Majself feat. Grizzly - Sirény - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Majself feat. Grizzly - Sirény

Hej, hej, hej, hej
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hej, hej, hej, hej,
Hey, hey, hey, hey,
Ulica za mnou, znovu zvoní mobil,
The street behind me, the phone rings again,
Neni tu nikto, kto by vyslobodil ma,
There's no one here to set me free,
Preč, niekam inam,
Away, somewhere else,
Preč, chcem ísť niekam inam, preč,
Away, I want to go somewhere else, away,
ľudia ako sochy,
people are like statues,
Stláčam červené tlačidlo,
I'm pressing the red button,
Páľte do piče, sorry.
Fuck off, sorry.
nechcem lásku, čo je falošná,
I don't want love that's fake anymore,
Vravím to nahlas, moji nie radi, hej.
I'm saying it out loud, my people aren't happy, hey.
Zaberá čas, pri tom je zbytočná,
It takes time, while it's unnecessary,
Vyjeb sa na mňa, prosím rýchlo odíď.
Fuck me, please leave quickly.
Nemám ten pocit, že som zaostal,
I don't have that feeling that I'm behind,
život nežijem, jak chcú to oni.
I don't live life the way they want me to.
Životu chytil pery, pobozkal,
I grabbed life by the lips, kissed it,
Pobozkal, oni si bozkávajú rite, sorry.
Kissed it, they kiss ass, sorry.
Fakt, fakt, idem het,
Really, really, I'm leaving,
Budujem všetko a budujem svet.
I'm building everything and I'm building the world.
Raz dva, únik ne,
One two, no escape anymore,
Diktujem tempo, jak udáva tep,
I dictate the pace, as my heartbeat dictates,
Nevracám sa naspäť k vám nasrať,
I'm not coming back to you, fuck you,
Nevracám sa späť.
I'm not coming back anymore.
Je to rýchle, a tak k tomu žiadne pásy v ruke,
It's fast, so no seat belts in hand,
Zvieram pravdu jak rap.
I hold the truth like rap.
Neberiem iné jak maximum,
I don't take anything but the maximum,
Ani jeden nemá na to vakcínu,
No one has a vaccine for it,
to dynamiku, stabilitu, akciu
It has dynamics, stability, action
A moju dušu lieči jak kalcium.
And heals my soul like calcium.
Tak, šlapem jak absinth v krvi,
So, I'm stepping like absinthe in my blood,
Chutím jak život,
I taste like life,
Počul som hlasy: "Stáť",
I heard voices: "Stop",
No dnes ticho.
But today they are silent.
Nezastaví ma ani jeden z vás,
None of you can stop me,
Prichádzam s pokorou a hlavu hore,
I come with humility and my head up,
Som presne taký, aký vyzerám,
I am exactly what I look like,
A nehrám s ľuďmi žiadne mŕtve role.
And I don't play any dead roles with people.
Sirény, sirény, sirény, počuješ ich,
Sirens, sirens, sirens, you hear them,
Sirény, sirény, sirény, keď prichádzame k vám,
Sirens, sirens, sirens, when we come to you,
Sirény, sirény, sirény, cítim to v krvi,
Sirens, sirens, sirens, I feel it in my blood,
Náš čas začal, zmena, sa valí len na vás.
Our time has begun, that change is rolling just for you.
Môžeš sa tváriť, že ma nepoznáš,
You can pretend you don't know me,
Neuprieš to, že počuť moje kroky,
You can't deny that you hear my footsteps,
Hej, stavám to po tehle a prekonám,
Hey, I'm building it brick by brick and I'll overcome,
Všetko lebo to berem ako schody.
Everything because I take it as steps.
Hovoríš o mne hovná, nevadí,
You talk shit about me, it doesn't matter,
Berem len to čo je pravda, dovi,
I only take what is true, bye,
Nemôžeš viniť ma, že vynikám,
You can't blame me for standing out,
Dám ti iný svoj, len odraz doby.
I'll give you a different me, just a reflection of the time.
Fakt, fakt, idem het,
Really, really, I'm leaving,
Budujem všetko a budujem svet.
I'm building everything and I'm building the world.
Raz dva, únik ne,
One two, no escape anymore,
Diktujem tempo, jak udáva tep,
I dictate the pace, as my heartbeat dictates,
Nevracám sa naspäť k vám nasrať,
I'm not coming back to you, fuck you,
Nevracám sa späť.
I'm not coming back anymore.
Je to rýchle, a tak k tomu žiadne pásy v ruke,
It's fast, so no seat belts in hand,
Zvieram pravdu jak rap.
I hold the truth like rap.
ne prvá, druhá, tretia liga,
No more first, second, third league,
Volím vlastný smer,
I choose my own direction,
Všetci čo so mnou od začiatku,
Everyone who's been with me from the beginning,
Stavám pre nás zver.
I'm building a beast for us.
Furt ten istý, furt som okej,
Always the same, always okay,
žiadne prázdno, mám sovj cieľ,
no emptiness, I have an owl's goal,
V noci čistý, iba????
Clean at night, just????
V Leviciach čipy ako s IBM.
Chips in Levice like with IBM.
Nezastaví ma ani jeden z vás,
None of you can stop me,
Prichádzam s pokorou a hlavu hore,
I come with humility and my head up,
Som presne taký, aký vyzerám,
I am exactly what I look like,
A nehrám s ľuďmi žiadne mŕtve role.
And I don't play any dead roles with people.
Sirény, sirény, sirény, počuješ ich,
Sirens, sirens, sirens, you hear them,
Sirény, sirény, sirény, keď prichádzame k vám,
Sirens, sirens, sirens, when we come to you,
Sirény, sirény, sirény, cítim to v krvi,
Sirens, sirens, sirens, I feel it in my blood,
Náš čas začal, zmena, sa valí len na vás.
Our time has begun, that change is rolling just for you.
Prežil som veci, čo prežijem všade,
I survived things I'll survive everywhere,
Preto sa nebojím toho, že padnem, dnes
That's why I'm not afraid of falling today
Viera zas pretečie krvou, jak potokom,
Faith will overflow with blood like a stream,
Po vode potečie preč,
It will flow away on the water,
Zoberiem do hlbín, utopím všetko, všetko, všetko,
I'll take everything, everything, everything to the depths, drown it,
Zoberiem preč.
I'll take it away.
Bez ohľadu na problémy, pôjdem vpred,
Regardless of the problems, I'll go forward,
Je to môj spôsob ako vnímam svet,
It's my way of perceiving the world,
Vnímam svet, vnímam svet.
I perceive the world, I perceive the world.
(Sirény, sirény)
(Sirens, sirens)

Writer(s): Michael švehla, Milan Macko

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