, jak magnet.
It pulls me towards you like a magnet.
Bojím sa len jednej veci, toho, keď si preč.
I'm only afraid of one thing, when you're gone.
Poznáš ten pocit, keď ťa vnútri niečo mega sere, nevieš to len tak chytiť, hodiť sucho za hlavu, hľadal si všetko, čo by slúžilo jak ekvivalent, problém je taký, že nevyrábajú náhradu.
You know that feeling when something is really bugging you inside, you can't just grab it and throw it over your shoulder? You looked for anything that could serve as an equivalent, the problem is, they don't make a replacement.
Nemal som v pláne to, že dneska budem abdikovať, život si vybral za mňa, akokoľvek držím plán.
I didn't plan on abdicating today, life made the choice for me, I'm still sticking to the plan though.
Hovoríš optimizmus?
Did you say optimism?
To vie byť silné slovo, hlavne, keď chodíš loviť šťastie kdesi z korálov.
That can be a strong word, especially when you're hunting for happiness somewhere among the corals.
Vidím ťa všade vôkol, kdekoľvek sa kedy pozriem, no neviem snívať, keď necítim dotyk od teba.
I see you everywhere around me, wherever I look, but I can't dream when I don't feel your touch.
No keď som dole, neni únik, neviem ani kričať, vidím ťa všade vôkol, kdekoľvek sa pozerám.
But when I'm down, there's no escape, I can't even scream, I see you everywhere around me, wherever I look.
Modlím sa, nech sme šťastní, nech kvety znova rastú, nech vonku neni zima vtedy, keď tu nejsi ty, modlím sa pre nás, nech nás obklopuje iba dobre, a všetky zlé veci posypme trebárs ihličím.
I pray that we'll be happy, that flowers will grow again, that it won't be cold outside when you're not here. I pray for us, that we'll be surrounded by only good things, and let's sprinkle all the bad things with pine needles, for example.
Dni, ktoré bez teba úplne že bezcenné a neviem, jak to povedať, že proste neviem žiť.
The days without you are completely worthless and I don't know how to say it, I just don't know how to live.
ťahá ma to za tebou, jak magnet, na to miesto, kde sme spolu predtým mali svoje sny.
It pulls me towards you like a magnet, to that place where we used to have our dreams together.
A ťažko sa mi dýcha, keď tu nejsi, moje srdce prebodáva čierny atrament, jak meč.
And it's hard to breathe when you're not here, my heart is pierced by black ink, like a sword.
ťahá ma to za tebou, jak magnet.
It pulls me towards you like a magnet.
Bojím sa len jednej veci, toho, keď si preč.
I'm only afraid of one thing, when you're gone.

Writer(s): Michael švehla, Milan Macko

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